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National Gallery of Art - THE COLLECTION

Samuel H. Kress Foundation

established 1929


Former owner of the following :

Parisian 15th Century
Heraclius I, Roman Emperor 610-641 [obverse], 1402/1413, bronze, 1957.14.1120.a
The Church and Paganism Beside the Fountain of Life [reverse], 1402/1413, bronze, 1957.14.1119.b
The Emperor in a Car Drawn by Three Horses [reverse], 1402/1413, bronze, 1957.14.1120.b
Pasti, Matteo de'
A Closed Book [reverse], c. 1446, bronze, 1957.14.656.b
A Closed Book [reverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.657.b
Christ in the Tomb [reverse], 1446/1450, bronze, 1957.14.649.b
Fortitude Holding a Broken Column [reverse], 1446, bronze//Rough cast, 1957.14.653.b
Fountain Surmounted by a Nude Male Figure [reverse], c. 1446, bronze, 1957.14.647.b
Guarino da Verona, 1374-1460, Humanist [obverse], c. 1446, bronze, 1957.14.647.a
Isotta degli Atti of Rimini, Mistress then Wife 1456, of Sigismondo Malatesta [obverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.651.a [image available]
Isotta degli Atti of Rimini, Mistress then Wife 1456, of Sigismondo Malatesta [obverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.655.a
Isotta degli Atti of Rimini, Mistress then Wife 1456, of Sigismondo Malatesta [obverse], c. 1446, bronze, 1957.14.656.a
Isotta degli Atti of Rimini, Mistress then Wife 1456, of Sigismondo Malatesta [obverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.657.a
Jesus Christ [obverse], 1446/1450, bronze, 1957.14.649.a
Leone Battista Alberti, 1404-1472, Architect and Writer on Art and Science [obverse], 1446/1450, bronze, 1957.14.648.a
Shield, Helmet, Elephant-crest, and Mantling [reverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.650.b
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, 1417-1468, Lord of Rimini 1432 [obverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.650.a
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, 1417-1468, Lord of Rimini 1432 [obverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.652.a
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, 1417-1468, Lord of Rimini 1432 [obverse], 1446, bronze//Rough cast, 1957.14.653.a
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, 1417-1468, Lord of Rimini 1432 [obverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.654.a
The Castle of Rimini [reverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.652.b
The Castle of Rimini [reverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.654.b
The Malatesta Elephant in a Meadow [reverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.651.b
The Malatesta Elephant [reverse], 1446, bronze, 1957.14.655.b
Winged Human Eye [reverse], 1446/1450, bronze, 1957.14.648.b
Pasti, Matteo de', after
San Francesco at Rimini [reverse], 1450, bronze, 1957.14.658.b [image available]
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, 1417-1468, Lord of Rimini 1432, probably 1460/1468, bronze, 1957.14.659
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, 1417-1468, Lord of Rimini 1432 [obverse], 1450, bronze, 1957.14.658.a [image available]
Pastorini, called Pastorino da Siena, Pastorino de'
Beatrice of Siena [obverse], probably 1540/1586, bronze, 1957.14.912.a
Camillo Castiglione, 1517-1598, Son of Baldassarre, 1561, bronze, 1957.14.914
Cornelia Siciliana [obverse], probably 1540/1554, bronze//Later cast, 1957.14.915.a
Costanza Buti, probably 1554/1559, bronze//Late cast; finely chased, 1957.14.913
Eleonora of Austria, 1534-1594, Duchess of Mantua, Wife 1561 of Guglielmo I Gonzaga, 1561, bronze, 1957.14.919
Ercole II d'Este, 1508-1559, 4th Duke of Ferrara 1534, 1534, bronze, 1957.14.916
Francesco d'Este, 1516-1578, Son of Alfonso I, Marquess of Massa, 1554, bronze, 1957.14.917
Francesco Visdomini of Ferrara, 1509-1573, Humanist and Hebraist [obverse], 1564, bronze, 1957.14.928.a
Ginevra Trotti, 1556/1586, bronze//Late cast, 1957.14.926
Girolama Farnese, Daughter of Galeazzo Farnese, Wife of Alfonso San Vitale, Widowed 1560, 1556, bronze//Cast hollow, 1957.14.925
Girolama Sacrata of Ferrara, 1555, bronze//Cast hollow, 1957.14.923
Girolama Sacrata of Ferrara, 1560, bronze, 1957.14.924
Hand, Issuing from a Cloud, Holding a Flaming Sword [reverse], 1564, bronze, 1957.14.928.b
Isabella Manfro de'Pepoli of Bologna, 1571, bronze//Cast hollow, 1957.14.921
Isabella Trotti Negrisoli, 1550, bronze, 1957.14.920
Lodovica Felicina Rossi, 1557, bronze//Cast hollow, 1957.14.922
Lucrezia de' Medici, 1545-1561, Daughter of Cosimo I, 1st Wife of Alfonso II d'Este 1558, 1558, gilt bronze, 1957.14.918
Nicolosa, Daughter of Francesco Bacci of Arezzo, Wife 1548 of Giorgio Vasari the Painter, 1555, bronze//Cast solid; Not an early cast, 1957.14.927
Portrait of a Lady, , gilt bronze, 1957.14.930
Portrait of a Man, 1557, gilt bronze//Cast hollow; Cut out, 1957.14.929
Truth Unveiling Herself [reverse], probably 1540/1554, bronze//Later cast, 1957.14.915.b
Wheat-sheaf [reverse], probably 1540/1586, bronze, 1957.14.912.b
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