Applicant Information

FY 2005 Program Competition

The Department will not run a competition in FY 2005. Instead the Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education announced in the link to follow how FY 2005 funds will be expended:

Note to Potential Applicants: The Department published final regulations (effective July 6, 2004) that implement Executive branch policy that, within the framework of constitutional church-state guidelines, religiously affiliated (or "faith-based") organizations should be able to compete on an equal footing with other organizations for funding by the U.S. Department of Education. The regulations are found at .

FY 2004 Program Competition

The Community Technology Centers (CTC) program ran one combined competition for both novice and non-novice applicants from April 16, 2004 through June 1, 2004. For this competition, approximately $9.4 million were available in funds (at least $7.1 million for non-novice applicants, and up to $2.3 million for novice applicants).

See the FY 2004 Grantees [downloadable files] MS WORD (31K)

See Transcript of FY 2004 Bidders' Conference [downloadable files] MS WORD (184K)

Definition of a Novice Applicant:
A novice applicant is defined as one who has: (i) never received a grant or a subgrant under the Community Technology Centers program; (ii) never been a member of a group application, submitted in accordance with 34 CFR 75.127-75.129, that received a grant under the Community Technology Centers program; and (iii) not had an active discretionary grant from the Federal government in the five (5) years before the deadline date of receiving applications.

For more information, please refer to the Notices and the application package below:

FY 2003 Competitions Information

FY 1999-2002 CTC Grants Information

Last Modified: 08/13/2007