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U.S.EDUCATION > Studying and Teaching in the U.S. > Overviews > Studying in the United States

General Student Information

Applying to study in the United States is not a simple process, but there are good resources available to help you understand what to do. The United States government provides education information centers in nearly every country, and there are also extensive Internet resources. Most U.S. higher education institutions and many schools operate their own web sites.

Advice in Your Country

It is very important for you to contact the closest U.S. Overseas Educational Advising Office as you make your plans. The Advising Office has information resources, including publications and institutional bulletins; and it can provide guidance on important issues like financial planning, admissions procedures, and visa requirements. Advisors work directly with the consular officials who approve visas.

Overseas Educational Advising Centers (OSEACs) provides contact information and links to each Advising Office around the world.

Information on the Web

Embark.Com is a comprehensive information service that provides information for U.S. and international students concerning applying to U.S. educational institutions and programs of all types and levels.

Study in the USA provides comprehensive information about studying and living in the United States, and links to institutions and to financial assistance resources.

For databases of links to U.S. institutions, go to U.S. Institutions.

To learn about accreditation and for links to recognized U.S. accrediting associations, go to Accreditation and Quality Assurance.

For information on identifying unaccredited institutions and unrecognized accrediting organizations, go to Unaccredited Institutions and Frauds.

InfoUSA is maintained by the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), U.S. Department of State

The numerical data in this section is solely for informational purposes. Please consult the original sources for updated information.