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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 17, 2008

P5+1 Updated Incentives Package

Following is the text of the updated incentives package presented to Iran by the P5+1 partners (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russian Federation, China, the United States and European Union)


Possible A reas of Cooperation with Iran

In order to seek a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution of the Iranian nuclear issue consistent with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and building further upon the proposal presented to Iran in June 2006, which remains on the table, t he elements below are proposed as topics for negotiations between China, France, Germany, Iran, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, joined by the High Representative of the European Union, as long as Iran verifiably suspends its enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, pursuant to OP 15 and OP 19(a) of UNSCR 1803. In the perspective of such negotiations, we also expect Iran to heed the requirements of the UNSC and the IAEA. For their part, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union High Representative state their readiness:

  • to recognize Iran 's right to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in conformity with its NPT obligations;

  • to treat Iran 's nuclear programme in the same manner as that of any Non-nuclear Weapon State Party to the NPT once international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran 's nuclear programme is restored .

Nuclear Energy

  • Reaffirmation of Iran ' s right to nuclear energy for exclusively peaceful purposes in conformity with its obligations under the NPT.
  • Provision of technological and financial assistance necessary for Iran 's peaceful use of nuclear energy , s upport for the resumption of technical cooperation projects in Iran by the IAEA .
  • Support for construction of LWR based on state-of-the-art technology.
  • Support for R&D in nuclear energy as international confidence is gradually restored.
  • Provision of legally binding nuclear fuel supply guarantees.
  • Cooperation with regard to management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.


  • Improving the six countries' and the EU's relations with Iran and building up mutual trust.
  • Encouragement of direct contact and dialogue with Iran .
  • Support Iran in playing an important and constructive role in international affairs .
  • Promotion of dialogue and cooperation on non-proliferation, regional security and stabilisation issues.
  • Work with Iran and others in the region to encourage confidence-building measures and regional security.
  • Establishment of appropriate consultation and co-operation mechanisms.
  • Support for a conference on regional security issues.
  • Reaffirmation that a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to non-proliferation efforts and to realizing the objective of a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, including their means of delivery.
  • Reaffirmation of the obligation under the UN Charter to r efrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations.
  • Cooperation on Afghanistan , including on in tensified cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking, s upport for programmes on the return of Afghan refugees to Afghanistan ; cooperation on reconstruction of Afghanistan ; cooperation on guarding the Iran-Afghan border.


Steps towards the normalization of trade and economic relations , such as i mproving Iran 's access to the international economy, markets and capital through practical support for full integration into international structures, including the World Trade Organization, and to create the framework for increased direct investment in Iran and trade with Iran .

Energy Partnership

Steps towards the n ormalization of cooperation with Iran in the area of energy: establishment of a long-term and wide-ranging strategic energy partnership between Iran and the European Union and other willing partners, with concrete and practical applications/measures.


  • Support for agricultural development in Iran .
  • Facilitation of Iran 's complete self-sufficiency in food through cooperation in modern technology.

Environment, Infrastructure

  • Civilian Projects in the field of environmental protection, infrastructure, science and technology, and high-tech:
    • Development of transport infrastructure, including international transport corridors.

    • Support for modernisation of Iran 's telecommunication infrastructure, including by possible removal of relevant export restrictions.

Civil Aviation

  • Civil aviation cooperation, including the possible removal of restrictions on manufacturers exporting aircraft to Iran :
    • enabling Iran to renew its civil aviation fleet;
    • assisting Iran to ensure that Iranian aircraft meet international safety standards.

Economic, social and human development/humanitarian issues

  • Provide, as necessary, assistance to Iran 's economic and social development and humanitarian need.
  • Cooperation/technical support in education in areas of benefit to Iran :
    • Supporting Iranians to take courses, placements or degrees in areas such as civil engineering, agriculture and environmental studies;
    • Supporting partnerships between Higher Education Institutions e.g. public health, rural livelihoods, joint scientific projects, public administration, history and philosophy.
  • Cooperation in the field of development of effective emergency response capabilities (e.g. seismology, earth quake research, disaster control etc.).
  • Cooperation within the framework of a "dialogue among civilizations".

 Implementation mechanism

  • Constitution of joint monitoring groups for the implementation of a future agreement.


2008/ 497

Released on June 17, 2008

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