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Domestic Violence

Diseases & Conditions Results: 1-37 of 37 Web Pages
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Administration for Children and Families and Domestic Violence

About the Administration for Children and Families' (ACF) responsibilities and activities regarding domestic violence. The article cites domestic violence as the leading cause of injury to women in t... Details >

Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

American Indian and Alaska Native Women's Health: Violence Against Native Women

Physical and sexual violence against women is a public health problem of epidemic proportions. More than 3 million U.S. women are known to be battered by their former or current partners annually. Inc... Details >

Indian Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Battered Immigrant Women  External Link

This article discusses the plight of immigrant women in violent relationships and the objectives of the Family Violence Prevention Fund's (FVPF) Battered Immigrant Women's Rights Project, founded in 1... Details >

Family Violence Prevention Fund  External Link

Dating and Domestic Violence  External Link

Dating and domestic violence occurs in all socio-economic, educational, racial, and age groups and is defined as, any act, attempt or threat of force by a family member or intimate partner against ano... Details >

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network  External Link

Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing Outreach - National Domestic Violence Hotline  External Link

The Hotline strives to educate the public about the need for Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing abuse outreach programs. The toll-free TTY number, 1-800-787-3224, assist individuals with programs an... Details >

National Domestic Violence Hotline  External Link

Directories of Asian and Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Agencies and Programs  External Link

The Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence has compiled a directory of Asian and Pacific Islander domestic violence agencies and programs in the U.S. ... Details >

Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence  External Link

Domestic Violence  External Link

This page provides basic information about domestic violence, discusses statistics and risk factors, and reviews intervention approaches and literature resources. The page also links to relevant websi... Details >

National Center for Children Exposed to Violence  External Link

Domestic Violence - Child Abuse   External Link

Also available in: Chinese-Simplified  Chinese-Traditional   External Link

Child abuse is defined as any behaviors that do harm to the physical and psychological development of a child.... Details >

Men's Health Network  External Link

Domestic Violence Coalitions of States and Territories

A current online listing of domestic violence offices by state. Includes mailing address and phone numbers.... Details >

U.S. Department of Justice

Domestic Violence Fact Sheet  External Link

This fact sheet presents a general overview of domestic violence and domestic violence victims and information about the role of emergency physicians in a domestic violence.... Details >

American College of Emergency Physicians  External Link

Domestic Violence Hurts the Whole Family  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Domestic violence, which affects women of all ages and from all countries, is a type of abuse that takes many different forms.... Details >

Healthy Roads Media   External Link

Domestic Violence Hurts the Whole Family (Online Audio)  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Domestic violence, which affects women of all ages and from all countries, is a type of abuse that takes many different forms.... Details >

Healthy Roads Media   External Link

Domestic Violence Hurts the Whole Family (Online Video)  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Domestic violence, which affects women of all ages and from all countries, is a type of abuse that takes many different forms.... Details >

Healthy Roads Media   External Link

Domestic Violence Links - Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community  External Link

This page provides various links related to Domestic Violence in general.... Details >

Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community  External Link

Domestic Violence Protocol

American Indian women are victimized by intimate partners at a higher rate than other demographic groups... Details >

Administration for Native Americans, Administration for Children and Families/HHS

Domestic Violence Specific to Asian and Pacific Islander Women  External Link

Domestic violence in Asian and Pacific Islander communities has some different patterns, forms and dynamics of abuse.... Details >

Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence  External Link

Domestic Violence: Definition, Overview and More  External Link

This document presents information about domestic violence, including a definition and an overview. The document discusses dynamics of domestic violence, reactions of domestic violence victims, and pe... Details >

National Center for Victims of Crime  External Link

FAQ’s - Domestic Violence  External Link

This page provides the most commonly asked questions about domestic violence.... Details >

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence  External Link

Healthy Marriage Initiative

the Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative (NAHMI) promotes culturally competent strategies to strengthen Native American families and communities by fostering healthy marriages, responsible fath... Details >

Administration for Native Americans, Administration for Children and Families/HHS

Intimate Partner Violence

This fact sheet provides background and statistics on intimate partner violence and its incidence/prevalence, risk and protective factors, and intervention/prevention.... Details >

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Intimate Partner Violence: Links

This page provides links to intimate partner violence resources related to domestic violence, sexual violence, and incest. Resources include nonprofit organizations, resource centers, and toll-free he... Details >

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

My Personal Safety Plan  External Link

Although one cannot control an abuser's violence, one has a choice about how to respond and how to get to safety. This plan provides victims of domestic violence with steps to increase their safety an... Details >

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence  External Link

National Domestic Violence Hotline  External Link

The hotline offers crisis intervention, safety planning, information about domestic violence and referrals to local service providers. It also offers a direct connection to domestic violence resources... Details >

National Domestic Violence Hotline  External Link

Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative Fast Facts

This brochure provides a brief description of the Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative (NAHMI) including goals, targeted strategy, funding opportunities, and training and technical assistance r... Details >

Administration for Native Americans, Administration for Children and Families/HHS

Personal Safety Plan (Violence)  External Link

Safety tips for women who are either living with or away from an abusive partner. These women are reminded that they may be unable to stop their partner's abuse, but they can find help and support.... Details >

Family Violence Prevention Fund  External Link

Protecting Your Identity  External Link

Identity theft is rampant in the United States. Survivors of domestic violence must take extra precautions to protect themselves from abusers who use identity as a means of power and control. This bro... Details >

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence  External Link

Sexual Assault  External Link

This publication discusses sexual assault, including types and what to do if you have been sexually assaulted.... Details >

Center for the Pacific Asian Family   External Link

Sexual Violence: Links

This page provides links to sexual violence resources related to rape, incest, and domestic violence. Resources include nonprofit organizations, resource centers, and toll-free helplines that offer in... Details >

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Signs to Look for in a Battering Personality  External Link

This site provides a list of behaviors that are seen in people who physically abuse another person.... Details >

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence  External Link

State Coalition List (Domestic Violence)  External Link

This page provides a list of state Coalition Against Domestic Violence organizations with contact information.... Details >

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence  External Link

Translations of Services - Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence  External Link

This site presents an initiative of the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence, the ASAP program offers services in several Asian languages, such as 24 hour confidential, multilingual hotline 90 d... Details >

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence  External Link

Trauma of Victimization   External Link

The trauma of victimization is a direct reaction to the aftermath of crime. When victims do not receive the appropriate support and intervention in the aftermath of the crime, they suffer "secondary"... Details >

National Center for Victims of Crime  External Link

Violence Against Women - National Women's Health Information Center(NWHIC)

This web site offers information and resources to women concerning domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse. Users can link to publications on violence for consume... Details >

National Women's Health Information Center, Office on Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Violence Against Women Information for American Indian/Alaska Native Women

This brief fact sheets outlines the effects of violence against minority women.... Details >

National Women's Health Information Center, Office on Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

What is Domestic Violence?  External Link

This fact sheet is a backgrounder on domestic violence, a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. The fact sheet discusses ... Details >

National Domestic Violence Hotline  External Link

Wife / Husband Abuse  External Link

Also available in: Chinese-Simplified  Chinese-Traditional   External Link

Wife / husband abuse is the deliberate act of causing physical or mental suffering on the spouse.... Details >

Educational Institution--Follow the Resource URL for More Information

Workplace Safety Plan  External Link

Safety tips for women who are threatened with harm by an abusive partner. These women are reminded that they may be unable to stop their partner's abuse, but they can find help and support.... Details >

Family Violence Prevention Fund  External Link