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| The States & Territories
The Regions of the United States | Facts & Statistics

Arizona, "Audemus jura nostra defendere
We Dare Defend Our Rights"
Abbreviation: AZ

Arizona State Flag
State Flag
Arizona State Seal
State Seal

The state's name comes from "arizonac", a Papago Indian word meaning "place of the small spring". Arizona was the 48th state to join the U.S. in 1912 - the last of 48 contiguous (connected) states to join the Union. Arizona, once thought to be an almost worthless desert, is now prosperous  - the fastest growing state in the country.  It is rich in farm and mineral products and manufacturing is growing rapidly.  Vast irrigation systems have transformed the desert into rich farmland. Although the desert summers are very hot, the desert winters are warm and pleasant. Dude ranches, historic sites and magnificent scenery draw travelers to Arizona. The outstanding scenic feature is Grand Canyon, one of the seven wonders of the world.

Die Bezeichnung Arizona leitet sich von "arizonac" ab, einem Wort aus der Sprache der Papago Indianer, das "Ort der kleinen Quelle" bedeutet. 1912 wurde Arizona der 48. Bundesstaat der USA, der letzte von insgesamt 48 zusammenhängenden Staaten. Arizona, das einst als fast nutzlose Wüste galt, zählt heute zu den wohlhabenden Staaten - und ist außerdem der am stärksten wachsende Bundesstaat der USA. Er besitzt eine Vielzahl an Farmen, Bodenschätzen, und die herstellende Industrie wächst ebenso schnell wie die Bevölkerung. Umfangreiche Bewässerungssysteme haben die Wüste in reiches Ackerland verwandelt. Zwar sind die Wüstensommer sehr heiß, aber die Winter sind warm und angenehm. Ferienranches, historische Orte und eine bezaubernde Landschaft locken Reisende nach Arizona. Das herausragende Naturdenkmal ist der Grand Canyon, eines der sieben Weltwunder.

Governor: Janet Napolitano, D (to Jan. 2011)
Senators: Jon Kyl, R (to Jan. 2013); John McCain, R (to Jan. 2011)
House of Representatives: 8 districts | Search by zip code

Population (July 2004): 5,744,000; National Rank: 18; Percent change since April 2000: 12.0%
Land Area: 113,642 sq mi. (296,400 sq km)
10 largest cities (2003): Phoenix, 1,388,416; Tucson, 507,658; Mesa, 432,376; Glendale, 232,838; Scottsdale, 217,989; Chandler, 211,299; Tempe, 158,880; Gilbert, 145,250; Peoria, 127,580; Yuma, 81,605

Total Gross State Product 2003 est. ((millions of dollars): 182,208 (% of U.S. total: 1.7)
Per Capita Personal Income 2001:
$25,878; National rank: 38 (85% of the national average)
State Exports 2002 (millions of dollars): 11,871: National Rank: 16
Cattle, cotton, dairy products, lettuce, nursery stock, hay.
Industry: Copper and other mining, electric equipment, transportation equipment, machinery, printing and publishing, food processing, electronics, tourism.

· State of Arizona: Official State Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
State and Local Government on the Internet (Piper Resources)

· Arizona Profile - Fedstats
· U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of Arizona
· U.S. Census Bureau: State Data Centers: Arizona

· Arizona - Regional Accounts Data (Bureau of Economic Analysis, DoC)


· State Profiles
· State Symbols
(Arizona State Library)
· Arizona Deutsch
· Arizona Deutsch

· Arizona State Tourist Office
· Arizona State Parks
(State of Arizona)

For High School Students
· Explore the States (Library of Congress)
· Stately Knowledge (The Internet Library)
· State Reports: Arizona

Teacher Resources

· Pro Teacher: Lessons by State: Arizona

Link Lists
· Arizona (Google)
· Arizona
· Federal, State & Local Government Site

Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials.
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US Embassy
U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany
/Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers 
Updated: December 2006