The NIH Apoptosis Interest Group (AIG)

The NIH Apoptosis Interest Group (AIG) meets once a month on a Monday afternoon at 4 pm in Building 30, Conference Room 117, to exchange ideas, frustrations, techniques and protocols on research involving apoptosis or programmed cell death. Currently, there are more than 75 individuals at NIH and in the Washington-Baltimore-Frederick region directly or indirectly involved in the study of apoptosis in specific cell, tissue, and organ systems. The collective knowledge of these individuals represents a tremendous resource. To further expand this expertise base, the AIG also sponsors occasional outside speakers. Meetings typically consist of presentations by two members followed by informal discussions and refreshments. The date of the next meeting will be posted on the AIG email distribution list (AIG-L) (see below), on the DCRT NIH Bulletin Board (listed as AIG) and in the NIH Calendar of Events.

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Send this one line message to LISTSERV@LIST.NIH.GOV

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Return to the NIH Cell Biology Interest Group
Last update on July 28, 1995.
For more information, call Dennis Mangan at (301) 594-2421, Pierre Henkart at (301) 496-1554, or Huber Warner at (301) 496-6402.