Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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BTS Releases Third Issue of the Journal of Transportation and Statistics

DOT 6-99
Marsha Fenn

Monday, January 11, 1999 -- The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) today released the third and final edition of Volume One of the Journal of Transportation and Statistics. The first part of Volume Two is expected later this year.

"This edition of the journal is rich with important transportation data," said BTS Director Dr. Ashish Sen. "The journal’s distinguished group of contributing researchers provides in-depth analysis of worldwide transportation trends."

This edition contains a broad range of transportation research topics, which include:

  • "The External Damage Cost of Noise from Motor Vehicles," by Mark Delucchi, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Davis; and Shi-Ling Hsu, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California at Davis.
  • "Analyzing the Travel Behavior of Home-Based Workers in the 1991 CALTRANS Statewide Travel Survey," by Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Department of Civil Engineering and Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Davis; and Dennis K. Henderson, Department of Mechanical/Aeronautical Engineering, University of California at Davis.
  • "Home-to-Work Trips During the Transportation Strikes in Ile-de-France at the End of 1995," by Jean-Paul Coindet, the French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research (Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et Leur Sécurité).
  • "Weighting or Imputations? The Example of Nonresponses for Daily Trips in the French NPTS," by Jimmy Armoogum and Jean-Loup Madre of the French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research (Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et Leur Sécurité).
  • "Productivity and Accessibility: Bridging Project-Specific and Macroeconomic Analyses of Transportation Investments," by Glen Weisbrod, Economic Development Research Group; and Frederick Treyz, Regional Economic Models, Inc.
  • "Positive Externalities and the Public Provision of Transportation Infrastructure: An Evolutionary Perspective," by Ulrich Blum, Dresden University of Technology, Germany.
  • A Research Note on "Sources of Error in Estimating Truck Traffic from Automatic Vehicle Classification Data," by Satish C. Sharma, Guo Xin Liu and Scott Thomas, University of Regina, Canada.

For information on submitting a paper or to receive journal guidelines for paper submission, write to: Managing Editor, JTS, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation, Room 3430, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590, or e-mail: journal@ bts.gov.

Subscriptions are complimentary through 1999 and may be obtained by faxing requests to (202) 366-3640, by e-mailing to journal@ bts.gov, by writing to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics at the address above or by contacting the BTS website at www.bts.gov/programs/jts/.

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