SUPPLEMENTS SUBCOMMITTEE













                                   SULFATE IN OSTEOARTHRITIS




                                  FURAN CONTAMINANTS IN FOODS













                                     Tuesday, June 8, 2004


                                           8:00 a.m.









                                       Bethesda Marriott

                                         Grand Ballroom

                                      5150 Pooks Hill Road

                                       Bethesda, Maryland













                  Food Advisory Committee


                  Sanford A. Miller, Ph.D., Chairman

                  Linda Reed, Acting Executive Secretary


                  Douglas L. Archer, Ph.D.

                  Patrick S. Callery, Ph.D.

                  Goulda A. Downer, Ph.D.

                  Johanna Dwyer, D.Sc, RD

                  Jean M. Halloran

                  Norman I. Krinsky, Ph.D.

                  Daryl B. Lund, Ph.D.

                  Margaret C. McBride, M.D.

                  Mark F. Nelson, Ph.D.

                  Robert M. Russell, M.D.

                  Carolyn I. Waslien, Ph.D., R.D.


                  Dietary Supplements Subcommittee Members


                  Edward Blonz, Ph.D.

                  Edward D. Harris, Ph.D.

                  Harihara M. Mehendale, Ph.D.

                  Steven Zeisel, M.D., Ph.D.


                  Temporary Voting Members


                  Steven Abramson, M.D.

                  John J. Cush, M.D.

                  Luis Espinoza, M.D.

                  Scott A. Kale, M.D., J.D., M.S.

                  Nancy E. Lane, M.D.




                  Jeanne Latham

                  Dr. Craig Rowlands











                                        C O N T E N T S




                  Call to Order

                  Sanford A. Miller, Ph.D., Chair                            4


                  Review of Issues

                  Dr. Craig Rowlands                                         6


                  Committee Discussion                                       8


                  Concluding Comments                                      103


                  Dr. Miller











              1                      P R O C E E D I N G S


              2                          Call to Order


              3             DR. MILLER:  Good morning.  We are going


              4   to begin the second day of the meetings of the Food



              5   Advisory Committee.  This morning and the first


              6   part of this afternoon will be spent with the


              7   committee deliberating the information that we have


              8   received so far and try to develop a consensus


              9   response to the three questions that were presented



             10   to us by the FDA for us to respond to.


             11             Before we begin our work for today, there


             12   is a couple of issues I need to make and Linda also


             13   has some administrative things that need to be


             14   brought to your attention.



             15             First, two of the members of the


             16   committee, Dr. David Felson and Dr. Annette


             17   Dickinson will not be with us today.  They were


             18   unable to stay for the two days of the meeting, and


             19   I think we will miss them.  But, for the record,



             20   they won't be with us.


             21             Secondly, it is really important that we


             22   stick to the time frame as closely as possible.  We











              1   have another subject to discuss, the Food Advisory


              2   Committee has another subject to discuss, and that


              3   is the contamination of foods with furans, and we


              4   have to be out of this room, I have been informed,



              5   by 6 o'clock at the very latest, otherwise, we will


              6   find ourselves in the middle of a wedding, that


              7   that is not going to help our deliberations to any


              8   great extent.


              9             So, we will do that.  At 1:45, this



             10   section of the meeting will adjourn and the


             11   temporary voting members and the members of the


             12   Supplements Subcommittee that have joined us will


             13   be excused, with our thanks, of course, and we will


             14   continue on with the furan part of the meeting with



             15   a new group of temporary voting members, and so on,


             16   and so forth.


             17             Linda.


             18             MS. REED:  Good morning, everyone.  I just


             19   have a couple of administrative announcements,



             20   information I want to give you.  If anyone needs


             21   transportation back to their respective airports,


             22   please see Sharon Barcelos [ph], who is sitting out











              1   front at the registration desk, and she will get


              2   that arranged for you.


              3             Also, just as a reminder, I believe


              4   checkout is at noon for anybody who needs to check



              5   out.  Also, if you would like to have your briefing


              6   materials Fed Ex'd back to your business or


              7   residence, we have Fed Ex boxes and labels outside


              8   also where Sharon is sitting, if anybody wants to


              9   take advantage of doing that versus carrying it



             10   back with them, so please see Sharon for those


             11   details.


