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Featured: October 13, 2008
Description: Link management script for building a Web indexing site, catalog of sites or simply link exchange with other sites. Features include: SEO friendly URLs, unlimited categories and subcategories, Smarty template driven system, e-mail templates, link validation, reciprocal linking and more.

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Computer Security Ethics and Privacy
Today, many people rely on computers to do homework, work, create, etc., so it's important to take special care with your data storage. This week you'll learn about how to protect your data and prevent intrusions.

Mitigating the WASC Web Security Threat Classification with Apache: Part 3
The Client-Side Attacks section focuses on the abuse or exploitation of a Web site's users. Topics covered are content spoofing, cross-site scripting, buffer overflow, denial of service attacks, and more. By Ryan C. Barnett.

Mitigating the WASC Web Security Threat Classification with Apache: Part 3
The Client-Side Attacks section focuses on the abuse or exploitation of a Web site's users. Topics covered are content spoofing, cross-site scripting, buffer overflow, denial of service attacks, and more. By Ryan C. Barnett.

Mitigating the WASC Web Security Threat Classification with Apache: Part 3
The Client-Side Attacks section focuses on the abuse or exploitation of a Web site's users. Topics covered are content spoofing, cross-site scripting, buffer overflow, denial of service attacks, and more. By Ryan C. Barnett.

Secure Programming with PHP
Ian Gilfillan's latest article shows us how to effectively secure PHP programs using software updates, register_globals, include files, magic quotes, validation and more!

Phishing Scams Increase 1,200% in 6 Months
Beware your email. In the last six months, the number of phishing email scams has increased 1,200 percent, putting end users and major companies at an even greater risk of theft and damage, according to a new study.

AntiOnline Spotlight: Gone Phishing
Best Buy, Symantec, Citibank, eBay... What do these companies have in common? Scammers are banking on their good name to trick users into coughing up valuable information. Protect yourself and your staff.

Department of Homeland Security Threat Advisory Level Retriever
This script pulls the current threat advisory level from the Department of Homeland Security's website and displays a graphic corresponding to the current threat level on your site.

Virus Attacks Reach 'Epidemic' Proportions
Wave after wave of new worm variants are pounding IT managers, as well as anti-virus vendors, threatening to overwhelm current security measures.

Blaster Type Virus Attack Called 'Imminent'
Experts say exploit code for 'critical' Windows ASN.1 flaw could lead to major network disruption. By Ryan Naraine

Halting MyDoom Is a Free Download Away
Anti-virus companies release free utilities that purge MyDoom from infected systems.

Configuring .NET Code Access Security
Code Access Security (CAS) is the .NET Framework security model that grants code permission to resources based on "evidence" pertaining to the encapsulating assembly. In this article, David Myers examines CAS and explains different configuration methods.

Oracle Label Security, Part 2: Implementation
Oracle Label Security (OLS) offers a powerful implementation of row-based security that is perfect for restricting user access to specific data, especially in a data mart or data warehousing environment. A previous article presented a brief overview of how these features work; this article presents how a reasonably skilled Oracle DBA can configure a database for OLS, install an OLS security policy, implement security for users, and impose row-level security for data.

Stopping Spam at the Gateway
Bandwidth-sapping spam is more than an annoyance; it's increasingly becoming a drain on the bottom line. Fortunately, administrators can fight back with technology that yields cleaner inboxes and fewer mail server meltdowns.

Brightmail Steps Up Fight Against Spam With Version 5.0 Release
Brightmail this week released the fifth generation of its popular Brightmail Anti-Spam software

Teaching Employees New Security Tricks
To help fend off spam, viruses, identity theft and corporate sabotage, IT managers need to train company employees to protect themselves and the corporate network. But with budget cuts and understaffed IT departments, it's just not getting done. And that's leaving IT managers with even more headaches.

Virus Alert: Worm Lowers Microsoft Office Security Settings
Antivirus vendor Sophos on Tuesday warned about a worm that sets a registry entry to reduce security levels for Microsoft Office.

Securing Your Web Server from Prying Eyes
If you get into the mind of potential hackers to your site, you soon realize that it would be a great benefit for them to know what operating system and web server you are running. This article, by Wayne Berry, will show you how to hide the identity of your web site by making some configuration changes to IIS and using URLScan or by installing an ISAPI filter. The code for the ISAPI filter is included.

Application Security Toughens Microsoft SQL Server
DbEncrypt provides an additional level of security to corporate databases.

