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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 19, 2008

Secretary Rice to Travel to Germany, Japan, South Korea, and China

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will travel June 23-30 to Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the People’s Republic of China.

Secretary Rice will visit Berlin to attend an international conference in Support of Palestinian Civil Security and Rule of Law. She will also have bilateral consultations with German and European officials while there. 

In Kyoto on June 26-28, Secretary Rice will attend the G-8 Ministerial to discuss G-8 commitments on health, disease prevention, and open markets, as well as prepare for the G-8 summit to be held in Lake Toya, Japan in July. While in Kyoto, Secretary Rice will also participate with her Australian and Japanese counterparts in the Trilateral Strategic Dialogue, in which they will discuss global issues and areas of cooperation in East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East.

Following the G-8 Ministerial, Secretary Rice will travel to Seoul June 28-29, where she will hold bilateral consultation with the Foreign Minister and other Republic of Korea officials. Discussions will include economic issues, Six-Party coordination, alliance issues, and regional cooperation.

Secretary Rice will travel to Chengdu on June 29 and then proceed to Beijing for meetings on June 29-30. In Chengdu, Secretary Rice will express condolences on behalf of the American people following last month’s devastating earthquake. She will also meet with local officials and aid organizations working to bring assistance to victims of the natural disaster. In Beijing, Secretary Rice will consult with Foreign Minister Yang and other senior Chinese officials and discuss a wide range of bilateral, regional, and international issues.


Released on June 19, 2008

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