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Reading First Data

The Reading First State Data Profiles provides a snapshot of the implementation of the Reading First program in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. The data were compiled from two sources. States provided the data on the amount of funding received for fiscal years 2002 through 2006 and the number of local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools participating. The Southwest Education Development Laboratory collected the data on behalf of the Department. The estimates of the number of teachers and children participating is based on data collected by National Center for Education Statistics' Common Core of Data. See report: download files PDF (4.2M). (March 2007)

The Reading First Annual Performance Report Data provides data submitted by the 54 State educational agencies receiving Reading First funds. The American Institutes for Research collected the data on behalf of the Department. States reported data for: (1) fluency and comprehension measures; (2) grades 1 through 3; and (3) specific subgroups. In addition to providing data on all students, States provided data on the following subgroups: economically disadvantaged students, English language learners, and students with disabilities. The data were also disaggregated by the following racial categories: white students, African American students, Hispanic students, Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students, and American Indian/Alaska Native students. See report: download files PDF (1.1M). (June 2008)

For additional information and for alternate document formats, please contact the Reading First program.

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Last Modified: 06/23/2008