             12             Thank you.


             13             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Craig Rowlands from the


             14   FDA will again present the questions to us.  He is



             15   also available, if anybody has any questions they


             16   need for clarification, or information that they


             17   might need in order to come to some decision on


             18   these questions, please address them to Craig.


             19             I have asked them to put the questions up



             20   on the screen and leave them up there, so that they


             21   will be in front of us during our discussions


             22   today.











              1             Craig.


              2                         Review of Issues


              3             DR. ROWLANDS:  Good morning.  I am going


              4   to read the questions as I read them yesterday,



              5   which is I am going to combine Questions 1, the A


              6   and B, and then Questions 2, the A and B, and then


              7   Question 3, I will read as written.


              8             Question 1 is:  Is 1(a), joint


              9   degeneration, and Question 1(b), cartilage



             10   deterioration, a state of health leading to


             11   disease, which is a modifiable risk factor


             12   surrogate endpoint for OA risk reduction?


             13             Then, we would like to know what are the


             14   strengths and limitations of the scientific



             15   evidence on this issue.


             16             Question 2 is:  If we assume that for


             17   2(a), joint degeneration, and for Question 2(b),


             18   cartilage deteriorating, is a modifiable risk


             19   factor surrogate endpoint for OA risk reduction,



             20   and we assume that research demonstrates that a


             21   dietary substance treats, mitigates, or slows joint


             22   degeneration or cartilage deterioration in patients











              1   diagnosed with osteoarthritis, is it scientifically


              2   valid to use such research to suggest a reduced


              3   risk of OA in the general healthy population, that


              4   is, individuals without osteoarthritis, from



              5   consumption of the dietary substance?


              6             Question 3 is:  If human data are absent,


              7   can the results from animal and in vitro models of


              8   OA demonstrate risk reduction of OA in humans?


              9             3(a)  To the extent that animal or in



             10   vitro models of OA may be useful, what animal


             11   models or in vitro models, types of evidence and


             12   endpoints should be used to assess risk reduction


             13   of OA in humans?


             14             3(b)  If limited human data are available,



             15   what data should be based on human studies and what


             16   data could be based on animal and in vitro studies


             17   to determine whether the overall data are useful in


             18   assessing a reduced risk of OA in humans?


             19             If there is any clarification needed or



             20   anything on those questions, you can ask me or


             21   actually you could ask any of the FDA staff for any


             22   clarifications if you like.











              1             DR. MILLER:  Any comments?  Dr. Cush.


              2             DR. CUSH:  Well, actually, I would like to


              3   provide a clarification, I think to Question 1(a).


              4   I would like joint degeneration to be considered



              5   separately from cartilage deterioration.


              6             Joint degeneration, I think would


              7   basically be an analogous definition of


              8   osteoarthritis.  I don't believe that it is a state


              9   that leads to, I mean it is a net result that is



             10   osteoarthritis.  It is a poor choice of words, and


             11   should not be any kind of labeling, and should be


             12   rejected outright.


             13             I think to move on to cartilage


             14   deterioration, which is sort of the target of the



             15   initial damage of the disorder, something that we


             16   measure.  Joint degeneration is too global, too


             17   vague, but it nonetheless does imply the net result


             18   of osteoarthritis.


             19             So, that term I believe is faulty and



             20   should be eliminated.


             21             DR. ROWLANDS:  Okay.  Of course, the


             22   questions are written separately as 1(a) and then











              1   1(b).


              2                       Committee Discussion


              3             DR. MILLER:  Any comments or response to


              4   that?  Yes.



              5             DR. BLONZ:  Edward Blonz.  Now, the


              6   question I would pose to that is, does the joint


              7   degeneration process begin and then lead to


              8   osteoporosis, or as soon as joint degeneration has


              9   begun, you are already there?  Osteoarthritis,



             10   forgive me.


             11             DR. CUSH:  Again, this goes back to


             12   yesterday's definition of the transition from


             13   healthy to disease state, which is an impossibility


             14   to define I think in this instance, and I don't



             15   believe that joint degeneration implies a lesser,


             16   more minor, or protein state of the net result,


             17   which is osteoarthritis.


