Daphne Ecological Services Field Station
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Gulf Sturgeon
(Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi)

Gulf Sturgeon. Credit: USFWS

Gulf Sturgeon. Credit: USFWS


Gulf sturgeon are anadromous fish with a sub-cylindrical body inbedded with bony plates or scutes. The snout is greatly extended and bladelike with four freshy barbels in front of the mouth, which is protractile on the lower surface of the head. The upper lobe of the tail is longer than the lower lobe. The subspecies is light brown to dark brown in color, and pale underneath.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) designated the Gulf sturgeon as a threatened species on September 30, 1991. As part of the listing, a special rule was promulgated to allow taking of the subspecies for educational purposes, scientific purposes, the enhancement of propagation or survival of the subspecies, zoological exhibition, and other conservation purposes consistent with the Endangered Species Act.

For More Information

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Panama City Field Office is actively involved in monitoring Gulf sturgeon populations and studying its life history. Check the Panama City website for more information about the Gulf sturgeon and work being done to aid in the species' recovery.



Last updated: September 29, 2008