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Medical surveillance programs monitor health of employees

October 6, 2008

The Laboratory has medical surveillance programs in place for employees who perform work where there is the risk of exposure to hazards.

“The primary purpose of all medical surveillance programs is the early detection of any adverse health effects at a time when intervention can either stop progression of -- or reverse the effects of -- the disease,” said Terese Ford of Occupational Medicine (OM), which manages these programs.

Medical certification programs are established to certify that individual workers meet the physical and psychological requirements necessary to perform specific tasks or job functions. The primary purpose of all medical certification programs is to assure that certified workers are able to perform required tasks and/or job functions in a safe manner, she added.

Hazards may include potential carcinogens, metals, fibers, biological substances or physical hazards.

In order for appropriate medical surveillance and medical certification to occur, employees should be enrolled in the appropriate surveillance and/or certification programs. Employees who have questions about whether or not they are enrolled in appropriate medical surveillance or medical certification programs can contact Occupational Medicine by writing to askmed@lanl.gov by e-mail or by completing and submitting Form 2134.

Ford said employees should take an active part in their medical monitoring by being aware of job, work and/or environmental hazards that they may be exposed to in the work place. Workers should comply with all required program elements, report any program required health information to Occupational Medicine in a timely manner and report any work related injury, illness or exposure to their manager and OM immediately upon discovery.

Managers also need to be aware of job, work or environmental hazards that their workers may be exposed to in the work place and ensure that workers comply with medical surveillance and medical certification program requirements.

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