             18             I think it embodies what we see in


             19   osteoarthritis, which is again the whole joint



             20   being affected by more primordial events that begin


             21   with cartilage pathology.


             22             DR. MILLER:  It seems to me, as I said











              1   yesterday, it seems to me that there is a


              2   fundamental issue that somehow or other we need to


              3   comment on, and that is the question on which much


              4   of the discussion is based, and that is, there is



              5   at some point when osteoarthritis or any of the


              6   pre-quals [ph] of osteoarthritis that we are


              7   discussing to see whether they have any ultimate


              8   impact does or does not exist.


              9             I mean, to exaggerate, if you listen to



             10   the conversation about the continuum, and you can


             11   argue the continuum begins at conception and ends


             12   at death, and those kind of continuums are not


             13   unknown in biology, and it just seems to me that we


             14   need to address that question, if the basic issue



             15   that the FDA is trying to deal with is going to be


             16   responded to.


             17             Yes, David.


             18             DR. ABRAMSON:  I think, Dr. Miller, that


             19   is the nub that we are struggling with, and I think



             20   one of the issues that is important to review from


             21   yesterday's discussion is that our clinical ability


             22   to detect osteoarthritis is very crude at the











              1   earliest stages and particularly the imaging


              2   technology is very crude, and we rely on that.


              3             So, histologically, we all would be able


              4   to sit around a table with a pathologist and



              5   differentiate normal cartilage from early


              6   degenerative changes of cartilage, and that is how,


              7   in fact, when you do studies of OA, you define it


              8   pathologically, not by imaging.


              9             Imaging is useful for clinical trials, as



             10   Dr. Simon said, and also for clinical care of


             11   patients, but the disease, as is atherosclerosis


             12   present for years perhaps before the patient is


             13   symptomatic, but a pathologist can see


             14   atherosclerosis and a pathologist can see



             15   osteoarthritis, and that doesn't happen necessarily


             16   when you are 15 or 17, it happens in the later


             17   decades.


             18             The other related dilemma is the disease


             19   osteoarthritis pathologically can be detected early



             20   with fibrillations and fissuring, but then in only


             21   some people does it advance at a rate that they get


             22   it at age 55 or 75, or perhaps 100, but there is a











              1   continuum where I think we would call this


              2   cartilage abnormality osteoarthritis.


              3             So, I think the limitations of our


              4   diagnostic tools are part of the problem here, but



              5   the disease can be detected if one looks carefully


              6   enough at many of these earlier points.


              7             DR. MILLER:  Well, it is impossible--I


              8   will just lay this on the table--to say that you


              9   can't distinguish a period in which osteoarthritis



             10   or the phenomenon that lead to full-blown


             11   osteoarthritis can't be determined.


             12             DR. LANE:  I think that that is true.  I


             13   mean what Dr. Abramson says is we neither have the


             14   imaging techniques, nor do we have a measurement in



             15   the blood or serum that you could at which point


             16   say this, like cholesterol, we don't have a


             17   cholesterol, we don't have a level of a marker of


             18   bone or cartilage turnover that we could say this


             19   person is at so high a risk of getting OA that we



             20   should do something about it.


             21             We neither have an imaging tool nor a


             22   serum marker in this continuum, and until the











              1   person comes to medical care with pain in their


              2   joint, it is unclear.  Even if they have a x-ray


              3   and it's abnormal, it is unclear they are going to


              4   get a clinical disease.



              5             As Dr. Felson said yesterday, only 30


              6   percent of people who have significant radiographic


              7   changes ever have clinical painful disease.


              8             DR. MILLER:  I understand that.  What I am


              9   just trying to say is that if that be the case, and



             10   there is a consensus that that is the case, then,


             11   that is what we ought to say.  That is all I am


             12   trying to say.


             13             DR. LANE:  Okay.


             14             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Cush.



