Los Alamos National Laboratory

Personal identification numbers (PINs) required for TA-3 security area access

September 15, 2005

Laboratory employees who require access behind the fence in Technical Area 3 will need a personal identification number (PIN) to gain access.

Later this fall, the security officers who currently staff some of the gates will be relocated to other critical security areas and certain areas at TA-3 will be controlled by using the Argus badge readers, similar to those at TA-55. Depending on the gate, employees will be required to swipe their badges and enter their PINs before passing through the gate. Bicycles are considered vehicles and are required to go through a vehicle gate. Pedestrians won't be allowed access through a vehicle gate.

The Badge Office in the Otowi Building at TA-3 has developed a schedule for employees to acquire personal identification numbers. The schedule is as follows:

For employees whose last names begin with:

• A - L Noon – 3:30 p.m., Sept. 19-23
• M - S Noon – 3:30 p.m., Sept. 26-30
• T - Z Noon – 3:30 p.m., Oct. 3-7.

Lab employees who can’t obtain a PIN number during this three-week period can do so the week of Oct. 11-14 at the Badge Office, said Michael Madden of the Security and Safeguards (S) Division.

Lab personnel who are already enrolled in the Argus system and remember their PINs don’t have to re-enroll.

Affected security posts include
Post 336: (TA-3, Building 39) pedestrian entry
Back entrance to “old shops area.”

Post 311: (TA-3, Building 503) pedestrian entry
Entrance to CMR Building

Post 411: (TA-3 Building 97 - 43) pedestrian entry
Back entrance to Administration Building
(SMs 97 and 43) area.

Post 414: (TA-3 Building 1806) pedestrian entry/vehicle
Front entrance to LDCC (The Forum)/Computing Facility)

Employees who escort visitors should reacquaint themselves with escorting requirements, which can be found at http://int.lanl.gov/security/personnel/escort/ online.

Tailgating — allowing someone access to a security area without personal knowledge or verifying the clearance level or the authorization access authority of the individual — is not allowed.

Detailed information about the guard post automation effort, the Argus system, and the Argus Remote Access Panel (RAP) can be found on the S Division Web site at http://int.lanl.gov/security/facility/posts.shtml online.

For more information, call the Security Help Desk at 5-2002 or for after-work hours, contact PTLA at 7-4437.

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