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Is .NET on Linux Finally Ready?    October 6, 2008
Red Hat Takes on HPC Market, Microsoft    October 3, 2008
Python's New Release Bridges the Gap    October 3, 2008
No Flash Seen on iPhone Horizon    October 2, 2008
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C++/CLI: Managed Development with C++
By Nick Wienholt - Published 10/06/2008
Replacing the cumbersome and confusing Managed Extensions for C++ that shipped with Visual C++ 2002 and 2003, C++/CLI is a standardized set of C++ language extensions that allows developers to write managed code that executes on top of the .NET Framework.

.NET Tip: Using a Nullable Value Type
By Jay Miller - Published 10/03/2008
Discover how to use nullable types when retrieving data from your database.

Deploying and Configuring SQL Server Integration Services Packages Without the Wizard
By Dee Quang - Published 10/02/2008
Ever get confused by or dislike using the SQL Server Integration Services deployment wizard? Learn how to manually deploy the packages to SQL Server 2005 and configure the packages in a multitude of ways as well.

Improving Portal Page Load Performance
By Scott Nelson - Published 10/01/2008
Portals provide users with access to more applications from a single point of entry, but if it takes too long to get in,, they will go elsewhere. Learn specific techniques to improve page load time and track down what is slowing your pages down.

Handling that Pesky Windows ControlBox
By Paul Kimmel - Published 09/30/2008
Some things that seem hard are actually quite easy, and some things that seem easy take a little work, like that little [X] on a Windows Form, the ControlBox. Learn how to know just when that little bugger is pressed.

Getting Up and Running with the Composite UI Application Block for WPF
By Jani Järvinen - Published 09/29/2008
Discover how to build complex Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications with reusability and componentized design in mind by using ready-made patterns.

NEW and IMPROVED: A Lesson in Change Management and Project Management
By Michelle LaBrosse - Published 09/26/2008
What is the most effective way to introduce change within a department or organization?

Introducing a Lightweight UI Toolkit: Shake Your User Interface
By Ibon Urrutia - Published 09/25/2008
Flash Lite developers aren't the only ones who can make animated user interfaces easily; Java ME developers also can benefit with the aid of the Lightweight UI Toolkit. Shake your Forms, baby!

Creating a Most Recents Menu Item with the MenuStrip
By Paul Kimmel - Published 09/24/2008
The MenuStrip and ToolStripMenuItem are a little harder to use than the Menu from earlier versions of VB. Walk through exercises using the MenuStrip, ToolStrip, and the Command behavior pattern to encapsulate a Recents menu for your applications that operate on files.

Math for Java Game Programmers, Our First 3D Game Program
By Richard G. Baldwin - Published 09/23/2008
Learn how to write your first interactive 3D game using the game-math library. You will also see how to write a Java program that simulates flocking behavior such as that exhibited by birds and fish and how to incorporate that behavior in a game.

Newest Videos

REST Support in WCF
By Dan Rigsby - Published 09/25/2008
Adding REST support to your Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications has become very easy. Discover how to add it to both your forms-based and your web-based solutions.

Understanding REST
By Dan Rigsby - Published 09/11/2008
With the importance of Web Services, REST has become a critical topic to understand.

Dates & Times in .NET 3.5
By Dan Rigsby - Published 08/27/2008
.NET 3.5 added additional features for working with dates and times. Such features make globalization or working across various time zones much easier.

Simple WCF Services
By Dan Rigsby - Published 08/13/2008
After reviewing the basics of services, see how to create a simple service using Microsoft's Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

(More Videos)

Highlighted Tutorials
Working with Images in Google's Android
By Chunyen Liu -
Google's new mobile platform, Android, has become increasingly popular among developers even without hardware available on the market yet. Discover where to get the right software APIs and documentation as well as what technologies are supported. Then, you will focus on the technologies for images by working through an example.

Capacity and Disaster Recovery Planning for an Internet Connection that Can Become Unsatisfactory
By Marcia Gulesian -
Writing great code for connecting a front-end application to a remote web server resource is one thing. But, guaranteeing a satisfactory experience for the users of this connection is another.

Portal Federation with WebLogic Portal WRSP: Advanced Techniques
By Scott Nelson -
Learn how to share entire pages and books between portals and then how to use data input from one remote portlet in another remote portlet.

Working With Design Patterns: Interpreter
By Jeff Langr -
Many of the design patterns lead a double life—the structure of some patterns are exactly alike, but the intent differs. An interpreter is a composite whose purpose is to support interpretation of a simple grammar.

Jython Reborn
By Chris McAvoy -
Jython is back! With recent investment from Sun Microsystems, Jython is poised to take the JVM by storm. Create apps with the agility of Python and the speed of Java with Jython.

Python Tutorial Index Page
By Richard G. Baldwin -
Want to learn a new programming language and looking into Open Source for an option? Python may suit your needs.

Ten of the Biggest Mistakes Developers Make With Databases
By Mike Gunderloy -
You are probably still pumping data in and out of a database, just as we all did a decade or more ago. That makes it all the more surprising that mistakes are still being made that date back to the good old days of Windows 95 and before.