             15             DR. CUSH:  I would like to reiterate a


             16   point that was brought up by David Felson


             17   yesterday, and that was in spite of what appears to


             18   be a struggle as to what we know and what we don't


             19   know, no rheumatologist has difficulty making a



             20   diagnosis of osteoarthritis.  It is a very certain


             21   disease, it is easy to diagnose.


             22             What we are talking about here, in this











              1   continuum that may begin with genetic factors, and


              2   then biochemical factors, then immunologic events,


              3   then physiochemical events, and then sometime


              4   shortly thereafter, symptoms might ensue, and then



              5   are followed by damage and the functional


              6   consequences of disease.


              7             All along the way, imaging, depending on


              8   how good or sensitive it is or is not, or a


              9   biomarker, how sensitive it is, it may be present



             10   or it may be absent, but they don't factor as much


             11   into this as the symptoms do, so it is when


             12   symptoms begin that we recognize this constellation


             13   of findings and we make this diagnosis.


             14             What is not known is what is pre-OA, we



             15   don't have a diagnosis of pre-osteoarthritis.  In


             16   fact, we don't have great risk factors.  We know


             17   risk factors, we know there are some genetic risk


             18   factors, which is for a minority of individuals.


             19             We know that obesity and we know that



             20   certain lifestyles or occupations are risk factors


             21   for osteoarthritis, and those are modifiable, but


             22   by the way, none of those subsets have these











              1   nutritional supplements been applied to and shown


              2   to have protective benefit.


              3             So, you know, we are being asked to


              4   address whether or not some intervention might be



              5   applied to a healthy population to protect us


              6   against the disease.


              7             Again, I have a problem with connecting


              8   the dots.  We saw some good research and good


              9   results applied to people with disease, but



             10   applying them to the general population who may or


             11   may not have this is, I think a gigantic leap of


             12   faith that is going to be difficult to make.


             13             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Zeisel.


             14             DR. ZEISEL:  I would like to suggest that



             15   we approach this bit by bit, and not jump to the


             16   treatment of OA or prevention of OA at this moment,


             17   but rather the question before us is, is cartilage


             18   degeneration a predecessor of OA in the individuals


             19   who develop OA.



             20             Now, that doesn't mean that everybody who


             21   has cartilage degeneration is going to go on to


             22   develop OA, but in the individuals who develop OA,











              1   is cartilage degeneration a predecessor, and from


              2   what I have heard, I would argue that it is, that


              3   people who go on to develop OA start with cartilage


              4   degeneration.



              5             Again, we might parse that very finely,


              6   but, in general, you have some cartilage


              7   degeneration that gets worse and worse until some


              8   point when you develop frank symptomatology that is


              9   picked up.



             10             So, if we can agree on that, we can agree


             11   on a Question 1(b) that it's a deterioration of


             12   state of health leading to a disease.  Now, it


             13   doesn't always lead to the disease, but it is clear


             14   that sometimes it does.



             15             Is that a reasonable statement?


             16             DR. LANE:  Well, I have a little trouble


             17   with it, because you are saying that the cartilage


             18   degeneration is starting out leading to something,


             19   and I think, as was brought up yesterday, the joint



             20   is a structure, and what leads to the painful


             21   disease OA is cartilage and bone changes.


             22             So, I ask Dr. Abramson should we separate











              1   out the cartilage, I am not so sure.


              2             DR. ABRAMSON:  Well, I guess the semantic


              3   issue here is I would argue that cartilage


              4   degeneration is the earliest phase of



              5   osteoarthritis, therefore, it is not a normal


              6   state.


              7             DR. ZEISEL:  Well, again, I think that we


              8   cannot come to any resolution here as a committee


              9   if we--you know, it's like arguing when birth



             10   starts.  We can get down and keep going back and


             11   back.


             12             I think that our problem here is that we


             13   all realize that realistically, there is a stage at


             14   which cartilage falls slightly behind in its repair



             15   versus synthesis rate, and that that is a minuscule


             16   change that is only detectable by the finest cell


             17   biology, but eventually, it goes on and it can't be


             18   the disease at the first mistake. Otherwise, then,


             19   there is nothing you could ever prevent, because



             20   you have the disease the first time the first


             21   cartilage cell doesn't make the right amount of


             22   cartilage.











