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US Census Bureau News Release


Mr. James Holmes, Director
101 Marietta St., NW, Ste 3200  
Atlanta, GA 30303-2700  
Telephone: 404-730-3832  

Census Bureau Survey Gauges Level of Financial Support


     Beginning in June, field representatives of the U.S. Census Bureau will visit 45,000 randomly selected households nationwide to conduct the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). One question they hope to answer: How many people provide financial support to others living in another household?

     The last time this information was released, earlier this year, the results showed that 7.8 million Americans provided an aggregate $40 billion in financial support to someone living outside their household, such as children.

     The survey also will track changes in the type of work people perform, their educational level and whether they are actively looking for work. Respondents may also be asked questions on other topics such as: the field of study of their post-secondary degree, marital history, retirement and pension-plan coverage, doctor visits, fertility history and the cost of work-related expenses. Since the survey is designed to measure change over time, the households chosen will remain in the survey through January 2008.

     “It is important that selected households participate in the SIPP because the results provide policy-makers with timely information on emerging demographic and socioeconomic trends,” said James Holmes, director of the Census Bureau’s Atlanta Regional Office.

     Households selected will receive a letter from Census Bureau Director Louis Kincannon informing them of the upcoming survey. As always, field representatives conducting the interviews carry official photo identification cards. Most of the follow-up interviews are conducted by telephone. By law, all information that could identify survey respondents or their households is kept confidential.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: August 09, 2007