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U.S.EDUCATION > Studying and Teaching in the U.S. > Overviews > Studying in the United States

Graduate Study and Research

The majority of international students who come to the United States to study do so in order to pursue advanced academic or professional studies at the graduate level. There are opportunities to pursue advanced degrees or to pursue scholarly or scientific research after obtaining an advanced degree in your home country or another country.

To locate general information about graduate study in the United States please refer to Structure of U.S. Education: Graduate and Professional Education.

To locate information about U.S. first professional and graduate degree programs and the institutions that offer them, go to U.S. Institutions and Programs.

To find general resources and financial assistance opportunities for graduate study, check out Studying in the United States: General Information.

Studying for Advanced Degrees

Graduate students are generally defined as students pursuing degree studies beyond the bachelor's degree but who have not yet earned the degree they are aiming to obtain. In addition to the general information sources described elsewhere by USNEI, you may wish to investigate some resources specifically designed to assist students interested in U.S. graduate study programs.

If You Want to Study in the U.S.: Graduate Studies provides important basic information for international students interested in pursuing advanced degree studies in the United States.

CGS Guide to Financing a Graduate Education provides information on opportunities for research in the United States, some of which are open to international students.

CGS Resources for Students provides information on graduate study in the United States that may help you understand student life here.

Fulbright Program for Graduate Students describes aspects of the Fulbright Exchange Program that are intended for international students pursuing graduate degree studies.

Postgraduate Research

"Postgraduate" in the United States means study or research after a professional or doctoral degree is earned. Many scholars and scientists come to the United States to pursue specialized professional research after earning doctoral degrees and beginning their careers. USNEI has located some resources that describe the opportunities available in the United States at this level.

Academic Exchange Visas provides information about U.S. professional, scholarly, and scientific exchange visas and the regulations that govern them.

If You Want to Study in the U.S.: Scholarship and Research provides important basic information for working scholars and scientists interested in coming to the United States to pursue specialized research.

Fulbright Program describes the aspects of the Fulbright Exchange Program that are intended for persons who hold a doctorate and wish to come to the United States to pursue professional research.

Citizen Exchanges describes the U.S. Information Service's program for bringing distinguished professionals and leaders to the United States to study aspects of U.S. life, economy, and systems that they select.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows Program describes the U.S. Information Service's international exchange program for mid-career academics and professionals.

Professional Exchange Program (PEP) describes an exchange program for practicing professionals that enables them to learn how their profession operates in the United States.

Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) provides information on independent professional exchange programs for established academics and professionals.

Academy for Educational Development (AED) provides information on a variety of visit and exchange programs for young scholars, academics, and professionals.

InfoUSA is maintained by the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), U.S. Department of State

The numerical data in this section is solely for informational purposes. Please consult the original sources for updated information.