              1             So, I think realistically, it is hard to


              2   accept that you define the disease as when the


              3   first cartilage cell doesn't make the right amount


              4   of cartilage.



              5             DR. ABRAMSON:  That does become a


              6   theological discussion, but the point that I would


              7   make is how do we define cartilage degeneration


              8   even for this discussion, and I would suggest that


              9   although we talked about OA as being an inevitably



             10   disease-related disease, in point of fact, it is


             11   not--when you are 75 years old, maybe only 30


             12   percent of people have it.


             13             I can tell you in our laboratory, we rely


             14   on getting normal tissue age matched before we do



             15   studies by the pathologist, and you can find lots


             16   of people who come to surgery for fractures or


             17   other reason who have absolutely normal cartilage


             18   at age 70, that you then have to say, okay, I am


             19   going to do my study, and that is a normal person



             20   age 70, and this is a person who has


             21   osteoarthritis.


             22             So, the notion that it is a normal process











              1   with time, I think, you know, it depends at what


              2   point in time, and it is not necessarily therefore


              3   everyone is going to get OA and at the earliest


              4   sign.  So, you can have normal cartilage, and I



              5   would suggest that the degenerative changes that


              6   the pathologist can see is osteoarthritis.


              7             DR. ZEISEL:  But we have also heard, I


              8   believe, that you can have abnormal cartilage, and


              9   not have osteoarthritis, that, by definition, there



             10   are some people going around with abnormal


             11   cartilage and they do not have osteoarthritis by


             12   the clinician's recognition of that disease.


             13             So, having abnormal cartilage cannot be


             14   the sine qua non of having osteoarthritis.  What I



             15   am trying to say is that it can precede it, and


             16   therefore, there must be people who will develop


             17   osteoarthritis who have the start of cartilage


             18   degeneration, and the question at hand is, is that


             19   a marker that is worthwhile following as something



             20   that you could intervene in.  I mean I think that


             21   is what Question 1(b) is.


             22             DR. MILLER:  Well, couldn't that be a rate











              1   function?  In other words, a rate of degeneration


              2   that could take place, and if you don't live long


              3   enough for it to express itself, so to speak.


              4             I mean the problem, let me see if I can



              5   focus this discussion a little bit, a little more,


              6   the problem that the FDA faces is being able to


              7   determine whether or not the results you are


              8   looking at is mitigation of existing disease or is


              9   it risk reduction--I have to be careful what words



             10   I use--whether it is a risk reduction function.


             11             That is the problem that they face, and


             12   there are many ways to deal with this.  One is to


             13   get a consensus for an arbitrary distinction at


             14   what point one process begins and the other ends,



             15   recognizing that you are trying to deal with a


             16   point on a continuum.


             17             I am not sure we could do that here, but


             18   if there is some agreement, we can recognize that.


             19             DR. LANE:  I think, Dr. Miller, that is a



             20   very important point, because research that Dr.


             21   Felson and our group do has shown us surprisingly


             22   that the risk factors for getting the disease at











              1   this point, with the research done, are different


              2   than what causes it to get worse.


              3             So, armed with that data and the


              4   literature for both hip and knee OA, we may have to



              5   make a bit of a distinction even though


              6   theoretically, we think the continuum should, we


              7   really don't have the data to support that today.


              8             DR. MILLER:  Basically, you have got to


              9   draw that bright line somewhere.



             10             DR. LANE:  That's right, we have to put a


             11   dotted line, that is exactly right.


             12             DR. MILLER:  Recognizing that there is a


             13   big variation.


             14             DR. LANE:  That's right.



             15             DR. MILLER:  We have a number of people


             16   that have been trying to get some questions in


             17   here, and to be fair, I have got to give them a


             18   chance.


             19             Dr. Espinoza.



             20             DR. ESPINOZA:  I don't have any problems


             21   with the question posed by FDA regarding joint


             22   deterioration and cartilage degeneration.











              1   Cartilage degeneration might be the hallmark of the


              2   disease that we call osteoarthritis, but


              3   osteoarthritis is much more than that.


