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Press Statement
Tom Casey, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 27, 2008

Fiscal Year 2008 Funding For The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

The Department of State communicated to Congress on June 26 its finding that the Kemp-Kasten Amendment is applicable again to funding for the United Nations Population Fund for 2008. As required, this communication includes a comprehensive analysis as well as the complete evidence and criteria used to make this determination. This decision means that this organization will not receive the nearly $40 million earmarked for its activities by Congress for the current fiscal year.

This Administration first determined that Kemp-Kasten Amendment restrictions applied to the UN Population Fund in 2002. Since that time, the United States has continuously called on China to end its program of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization. We also repeatedly have urged China and the UN Population Fund to restructure the organization’s programs in a way that would allow the United States to provide funding. We will continue these consultations. Since no key changes have taken place, these restrictions are being applied again.

The United States recognizes that the UN Population Fund intends to promote a transition to a voluntary family planning program in China. We are prepared to consider funding UNFPA in the future if its program in China is ended or restructured in a way consistent with U.S. law, or if China ends its program of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization.

The United States remains firmly committed to women’s reproductive health and many other health programs around the world. The U.S. continues to be the world’s largest donor of assistance to help improve the health of women and children. We will provide over $1.829 billion this year toward this goal through the USAID Global Health and Child Survival account. The United States is providing $457 million for reproductive health care in FY 2008, including family planning.


Released on June 27, 2008

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