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Related Information
This page provides the following information:
You may use the links above to go directly to any of the sections below.

Transportation Options
Oregon Safe Mobility
Provides information on how to locate transportation options in Oregon.
Oregon Area Agencies on Aging
Local Area Agencies on Aging link people to needed social services in their community, including transportation. Find a local office by looking up your county.
ODOT Trip Check
Click on Transportation Options to discover how to travel around the state without a personal car.

Related External Links
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Senior Drivers
Tips to keep senior drivers to keep them safe behind the wheel.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Driver Safety Program
Classroom course designed for mature drivers, ages 50 and older. Provides a review of safe driving skills and how to adjust driving habits in relation to changes in cognitive and functional abilities.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Physician Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers
Comprehensive resource for physicians, developed to keep patients safely mobile for as long as possible. Covers driver assessment, rehabilitation and counseling. Contact the AMA for order information.
Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED)
Can assist with finding a driver rehabilitation specialist in your area.
Grand Driver Information
General information and resources on aging and driving site sponsored by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA).
National Association of Private Geriatric Case Managers (NAPGCM)
A geriatric case manager can assist individuals or families arrange long-term care, including transportation. Web site access allows location of a Care Manager by state, zip code or experience in a particular area.
Oregon Medical Association
Information on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and status of legislation protecting a physician from not reporting a medically at-risk driver.
Oregon's Safe Mobility Initiative
Information and resources for mature drivers.

Frequently Asked Questions
Click here for questions about mandatory reporting for medical professionals.
Click Here for questions about voluntary reporting.

Page updated: September 05, 2008

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