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Useful links
Arch services
SHPO Archaeological Services´ staff welcomes your ideas and suggestions for additional links. Please send them to Heritage.Programs@state.or.us.

Oregon Links
Association of Oregon Archaeologists
Oregon Archaeological Society
Oregon Historical Society
Oregon State Museum of Anthropology (OSMA)
Archaeological Society of Central Oregon
Southern Oregon Historical Society
Oregon Archaeology Celebration (OAC) Calendar of Events
Northwest Digital Archives

National Links
Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)
Society of American Archaeology (SAA)
Society of Historical Archaeology (SHA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Archaeological Institute of American
Dig - the archaeology magazine for kids

Other Links
ArchNet WWW Virtual Library
About Archaeology Encyclopedia
Archaeological Fieldwork
Passport in Time
Jobs in Archaeology

Page updated: November 05, 2007

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