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Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Medicare Advantage program, describes program changes made by the new drug law in plan participation and beneficiary enrollment, presents data on benefits and premiums and explains changes in Medicare payments to participating plans.
Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plan Tracker
The tracker is an interactive online resource that provides current and historical information about Medicare Advantage and stand-along drug plans at the national, state, regional and country levels. A separate monthly report trackers the latest national data on Medicare Advantage plan participation, enrollment and penetration." 
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The Federal Government's Authority To Regulate Advertising in Medicare -- September 2008
This policy brief, prepared for the Kaiser Family Foundation by Vicky Gottlich at the Center for Medicare Advocacy, explains the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ legal authority to regulate advertising and other information issued by the private companies that contract with the government to provide Medicare benefits.
Pitching Private Medicare Plans: An Analysis of Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan Advertising -- September 2008
This Kaiser Family Foundation report analyzes the content and frequency of television, print and radio advertisement for private Medicare plans that ran nationally or in one of three local media markets (Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Phoenix, Ariz.; and Greensboro, N.C.) during the marketing and enrollment period for 2008 plan offerings.
Medicare Spending and Financing Fact Sheet -- September 2008
This updated fact sheet provides an overview of spending on the Medicare program, how the program is financed, and Medicare’s future financial outlook. It includes the latest available data on Medicare financing. 
Medicare Advantage Fact Sheet -- September 2008
This updated fact sheet provides an overview of the Medicare Advantage program, describes program changes made by the new drug law in plan participation and beneficiary enrollment, presents data on benefits and premiums, and explains changes in Medicare payments to participating plans.
Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plans Monthly Tracking Report -- August 2008 -- August 2008
This brief presents current monthly data on Medicare Advantage plan participation, enrollment and penetration.
Examining Sources of Coverage Among Medicare Beneficiaries: Supplemental Insurance, Medicare Advantage, and Prescription Drug Coverage -- Findings from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, 2006 -- August 2008
This chartpack presents new information on the sources of supplemental and prescription drug coverage among Medicare beneficiaries in 2006, the most recent year for which national data are available.
Medicare Health & Prescription Drug Plan Tracker -- June 2008
The interactive resource provides local, regional and national information about Medicare Advantage plans, as well as current information on stand-alone Part D prescription drug plans.  The tool allows users to graph or map comparative and trend data about enrollment, plan participation and other key information.
Medicare Advantage in 2008 -- June 2008
This new analysis highlights recent developments in the Medicare Advantage marketplace, including in plan choices, enrollment trends and market share for companies offering Medicare Advantage plans.
Kaiser Fast Facts -- May 2008
“Kaiser Fast Facts” features “QuickTakes” and “Kaiser Slides” – two tools that provide direct access to facts, data and slides about the nation's health care system and programs, in an easy-to-use format. “QuickTakes” presents an inventory of facts-at-a-glance and "Kaiser Slides" allows Web visitors to freely view, download and print graphics and tables of health policy statistics and trends.
Low-Income Assistance Under the Medicare Drug Benefit -- February 2008
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Medicare drug benefit and the additional subsidies available to certain eligible low-income beneficiaries.
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Medicare Advantage
Medicare provides health benefits to 41 million elderly and disabled Americans. Most (89%) have their health bills paid directly by the traditional fee-for-service program. The remaining 11% are covered by Medicare Advantage (formerly called Medicare+Choice (M+C)).

M+C was established by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 to give beneficiaries the option of enrolling in a variety of private plans including health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), provider-sponsored organizations (PSOs), private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans, and medical savings accounts (MSAs) coupled with high deductible insurance plans.


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