Reporting Options for Analysis Services Cubes: MS FrontPage 2002
Create reports directly from an OLAP cube with an Office PivotTable List: In this tutorial, we will design and build a PivotTable List within Microsoft FrontPage 2002, and focus upon "natural" PivotTable List strengths, including made-for-web robustness and control over user capabilities.

Sun, Partners Develop Security Appliances
Sun and its partners introduce a line of security appliances to tackle spam, viruses and hackers.

PDA Security 101
Corporate information technology users are increasingly relying on PDAs to check e-mail, surf the Web, and a variety of other tasks. What should organizations do to make keep their PDA users safe from the threats of the Internet?

Anti-Spam Directory
ISP-Planet's anti-spam directory offers you a quick overview of the promising but challenging variety of spam solutions on the market. Check back frequently because new solutions are appearing every day.

The Symantec View
In this exclusive CIN interview, Symantec CTO Rob Clyde talks about best practices for securing cyberspace and why we're seeing an increasing number of computer viruses.

Apache: The Definitive Guide, Chapter 5: Authentication, Pt. 3
A halfway house between complete encryption and none at all is digest authentication. Here, one-way hash, or digest, is sent, rather than sending the lightly encoded password, as is done in basic authentication. This is the conclusion of our series of excerpts from Chapter 5 of the O'Reilly title, Apache: The Definitive Guide.

ScanAlert Hacker Safe Shopping
Can a security logo make a difference? When it comes to online shopping, some recent data suggests that it can.

Q&A -Firewalls vs. Proxy Servers
Do you think that a firewall and a proxy server are one and the same? You're not alone. In this week's Q&A, Ron Pacchiano discusses the similarities and differences between firewalls and proxies. Ron also introduces a site that helps you measure the bandwidth of your cable or DSL connection.

Stomping Out Spam: The Spam Series, Part 1
The onslaught of spam is spawning a growing spate of solutions. Join Jacqueline Emigh as she delves into the issue of how spam proliferates so quickly, and why it's driving administrators to deploy anti-spam products in droves.

Simple Safeguards To Keep Your Small Business Network Secure
Just because you operate a small business doesn't mean that you can hide from hackers.

Examining the Black Hole
Members of the ISP-Webhosting list discuss the ever-thorny problem of blocking spam and dispute--mostly politely--the relative merits of the various solutions.

All About Passwords
Neil Boyle explains the mechanisms SQL Server uses to secure itself from unauthorized access, and discusses best practice for selecting and administering passwords.

Encryption/Decryption Tool
The Encoder and Decoder applets pass a string to and from an HTML FORM field. Typically this is a textarea form field, text, or hidden form field. Once the string is passed it can be handled routinely with the form data, such as with a Perl call to the $ENV variable.

htaccess Login with URL Hex Encryption
This is an embedded .htaccess login box script with URL Hex Encryption to hide the user's password in the address bar from prying eyes. Truly secure!

IBuySpy Store, Part II: JScript Components
Spies might not need to understand how JScript .NET components work in an online store; but you do if you plan on being a spy merchant. Doc's IBuySpy tour continues with a look at the individual components of the store and how they interact with one another. By Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran.

Spam Solutions II
Inundated with spam? Can't separate the wheat from the chaff? Here are some tips and software to help you reduce the deluge. By Andy King.

This file is made to encrypt the source code so that it cannot be edited. Best of all, an unencryptor is also included. Never again will Internet "pirates" steal your scripts!

E-Mail Filter For Parents And Individuals
Targeted specifically to parents, home individuals, or small work groups, MiserMail claims the ability to remove up to 99% of spam and porno from your inbox.

Hardware Device Offers VPN Connectivity For Up To 500
Built on the vendor's acquired TimeStep technology, Alcatel's new 200 series of security appliances will provide organizations with site-to-site and client-to-site IPSec compatible VPN connectivity.

Standardizing Information Systems Security Across The Globe
Confidence and trust are essential ingredients to the success and growth of e-commerce. Mark Merkow takes a look at ISO 17799, the internationally recognized information security standard, and its recommendations for developing organizational security standards and effective security management practice.

Internet and Copyright Law
The need for copyright protection has long been apparent. As the Internet has became more prevalent, the need for copyright protection there has also become a necessity.

Scan Your Network Just Like The Hackers Do
This free utility from GFI examines your network in the same manner that a potential intruder would; noting and reporting open ports, shared resources, and running services on each machine identified.

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