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Profile: Safe Handling, Inc.

Auburn, Maine

Number of employees: 100

Safe Handling is an environmentally-oriented, transloading, trucking and toll-processing company. Its approach to transportation reduces costs and carbon emissions in four ways:

  1. Rail Transloading - its rail yards and transloading capabilities enable customers to utilize rail shipment instead of trucking for long hauls, which are 3-4 times more efficient.
  2. Shipping dry (versus slurry) – Rather than shipping liquid slurries of chemicals, Safe Handling ships chemicals in dry form and then dissolves them into liquid slurries in its toll-processing plant in Maine for regional deliveries. This can reduce long-haul volumes by 2 to 6 times.
  3. Efficient truck fleet – Safe Handling’s fleet of recent-model tractors and tri-axle trailers is 25% more fuel efficient than typical tandem trailers. They have received an exceptional USEPA SmartWay rating.
  4. Biodiesel – Safe Handling fleet uses bio-diesel to further reduce carbon footprint.


The company has upgraded its whole fleet with new, efficient tractors equipped with GPS-based computers to track and manage everything from idle time to excessive speed. Safe Handling’s Employee Green Idea Rewards Program for energy-saving ideas provides a steady stream of initiatives.

“We pride ourselves in being the first to adopt cost-and-carbon saving transportation ideas, and participating in SmartWay helps keeps us abreast of breakthrough innovations in our industry.”

Ford Reiche


SmartWay Transport is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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