              4             I definitely feel that joint deterioration



              5   should be considered at least a relevant question


              6   for us to discuss here.


              7             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Nelson.


              8             DR. NELSON:  Following up on the questions


              9   about the continuum, we are interested in risk



             10   factors for this particular discussion, correct?


             11             DR. MILLER:  Right.


             12             DR. NELSON:  As I understood it, there


             13   could be 75-year-olds that have no anatomical


             14   changes, and clearly they have no risk of



             15   developing osteoarthritis, but then there are


             16   others that do, in fact, have these changes, but


             17   have no symptomatology, so they have risk factors,


             18   but it hasn't led to the problem.


             19             As I understood it, the disease was, as I



             20   think Dr. Zeisel allude to it, the disease is


             21   really considered a disease once the patient


             22   presents symptoms.











              1             In that situation, would not, in fact,


              2   cartilage deterioration be a risk factor that may


              3   or may not be modifiable, but before the disease


              4   appears?



              5             DR. ABRAMSON:  The difficulty for me here


              6   is that we define osteoarthritis as when the


              7   symptoms begin at one level, but we can all look at


              8   an x-ray and say this asymptomatic patient has


              9   osteoarthritis of the knee or back, so there is



             10   three levels by which we make this diagnosis.


             11             We make a clinical diagnosis, we make a


             12   radiographic diagnosis, and we make a histological


             13   diagnosis, and depending on which part of the


             14   elephant you are looking at, the elephant still has



             15   osteoarthritis, the disease of tissue degeneration.


             16             So, I think the analogy to other diseases


             17   then becomes important, and it depends what the FDA


             18   wants to call the onset of the disease.  If it


             19   limits itself to symptoms, that is one way of



             20   looking at it, but is hypertension a disease if the


             21   person doesn't have a stroke until it had 20 years


             22   of hypertension, is a plaque in the coronary artery











              1   atherosclerosis if the patient hasn't had angina.


              2             So, I would suggest that the disease is a


              3   set of pathogenic events in tissue and tissue


              4   injury that we don't have either the imaging



              5   technology or the patient may be asymptomatic up to


              6   a point, but eventually that patient who has that


              7   disease will most commonly get some kind of


              8   symptom.


              9             The symptoms of osteoarthritis don't come



             10   from where a lot of the pathogenic changes are


             11   happening because there is no nerves there, but


             12   eventually, the organ fails, eventually symptoms


             13   will occur, so I think this is a definitional


             14   problem.  I think the disease can be all of those



             15   different things, and this discussion I think has


             16   to decide which of those things we want to call


             17   osteoarthritis.


             18             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Kale.


             19             DR. KALE:  It seems clear that the



             20   degeneration of cartilage is necessary, but not


             21   sufficient to create the syndrome of


             22   osteoarthritis, but if we are forced to acknowledge











              1   that every human being will develop this condition


              2   of cartilage degeneration, but may or may not


              3   develop the syndrome of osteoarthritis, then, we


              4   have embraced a very large definition, which is



              5   fine.


              6             I feel uncomfortable holding the


              7   petitioners responsible for changing that or


              8   clarifying the universe for us when we can't do it


              9   ourselves.



             10             The notion that you could prevent the


             11   syndrome from developing by using a product like


             12   chondroitin sulfate or glucosamine, with the


             13   possibility of reducing a universe of patients from


             14   having the symptoms, and given again that we are



             15   all going to develop some evidence of cartilage


             16   degeneration, seems like a very worthy idea, and


             17   the fact that we can't define a modifiable risk


             18   factor for our satisfaction seems an unfair burden


             19   to place on the petitioners.



             20             My basic point is that in a certain sense,


             21   walnuts are to LDL as chondroitin sulfate or


             22   glucosamine is to reduction of cartilage











              1   degeneration, and in that sense, the modifiable


              2   risk factor would be, for the purpose of this


              3   hearing, would be modifying the risk factor of


              4   degenerating cartilage.



              5             You could reduce the degeneration of


              6   cartilage and, in some patients, some fortunate few


              7   or some fortunate many, they would not go ahead and


              8   develop osteoarthritis and perhaps the rest would.


