Welcome to NSP's new home on the web!

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ACRE? SURE? What's happening with the Farm Bill implementation process? Read about it here.

Find out about upcoming sorghum events! Visit the new National Sorghum Producers Calendar.

Find out about the benefits of planting grain sorghum for the first time.

Sorghum Midge has been spotted in north Texas and is moving north from there. Find out more about Sorghum Midge and suggested insecticides.

We have posted new information about our Quality Forage program.

This week in Sorghum Buzz, you'll find recaps on the International Conference on Sorghum for Biofuel as well as a story about Kansas State University's herbicide-resistant sorghum project.

The new National Sorghum Producers Board of Directors met recently in Corpus Christi, Texas. The board was given an update on the national sorghum checkoff and brought up to speed on the mission and direction of National Sorghum Producers.