Los Alamos National Laboratory

Latest issue of Los Alamos Science now available to Lab employees

By Public Affairs Office

February 14, 2005

The newest issue of Los Alamos Science, "Science-Based Prediction for Complex Systems," is now available to Lab employees.

Collectively, the articles in this issue give a measure of the strong synergy present at Los Alamos among theory, advanced simulation and experiment. The articles explore ways in which predictive capability relates to research across the Lab and are intended to stimulate development of the Lab's integrative approach to science. The articles also bear witness to the impact of computational power on the progress toward predictive capability.

"The current volume of Los Alamos Science represents an excellent compendium of the emerging method of inquiry known as predictive science, which is the melding of theory, experiment and modeling," said Susan Seestrom, associate director for weapons physics (ADWP). "Predictive science is the key to continued certification of the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile in the absence of underground testing, and will lead to more accurate predictions in many other complex fields such as preventing bioterrorism, modeling the global climate, developing new vaccines, and exploring for oil and other resources.

"I'm very pleased this volume has been published when the Laboratory and the Weapons Physics Directorate in particular are pushing forward to meet the requirements of Laboratory Strategic Goal A, Science-Based Prediction," Seestrom added.

Goal A calls for creating an integrated core competency for the science-based prediction of complex systems.

To meet the needs of Lab employees interested in obtaining the new volume, the Chief Science Office funded an additional 1,000 copies.

To obtain a hard copy of Los Alamos Science, call 7-1447 or write to lascience@lanl.gov by electronic mail. Employees also may view an electronic version at http://lib-www.lanl.gov/cgi-bin/getfile?number29.htm online (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

- Hildi Kelsey

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