-- On Behalf of the Children We Serve --

The recent war in Iraq has certainly illuminated America’s commitment to freedom. We are reminded that freedom is not free. The price is great. No one knows that better than the left-behind sons and daughters of America’s fallen heroes.Through the continuous support of our donors, we have distributed aid with a value of more than $37,000,000.00 to eligible children. This assistance was primarily rendered to children of Marines or Federal law enforcement personnel who were killed on duty or died under extraordinary circumstances while serving our country at home or abroad. These funds enable us to provide these children with scholarships for their higher education. When a child of a United States Marine is afflicted with a physical or mental disability and requires special medical equipment or tutoring, our Foundation may grant financial assistance to that family if their personal insurance does not cover the complete cost of treatment for this child.

On May 5, 2007, Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation Secretary, MSgt. Jay Renwick presented Angaline Snipes, the fiancée of LCpl. Dennis James Veater with three Savings Bonds issued in her son Dominick’s name. His Father, LCpl. Dennis Veater died from wounds suffered during combat operations in Al Anbar Province, Iraq on March 9, 2007.

Sgt.Brock(A.Babb) 's life ended on October 15, 2006, near Fallujah, Iraq, when a roadside bomb detonated as the convoy in which he was traveling passed. For Barbara Babb of Evansville, Indiana, the death of her husband could also have meant the loss of a dream the couple held for their three children. That dream was for college educations for Tanner, Zoie, and Levi. On February 24, 2007, a gift from the Marine Foundation to the Babb children assures that all three can have the educations their parents envisioned – educations that open doors to the careers they want.

In the past, the Foundation also included in our program the children who lost a parent from all agencies killed in the murderous attack on the Pentagon. We also decided to go back and give our bonds to children who lost a parent on the USS Cole; the children of the Air Force personnel killed at Khobar Towers; and, with great honor, the twelve children who lost their parent on the space shuttle Columbia disaster.

This assistance has had a positive, life-changing effect on many, many children. We are thankful for the commitment and support of our many members and volunteers.

To encourage the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical development of children through education. This Foundation was formed in February of 1995 by former Marines and law enforcement personnel who strongly believe that our nation's most precious resource is its youth.

The Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc. is also registered to participate in the Combined Federal Campaigns (CFC #10507).

We are 501(c)3 charity, IRS tax number 22-3357410.