Getting Care for Illness or Injury as Soon as Wanted

A patient's primary care provider should be the point of first contact for most illnesses and injuries. The ability of patients to receive treatment for illness and injury in a timely fashion is a key element in a patient-focused health care system.

Figure 4.1. Adults age 18 and over who reported sometimes or never getting carefor illness or injury as soon as wanted in the past year, by age group, 2000-2002

Figure 4.1. Adults age 18 and over who reported sometimes or never getting carefor illness or injury as soon as wanted in the past year, by age group, 2000-2002. Select [D] Text Description for details.

[D] Select for Text Description.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2000-2002.

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Emergency Department Visits in Which the Patient Left Without Being Seen Chapter 4. Timeliness