              9             That is no better than we can say for



             10   Lipitor or any other drug or any other drug as we


             11   are trying to treat diseases relevant to, say,


             12   cardiovascular disease.


             13             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Cush.


             14             DR. CUSH:  I think that it is clear we



             15   can't make any 100 percent certain statements about


             16   relatedness and/or discrete time variables where


             17   events, pathologic or otherwise, lead to actual


             18   disease.


             19             I think what we can say is, you know, use



             20   the term "reasonable certainty," and I think that


             21   is much more operationally important here.


             22             I would use the analogy that is a











              1   catastrophic motor vehicle accident or skiing


              2   accident a risk factor for developing


              3   osteoarthritis?  Yes, it is.  I mean such an


              4   individual is more likely than not to have his or



              5   her cartilage damaged to the point that it will


              6   lead to a secondary osteoarthritic joint.


              7             Similarly, although that is much more of a


              8   macroscopic insult, here, we are talking about


              9   microscopic insults, hence, I would say that



             10   cartilage degeneration or deterioration is also a


             11   risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis,


             12   and a statement using sort of a reasonably certain


             13   terminology.


             14             I think most of us, I wasn't happy with



             15   it, but I think that we know that, in fact, that


             16   that is not a good thing, and there is a reasonable


             17   risk for development of osteoarthritis.


             18             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Dwyer.


             19             DR. DWYER:  I think where I am confused



             20   is, is it a risk factor or is it a sign that the


             21   disease is already present.  To me, it seems like


             22   it is a sign, from what some of you experts say, it











              1   is a sign that the disease is already there.  So,


              2   it is not a risk factor, it is a sign of the


              3   disease, which is different, at least in my head it


              4   is different.



              5             DR. CUSH:  For the person who gets the


              6   disease, yes, it is, but as we have said, there are


              7   people who have cartilage abnormalities who will


              8   never have symptoms.


              9             DR. DWYER:  But that doesn't bother me



             10   because all of these diseases are multifactorial,


             11   so there are a lot of people who have a whole bunch


             12   of different characteristics, but they don't get


             13   the disease.


             14             DR. CUSH:  I don't understand.  I mean you



             15   are going to discard those people who have, and not


             16   consider them, is that what you are saying, people


             17   who have cartilage abnormalities, because again, if


             18   we are going to accept that they are not important,


             19   then, we may be overtreating or subjecting a large



             20   segment of the population to products that they may


             21   not need.  I think we have to consider them.


             22             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Zeisel.











              1             DR. ZEISEL:  Let's retreat to some ground


              2   that has already been covered, I believe, by the


              3   FDA.  Individuals, treatments that can lower


              4   cholesterol are allowed to say that they are



              5   beneficial in the prevention of atherosclerosis and


              6   cardiovascular disease.


              7             We all know that everybody 17 years and up


              8   has atherosclerosis already to some extent, that


              9   none of them, if taken apart by a pathologist,



             10   won't show atherosclerosis, and yet we don't say


             11   they have the disease, and we are willing to say


             12   that in even a 30-year-old or 40-year-old or


             13   50-year-old, lowering cholesterol is reducing a


             14   risk factor for cardiovascular disease even though



             15   they have it by any definition, that we all have


             16   some cardiovascular disease right now.


             17             So, I think drawing on that analogy,


             18   saying that reducing cartilage degeneration is a


             19   reduction in risk for developing osteoarthritis



             20   seems to be a fair parallel, and just as everybody


             21   with high cholesterol doesn't go on to develop an


             22   MI or need a bypass, everybody who has abnormal











              1   cartilage doesn't go on to need a knee replacement


              2   or whatever.


              3             So, I think we have a fair analogy to a


              4   situation that is already in place, and that if we



              5   start from there, we can move on to ask some of the


              6   more difficult questions about whether changes in


              7   evidence of this risk factor have anything to


              8   do--in diseased patients have anything to do with


              9   changes in patients who you would not have



             10   clinically said had the disease osteoarthritis.


             11             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Blonz.


