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The Greater Horn of Africa Initiative

Greater Horn of Africa Initiative graphic The Greater Horn of Africa Initiative is a U.S. foreign policy initiative launched in 1994 in order to address the recurring cycle of crisis, instability and famine in the Greater Horn of Africa region by improving food security and through the establishment of a system for conflict early warning, prevention and response.

Greater Horn of Africa (GHAI) Information

1999 Congressional Presentation on the Greater Horn of Africa Initiative

GHAI Strategic Plan FY 1998 - FY 2002  (Final Version - November 1997)

Greater Horn of Africa Initiative (GHAI)  - U.S. Government Interagency Framework

Breaking The Cycle Of Despair: President Clinton's Initiative On The Horn Of Africa
(November 1994)
(Archive file)

Other information

GHAI Practitioners Guide for Conflict Prevention and Mitigation
Hosted on the Conflict Prevention Web, the Guide is intended for policy-makers and practitioners at all levels, and represents a recently-assembled body of knowledge on the origins and life cycle of conflicts, an array of tools for conflict prevention and mitigation, and a set of strategies for applying those tools effectively.

USAID Famine Early Warning System
USAID's Famine Early Warning System is an information system designed to help decision makers prevent famine in Sub-Saharan Africa. FEWS specialists in the US and Africa assess remotely sensed data and ground-based meteorological, crop, and rangeland conditions for early indications of potential famine areas. Other factors affecting local food availability and access are also carefully evaluated to identify vulnerable population groups requiring assistance.

USGS Greater Horn of Africa pages
This site, produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) EROS Data Center (EDC), presents image maps, thematic maps, and statistics for regional analysis of natural resource and socioeconomic data providing a general overview of food security for the expanding population of the Greater Horn of Africa. This information is necessary to understand current and potential food deficits and surpluses, and to develop strategies to enhance food security.

The USGS - EDC also hosts the Africa Data Dissemination Service, containing a Greater Horn of Africa page with data, maps and images of GHA countries and the region.
