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Standard Reference
Documents referencing 1926.602(d)
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Standard Interpretations
 1  2004 - 11/05/2004 - Powered Industrial Truck 1910.178(l) training requirements applicable to to construction; training for skid-steer loader operators.
 2  2001 - 11/27/2001 - Applicable standards to lifting personnel on a platform supported by a rough-terrain forklift.
 3  1999 - 10/21/1999 - Earthmoving equipment is not covered by 1910.178; skid- steer equipment may be covered.
 4  1999 - 10/01/1999 - Powered industrial truck training content, certification, and record maintenance.
 5  1999 - 09/30/1999 - Forklifts in construction: elevating personnel and operator training.
 6  1999 - 08/23/1999 - Rough Terrain Forklift training course; OSHA doesn't approve products/services.
 7  1999 - 08/03/1999 - Exclusive use of videotape training for construction workers.

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
 1  1926.602 - Material handling equipment.

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