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National Gallery of Art - THE COLLECTION

Samuel H. Kress Foundation

established 1929


Former owner of the following :

Nardo di Cione
Madonna and Child with Saint Peter and Saint John the Evangelist [middle panel], probably c. 1360, tempera on panel, 1939.1.261.b [image available]
Madonna and Child with Saint Peter and Saint John the Evangelist [right panel], probably c. 1360, tempera on panel, 1939.1.261.c [image available]
Nassaro, Matteo dal
François I, 1494-1547, King of France 1515, probably 1538/1544, bronze, 1957.14.1130
Nattier, Jean-Marc
Joseph Bonnier de la Mosson, 1745, oil on canvas, 1961.9.30 [image available]
Madame de Caumartin as Hebe, 1753, oil on canvas, 1946.7.13 [image available]
Neapolitan 15th Century
Andrea Matteo III d'Acquaviva, 1457-1528, Duke of Atri and Teramo 1481 [obverse], late 15th century, bronze//Broken at edge, 1957.14.696.a
Crowned Shield of Arms [reverse], late 15th century, bronze//Broken at edge, 1957.14.696.b
Ferdinando I of Aragon, 1431-1494, King of Naples 1458 [obverse], 15th century, silver coronato, 1957.14.1261.a
Saint Michael Spearing the Dragon [reverse], 15th century, silver coronato//Struck, 1957.14.1261.b
Neapolitan 16th Century
Andrea Caraffa, died 1526, Count of Santa Severina and Viceroy of Naples [obverse], early 16th century, bronze, 1957.14.703.a
Andrea Caraffa, died 1526, Count of Santa Severina and Viceroy of Naples [obverse], early 16th century, bronze, 1957.14.704.a
Shield of Caraffa Arms [reverse], early 16th century, bronze, 1957.14.703.b
Shield of Caraffa Arms [reverse], early 16th century, bronze, 1957.14.704.b
Neroccio de' Landi
Madonna and Child with Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint Sigismund, c. 1490/1495, tempera on panel, 1952.5.17 [image available]
Netherlandish 15th Century
William Sheves, Primate of Scotland [obverse], 1491, silver, 1957.14.1277.a
Netherlandish 16th Century
Adrian VI (Adrian Dedal, 1459-1523), Pope 1522, 1522/1523, bronze, 1957.14.1225 [image available]
Netherlandish 17th Century
Portrait of a Young Man in Oil [reverse], 17th century, oil on bronze, 1957.14.525.b
Neufarer, Ludwig
Charles V, 1500-1558, King of Spain 1516, Holy Roman Emperor 1519-1556 [obverse], 1542, pewter//Struck?, 1957.14.1200.a
Double-headed Crowned Eagle on Pillars of Hercules [reverse], 1542, pewter//Struck?, 1957.14.1200.b
François I, 1494-1547, King of France 1515 [obverse], 1537, silver, 1957.14.1131.a
Salamander in Flames [reverse], 1537, silver, 1957.14.1131.b
Niccolò Fiorentino
Alfonso I d'Este, 1476-1534, 3rd Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio 1505 [obverse], 1492, bronze, 1957.14.850.a [image available]
Alfonso(?) in a Triumphal Car [reverse], 1492, bronze, 1957.14.850.b [image available]
Bernardino Gamberia, Private Chamberlain of Innocent VIII [obverse], 1485, bronze, 1957.14.854.a
Charles VIII, 1470-1498, King of France 1483, 1494/1495, bronze//Three times pierced, 1957.14.856
Fortune Holding a Rudder and Cornucopiae [reverse], probably 1485, bronze, 1957.14.855.b
God the Father in the Clouds [reverse], 1485, bronze, 1957.14.854.b
Guglielmo Batonatti [obverse], c. 1480/1486, bronze, 1957.14.853.a
Jean du Mas de l'Isle, died 1495, Councillor of Charles VIII [obverse], 1494/1495, bronze, 1957.14.857.a
Jean du Mas on a Horse Wearing Chanfron and Bardings [reverse], 1494/1495, bronze, 1957.14.857.b
Lorenzo de' Medici, il Magnifico, 1449-1492, , bronze//Late cast, hollow, 1957.14.851
Princess Bianca Riario, Wife of Girolamo Riario, Prince of Imola [obverse], , bronze, 1957.14.1284.a
Rinaldo Orsini, Archibishop of Florence, 1474-1510 [obverse], probably 1485, bronze, 1957.14.855.a
The Three Graces [reverse], , bronze, 1957.14.1284.b
Unicorn and Tau-Cross [reverse], c. 1480/1486, bronze, 1957.14.853.b
Niccolò Fiorentino, Attributed to
Eagle on an Armillary Sphere [reverse], c. 1475, bronze, 1957.14.866.b [image available]
Giovanna Albizzi, Wife of Lorenzo Tornabuoni [obverse], c. 1486, bronze, 1957.14.882.a
Innocent VIII (Giovanni Battista Cibò, 1432-1492), Pope 1484 [obverse], c. 1480/1486, bronze, 1957.14.852.a
Justice, Peace, and Abundance [reverse], c. 1480/1486, bronze, 1957.14.852.b
Lodovica Tornabuoni, Daughter of Giovanni Tornabuoni [obverse], c. 1485/1486, bronze//Late cast, 1957.14.891.a
Maria de' Mucini [obverse], c. 1475, bronze, 1957.14.866.a
Nonnina Praying [reverse], , bronze, 1957.14.1271.b
Nonnina Strozzi, Wife of Bernardo Barbigia [obverse], , bronze, 1957.14.1271.a
The Three Graces [reverse], c. 1486, bronze, 1957.14.882.b [image available]
Unicorn Before a Tree [reverse], c. 1485/1486, bronze//Late cast, 1957.14.891.b [image available]
Niccolò Fiorentino, Style of
Achille Tiberti of Cesena, died 1501, c. 1495, bronze, 1957.14.881
Alessandro di Gino Vecchietti, 1472-1532 [obverse], c. 1498, bronze, 1957.14.884.a
Angelo Poliziano, 1454-1494, Humanist [obverse], c. 1494, bronze//Late cast, 1957.14.873.a
Antonio di Dante Castiglione, c. 1485/1500, bronze, 1957.14.860
Antonio Pizzamani, 1462-1512, Venetian Scholar and Apostolic Pronotary, Bishop of Feltre 1504 [obverse], c. 1490, bronze, 1957.14.872.a
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