The 4C Architecture Blueprinting Process
By Jeff Ryan -
City plans and zoning boards. Building codes and inspectors. These concepts are quite familiar in the field of urban planning. Do they really apply to enterprise architecture? Read on to learn about creating your own city plan using the 4C architecture blueprinting process.

Roles Within The Development Community
By Robert Bogue -
This series of articles will help you understand where various positions and skill sets fit within the development industry. Each article describes a specific role, defines the skills that position uses, and outlines what to expect from the position: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Object-Oriented Thought Process Index Page
By Matt Weisfeld -
If you want more detailed information on object-orientated development this is a great please to start.

New on Codeguru
Customizable Alert Window
Published 09/25/2008
By Marius Bancila - Observe the use of a small framework for building alert windows that can be customized in various styles.

Deadlock: the Problem and a Solution
Published 09/18/2008
By Anthony Williams - Deadlocks can certainly put a damper on your day. Learn the ways to circumvent a deadlock in your systems.

Using ASP.NET Master Pages for Consistent Site Design
Published 09/17/2008
By Jacob J. Sanford - Wrox author Jacob J. Sanford walks through the essentials of creating ASP.NET master pages to consistently format the design of your pages around your different dynamic content placeholders.

Creating a Pretty IE Toolbar in C#
Published 09/11/2008
By Anton Zlobin - Learn about the work principles and ways and use of IEToolbarEngine. This is a toolbar for Internet Explorer, which has a reusable architecture.

Provocative Search Engine Friendly URLs in ASP.NET
Published 09/09/2008
By Cristian Darie and Jaimie Sirovich - Authors Cristian Darie and Jaimie Sirovich show how to turn ugly dynamic ASP.NET URLs into human and search engine-friendly URLs that may improve your search engine ranking.

DevX Headlines
eCryptfs: Single-File Encryption in Linux
CCXML in Action: A CCXML Auto Attendant
Ballmer: Current Woes Won't Halt Tech, Microsoft
Microsoft Uses VMworld to Hype Its Hypervisor
Microsoft Charges Ahead in Virtualization

Latest Forum Thread
     Developer Forum
Topic By Replies Updated
Boost in explanation kendel 3 10-6-2008 10:37 AM
Newb: What is the practical purpose of XML? meshman 0 10-6-2008 10:36 AM
Template problems while porting to VC8. ramisetti 1 10-6-2008 10:34 AM
Problem a pointer overwrites half my program sspoke 8 10-6-2008 10:28 AM
Resizing Dialog Box.. techie.ashish 16 10-6-2008 10:28 AM

Latest Forum Thread
     Developer Forum
Topic By Replies Updated
Algorithm or BAD RAM? JamesSchumacher 56 10-3-2008 09:35 PM
whats wrong in this: maa105 44 10-6-2008 06:09 AM
Compling errors fuzzylr 42 10-6-2008 08:29 AM
[RESOLVED] Copy backup Msm 41 10-6-2008 05:09 AM
MFC problem, nobody encounter this before!!?? mce 37 10-3-2008 03:19 PM

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IBM Whitepaper: Innovative Collaboration to Advance Your Business eBook: Real Life Rails
Avaya Article: Call Control XML - Powerful, Standards-Based Call Control eBook: The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing
Go Parallel Article: Scalable Parallelism with Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks eBook: Best Practices for Developing a Web Site
IBM CXO Whitepaper: The 2008 Global CEO Study "The Enterprise of the Future"
Avaya Article: Call Control XML in Action - A CCXML Auto Attendant
Go Parallel Article: James Reinders on the Intel Parallel Studio Beta Program
IBM CXO Whitepaper: Unlocking the DNA of the Adaptable Workforce--The Global Human Capital Study 2008
Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro: Web Conferencing and eLearning Whitepapers
Go Parallel Article: Getting Started with TBB on Windows
HP eBook: Storage Networking , Part 1
Go Parallel Video: Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks: A New Method for Threading in C++
HP Video: Is Your Data Center Ready for a Real World Disaster?
Microsoft Partner Portal Video: Microsoft Gold Certified Partners Build Successful Practices
HP On Demand Webcast: Virtualization in Action
Go Parallel Video: Performance and Threading Tools for Game Developers
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HP Disaster-Proof Solutions eSeminar
HP On Demand Webcast: Discover the Benefits of Virtualization
Downloads and eKits
Microsoft Download: Silverlight 2 Software Development Kit Beta 2
30-Day Trial: SPAMfighter Exchange Module
Red Gate Download: SQL Toolbelt
Iron Speed Designer Application Generator
Microsoft Download: Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Runtime
Tutorials and Demos
IBM IT Innovation Article: Green Servers Provide a Competitive Advantage
Microsoft Article: Expression Web 2 for PHP Developers--Simplify Your PHP Applications
Featured Algorithm: Intel Threading Building Blocks - parallel_reduce