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| The States & Territories
The Regions of the United States | Facts & Statistics

Georgia, the "Peach State" "Empire State of the South"

Georgia Flag
State Flag
Georgia Seal
State Seal

Georgia, founded in 1732, is one of the original 13 states. It was named in honor of England's King George II. Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi; the state's large size and thriving industries have given it one of its nicknames, the Empire State of the South.  During the Civil War, the fall of Atlanta was a crucial turning point in the defeat of the South. Today, Atlanta, which became Georgia's capital in 1868, is a thriving city with major national corporations, and it is considered the economic and cultural center of the Southeast. The natural beauty and famous seaside resorts of Georgia are a major attraction for tourists. Many beautiful monuments and parks, including reminders of important Civil War battles and heroes, dot the Georgia countryside.

Das 1732 gegründete Georgia ist eine der ursprünglichen 13 Kolonien. Es wurde zu Ehren des englischen Königs George II benannt. Georgia ist der größte Bundesstaat östlich des Mississippis. Seine geographische Größe und seine blühenden Industrien sind für einen seiner Spitznamen, "Empire State of the South", verantwortlich, was etwa soviel heißt wie "Imperium des Südens". Im Bürgerkrieg stellte der Fall von Atlanta einen wichtigen Wendepunkt bei der Niederlage des Südens dar. Heute ist Atlanta, welches 1868 die Hauptstadt von Georgia wurde, eine wachsende Stadt mit wichtigen Niederlassungen großer nationaler Unternehmen. Es gilt als das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Zentrum des Südostens. Die Naturschönheit und die berühmten Badeorte Georgias ziehen viele Besucher an. Eine Vielzahl an Sehenswürdigkeiten und Parks, die zum Teil an wichtige Schlachten und Helden des Bügerkriegs erinnern, sind über den Bundesstaat verteilt.

Governor: Sonny Perdue, R (to Jan. 2011)
Senators: Saxby Chambliss, R (to Jan. 2009); Johnny Isakson, R (to Jan. 2011)
House of Representatives: 13 districts | Search by zip code

Population (July 2004):
8,829,000; National Rank:9; Percent change since April 2000: 7.8%
Land Area: 57,919 sq mi. (150,010 sq km); National Rank: 24

10 largest cities (2003 est): Atlanta, 423,019; Augusta-Richmond County,1 193,316; Columbus,1 185,702; Savannah, 127,573; Athens-Clarke County,1 102,498; Macon, 95,267; Roswell, 78,229; Albany, 76,202; Marietta, 61,282; Warner Robins, 54,264

Total Gross State Product 2003 est. (millions of dollars): 320,007 (% of U.S. total: 2.9)
Per Capita Personal Income 2001: $28,523; National Rank: 27 (94% of the national average)
State Exports 2002 (millions of dollars): 14,413; National Rank: 15
Poultry and eggs, peanuts, cattle, hogs, dairy products, vegetables.
Industry: Textiles and apparel, transportation equipment, food processing, paper products, chemical products, electric equipment, tourism.

State of Georgia: Official State Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
· State and Local Government on the Internet

Georgia Profile - Fedstats
U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of Georgia
U.S. Census Bureau: State Data Centers: Georgia

· Georgia - Regional Accounts Data

· State Profiles
· InfoPlease
· Georgiainfo
Georgia Photo Gallery
· Georgia
· Georgia


State of Georgia: State Tourist Office
· Map (MapQuest)
· Travel and Tourism

For High School Students
Explore the States
Stately Knowledge
State Reports: Georgia

Teacher Resources
ProTeacher: Lessons by State: Georgia

Link Lists
Georgia (Google)
Georgia (Yahoo)
· Federal, State & Local Government Site

Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials.
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US Embassy
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/Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers 
Updated: December 2006