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Reference GSA Privacy Act System of Records Notices

GSA Privacy Act Officer

The Privacy Act requires federal agencies to publish a notice in the Federal Register for each system of records that an agency maintains. A system of records contains information that is retrieved by an individual's name or other unique identifier. The notice ensures that privacy considerations have been addressed in implementing the system. 

GSA issues two types of notices, for internal GSA systems of records and for systems of records maintained by other agencies for which GSA has program responsibility. 


All GSA systems are reviewed annually.  Those systems that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) are reviewed to ensure they are relevant, necessary, accurate, up-to-date, and covered by the appropriate legal or regulatory authority.  A listing of GSA Privacy Act Notices is below.

Privacy Act Notices for GSA Systems of Records

Recently updated notices

System Title

System ID

Child Care Subsidy  GSA/ChildCare-1
Personal Property Sales Program  (SASy) (GSA Auctions) GSA/FSS-13
Contracted Travel Services Program (E-TRAVEL) GSA/GOVT-4
Records of Defunct Agencies GSA/OEA-1
Disbursement and Accounts Payable Files GSA/PPFM-1
Purchase Card Program GSA/PPFM-10
Travel System GSA/PPFM-3
Employee Credit Reports GSA/PPFM-6
Credit Data on Individual Debtors GSA/PPFM-7
Comprehensive Human Resources Integrated System (CHRIS) GSA/PPFM-8
Payroll Accounting and Reporting System (PAR) System GSA/PPFM-9
Regional Administrators' Official Correspondence Files GSA/REGADM-4
Transportation Benefits Records  GSA/Transit-1
Privacy Act Notices for GSA Systems of Records

Existing Notices

System Name

System ID

Investigation Case Files GSA/ADM-24
Internal Evaluation Case Files GSA/ADM-25
Security Files (HSPD-12 System) GSA/HRO-37
GSA Smart Card Program  (HSPD-12) GSA/CIO-1
Emergency  Management  Records GSA/HRO-9
Acquisition Career Management Information System (ACMIS)  GSA/OAP-2
Federal Procurement Data System -- Next Generation (FPDS-NG) GSA/OAP-3
FEDBIZOPPS (Federal Business Opportunities) GSA/OAP-4
FAI Online University (FAI-ONLINE) GSA/OAP-5
System for Tracking and Administering Real-property (STAR) GSA/PBS-4



Electronic Acquisition System (EAS)


Employee Related Files GSA/Agency-1
Standards of Conduct Files GSA/HRO-1
Employee Drug Abuse/Alcoholism Files GSA/HRO-2
Occupational Health and Injury Files GSA/HRO-3
Labor-Management Relations Files GSA/HRO-4
Employee Benefits Files GSA/HRO-5
Grievance Records GSA/HRO-10
Pegasys GSA/PPFM-11


GSA Privacy Act Notices for Governmentwide Systems of Records

System Name

System ID

Employment Under Commercial Activities Contracts GSA/GOVT-2
Travel Charge Card Program GSA/GOVT-3
Access Certificates for Electronic Services (ACES) GSA/GOVT-5
GSA SmartPay Purchase Charge Card Program GSA/GOVT-6
Federal Personal Identity Verification Identity Management  System (PIV IDMS) GSA/GOVT-7

Excluded Parties List System

Other System of Records Notices
The following GSA system is covered by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Government-wide Privacy Act notice, Recruiting, Examining, and Placement Records.

System Name

System ID