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DoD and the Services manage broad-based family advocacy programs designed to prevent, identify, report, treat, and follow-up cases of child and domestic abuse. In addition to requiring active command support, the program depends on a successful interface between social work, law enforcement, judicial and legal services, shelters, health care providers, educational programs, youth and child care services, and others.

Governing Laws Icon

Title 10 US Code, Section 1787, Reporting of Child Abuse, authorizes the Secretary of Defense to request each State report known or suspected instances of child abuse in military families.

DoD Guidance Icon

DoD Directive 6400.1 Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
DoD Instruction 6400.2 Child and Spouse Abuse Report
DoD Instruction 6400.3 Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team

DoD Resources Icon


MilitaryHOMEFRONT is the official Department of Defense web site for
reliable Quality of Life information designed to help troops and their
families, leaders and service providers.

Other Resources Icon

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information. This U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Web site provides publications, calendars of events, links and other specialized services for professionals seeing information on the prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect.


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