U.S. Census Bureau

Census 2000 Tabulation Entity Counts of Voting Districts,
State Legislative Districts, School Districts,
Traffic Analysis Zones, and ZCTAs TM

States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas

Several abbreviations or accronyms are used in this table. The geographic entities referenced by these terms are:

VTDs: voting districts
SLDUs: state legislative districts upper chamber
SLDLs: state legislative districts lower chamber
TAZs: traffic analysis zones
Elemen. School District: elementary school districts
Second. School District: secondary school districts
ZCTA3: ZIP Code tabulation area, 3-digit
ZCTA5: ZIP Code tabulation area, 5-digit

For information about these geographic entities, refer to Geograpic Terms and Concepts  PDF document

State Name VTDs SLDUs SLDLs TAZs Elemen.
01Alabama 1,987 35 105 3,416 0 0 131 32 625
02Alaska 467 20 40 532 0 0 53 10 241
04Arizona 1,330 30 30 2,195 65 17 140 12 364
05Arkansas 2,805 NANA 1,732 0 0 310 23 595
06California NA NANA 10,434 571 92 326 79 1,678
08Colorado 2,980 35 65 3,929 0 0 176 18 616
09Connecticut 834 37 152 2,030 46 8 113 10 266
10Delaware 400 22 42 0 0 0 16 3 65
11District of Columbia 8 NANA 458 0 0 1 2 26
12Florida NA NANA 12,738 0 0 67 45 927
13Georgia 2,733 56 180 4,380 0 0 183 29 707
15Hawaii 341 NANA 0 7 43 1 3 89
16Idaho 880 35 35 596 0 0 113 16 276
17Illinois 11,488 60 119 9,432 385 103 409 27 1,348
18Indiana 5,034 50 100 4,597 1 0 295 18 762
19Iowa 2,885 50 100 2,201 0 0 376 23 949
20Kansas 3,730 40 125 1,425 0 0 304 29 692
21Kentucky NANANA 5,871 0 0 179 33 766
22Louisiana 3,521 40 106 2,752 0 0 66 24 518
23Maine 287 NANA 1,504 25 8 265 16 399
24Maryland 1,691 NANA 3,719 0 0 24 14 452
25Massachusetts 2,108 41 161 558 74 20 209 18 501
26Michigan 5,366 38 110 6,438 31 0 525 24 963
27Minnesota 4,094 NANA 2,317 0 0 349 24 868
28Mississippi 2,089 52 122 3,404 0 0 149 22 425
29Missouri 3,960 34 163 2,409 73 0 450 24 1,016
30Montana NANANA 0 291 110 56 15 349
31Nebraska 1,888 49 0 1,675 308 18 266 12 578
32Nevada 1,291 16 42 1,618 0 0 17 11 147
33New Hampshire 86 25 NA 1,132 89 9 78 11 227
34New Jersey 6,138 41 41 1,411 292 48 235 22 582
35New Mexico 1,346 42 70 1,183 0 0 89 14 352
36New York 13,374 61 150 4,126 43 3 676 58 1,619
37North Carolina 2,648 42 98 8,167 0 0 120 26 783
38North Dakota NA 49 49 549 45 0 185 10 382
39Ohio NA 33 99 7,448 0 0 614 29 1,160
40Oklahoma 2,108 48 101 1,620 114 0 431 24 656
41Oregon NA 30 60 548 10 1 188 19 409
42Pennsylvania 9,407 50 204 4,895 0 0 502 54 1,722
44Rhode Island 568 51 101 690 5 1 31 2 70
45South Carolina 2,173 46 124 5,175 2 2 87 17 407
46South Dakota 979 35 35 581 0 0 176 9 381
47Tennessee 2,407 33 99 1,692 17 17 121 22 612
48Texas 8,284 NANA 17,674 17 0 1,024 72 1,866
49Utah 1,829 29 75 1,358 0 0 40 13 278
50Vermont 38 13 109 157 177 25 57 7 254
51Virginia 2,169 40 100 4,688 1 0 137 32 886
53Washington 7,475 49 49 3,061 6 0 291 24 563
54West Virginia 1,909 16 56 1,969 0 0 56 29 735
55Wisconsin NA 33 99 6,001 47 10 371 24 768
56Wyoming 470 30 60 262 0 0 49 13 169
Total United States 127,605 1,536 3,576 166,747 2,742 535 11,127 1,135 31,913
60American Samoa NANANA 0 0 0 1 0 0
66Guam NANANA 0 0 0 1 0 0
69Northern Mariana Islands NANANA 0 0 0 1 0 0
72Puerto Rico 1,714 NANA 0 0 0 1 5 125
74Midway Islands NANANA 0 0 0 2 0 0
78Virgin Islands of the United States NANANA 0 0 0 1 0 0
Total United States,
Puerto Rico, and Island Areas
129,319 1,536 3,576 166,747 2,742 535 11,134 1,140 32,038


Some states did not participate in Phase 2 (the Voting District Project) of the Census 2000 Redistricting Data Program or did not submit VTD boundaries or codes. An "NA" appears in the VTD column in these states. The tallies for the number of VTDs include VTD code "ZZZZZZ"; this code identifies areas in the state where no VTDs were defined, such as bodies of water. The VTD total for Arizona includes VTDs for only eight counties; seven counties in Arizona did not submit VTDs to the Census Bureau.

Some states did not participate in Phase 2 (the Voting District Project) of the Census 2000 Redistricting Data Program or did not submit state legislative district (SLD) boundaries or codes. An "NA" appears in the SLDU or SLDL columns in these states. The tallies for the number of SLDs include SLD code "ZZZ"; this code identifies areas in the state where no SLDs were defined, such as bodies of water. Nebraska has a "0" total for SLDLs because it has a unicameral legislature.

In Hawaii, the elementary and secondary school district counts include high school service areas (recorded as secondary school districts) and groupings of these areas into administrative districts (recorded as elementary school districts). Community school districts are recorded as elementary school districts in New York city. In Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Tennessee, some unified school districts also serve as secondary school districts in areas where there are elementary school districts. In these situations the Census Bureau could not use the same school district code to identify school districts serving different grade ranges and assigned two separate codes; a unified school district code and a separate "false" secondary school district code. The school district counts in Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Tennessee include these false school district codes.

Some states did not participate in the Census 2000 TAZ program. An "NA" appears in the TAZ column in these states. The tallies for the number of TAZs include TAZ code "ZZZZZZ"; this code identifies areas in the state where no TAZs were defined. Some states did not submit TAZ boundaries or codes for all counties.

ZCTAs can cross state boundaries. Thus, summing the total number of 3-digit or 5-digit ZCTAs by state will result in a total higher than the number of ZCTAs within the United States or the United States and Puerto Rico. The total counts in this table reflect the actual number of ZCTAs.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division
Created: April 16, 2002
Last Revised: Tuesday, 23-Aug-2005 17:13:56 EDT