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Two workers affected by chemical fumes

Contact: Kathy Delucas, duke@lanl.gov, (505) 667-5225 (04-164)

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., August 10, 2005 — Two Los Alamos National Laboratory employees recently inhaled fumes from a corrosive chemical, resulting in the hospitalization of one employee.

Laboratory management did not learn of the incident, which apparently occurred in early June, until Aug. 3. The incident is under investigation and one Laboratory employee has been placed on leave pending outcome of the investigation.

The two Laboratory workers were mixing concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids to form a highly corrosive, fuming liquid called Aqua Regia -- Latin for "royal water" -- which is used in etching and certain analytic procedures. Because Aqua Regia does not last very long, it must be mixed immediately before use.

The two postdoc employees were conducting lab work with the mixture when they inhaled fumes. One employee experienced temporary shortness of breath and no other symptoms. The other employee experienced prolonged respiratory symptoms and was hospitalized for six days in July. Doctors preliminarily concluded that the chemical exposure likely contributed to the employee's condition.

Laboratory officials were informed of the chemical exposure only after the employee returned from the hospital in July and informed Laboratory medical staff. As soon as Laboratory management was informed, Laboratory health experts responded quickly to assess the employees' work space for potential safety concerns to other employees and to make the proper notifications. The assessment did not indicate a hazard for other workers. Laboratory medical personnel will continue to monitor the injured employee's progress and assist with treatment.

In a memo released today, Laboratory director Robert Kuckuck reminded Laboratory employees that they have the right and responsibility to stop work if they feel that working conditions are, in any way, unsafe.

"The safety of individuals at this Laboratory is paramount," the director said.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution engaged in strategic science on behalf of national security, is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, a team composed of Bechtel National, the University of California, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, and Washington Group International for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.

Los Alamos enhances national security by ensuring the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, developing technologies to reduce threats from weapons of mass destruction, and solving problems related to energy, environment, infrastructure, health, and global security concerns.

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