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Joining the Armed Forces involves more than a career change. Basic training forces reassessment of lifelong behaviors and patterns of thought. The stresses of deployment and the mobile military life style present unique challenges to individuals young men and women getting their first taste of personal responsibility. Most new members are in the midst of the transition from teenager to adult. Many also find themselves in transition from bachelor to spouse, compounding the challenges of adjusting to military life. As a result, first termers frequently require more comprehensive and intensive Family Center support.

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Creative Strategies for First Term Members and Families. This handbook provides specific suggestions and program guidance to optimize assistance to first-termers. Topics covered range from budget and consumer affairs to deployment support, food pantries to religious programs, respite to volunteering.

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New to the Military. Welcome to the Navy family! The New to the Military section of LIFELines is designed to acclimate recent Navy members and their families to military life and responsibilities.

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