             12             DR. BLONZ:  So, we keep coming back to the


             13   same point.  Are we dealing with, as soon as it's


             14   here, you have got the disease, or is it a process



             15   which can be thought of as a risk factor that


             16   basically puts you in queue to the point that all


             17   we are doing is waiting for you to report the


             18   symptoms and then get the radiographic


             19   confirmation, and then you are officially labeled,



             20   and the disease is put on your chart?


             21             So, we are dealing with terminology and


             22   subjectivity, not having the objective factors like











              1   we might have with coronary artery disease where we


              2   can measure this biomarker of cholesterol in the


              3   bloodstream.


              4             So, we are actually dealing with the



              5   second half of the question, the strength and


              6   weaknesses before we deal with the first half of


              7   the question.


              8             So, I will pose it, of course, to the


              9   experts in the field.  If we had a measure of joint



             10   deterioration prior to the reporting of


             11   symptomatology by the patient, if we had this


             12   marker, would this be something, if we could modify


             13   it, we could reduce the risk?


             14             DR. MILLER:  Isn't that one of the reasons



             15   the NIH study is being one?


             16             DR. LANE:  Yes.


             17             DR. MILLER:  Now, again, just throwing an


             18   idea on the table, it is perfectly possible for us


             19   to say that if the data was available, it is almost



             20   an arbitrary distinction, because we can't get away


             21   from the concept of a continuum, and if this is


             22   going to be useful, then, we may just have to say











              1   that.


              2             Dr. Lane.


              3             DR. LANE:  I would like to comment on


              4   that, two points.  One is I think there is a



              5   continuum that keep being jumped to, and I am


              6   concerned about it.  One is we know that if you


              7   have heart disease and your cholesterol is high,


              8   and you take the statin and you lower the


              9   cholesterol, and the disease slows down its



             10   progression, and that data led us then to looking


             11   at lowering cholesterol in people who didn't have


             12   clinical disease, and then found that, gee, it did


             13   prevent the onset of the clinical disease.


             14             But even though we know cardiovascular



             15   disease is a continuum, we have strong evidence to


             16   support now that lowering your cholesterol prevents


             17   an event of the clinical disease, and I feel


             18   strongly that we need to show that all we know, I


             19   know so far with the medications on the table, if



             20   you have disease, they do something, but we don't


             21   have anything on the preventive side, and your


             22   point is well taken that until we know what those











              1   markers or surrogates are to tell us disease is


              2   coming, we are just jumping into an unknown area.


              3             That is why I am a little concerned about


              4   making parallels.



              5             DR. ZEISEL:  There are lots of people with


              6   high cholesterol that don't get heart disease,


              7   there are lots of people with low cholesterol that


              8   go on and have MIs, it is just as uncertain, but


              9   somehow people have said they are willing to say



             10   that there is enough of a relationship that they


             11   are willing to use this imperfect biomarker, and I


             12   think cartilage degeneration is that similar thing.


             13             There are some things that don't exactly


             14   fit, that don't always follow, but, in general, you



             15   feel that a person is at higher risk if you come in


             16   and their cartilage is degenerating, of coming down


             17   with a clinical syndrome, and I think the same


             18   thing is true with cholesterol.


             19             Many people have very low cholesterol and



             20   go on to have heart attacks.  They have heart


             21   attacks for other reasons than cholesterol, and


             22   that may be true with OA.











              1             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Waslien.


              2             DR. WASLIEN:  I think we need to look at


              3   the history of the development of these two


              4   indicators to call an analogy with cardiovascular



              5   disease when it took us 20, 30 years to do the


              6   clinical lipid trials to prove that indeed lowering


              7   cholesterol would have an effect.


              8             I think we are at the stage of saying


              9   maybe reduction in cartilage will have an effect,



             10   but we don't have data to prove it.  So, to jump to


             11   the conclusion of saying, well, we will use this as


             12   a marker when we don't have the kind of many years,


             13   I mean the cholesterol history is 40, 50 years old,


             14   of knowing that people had elevated cholesterols,



             15   but not knowing if it made any difference.


             16             So, I think we are in that stage of saying


             17   yes, people have degenerated cartilage, but will


             18   changing that degeneration have any effect on


             19   osteoarthritis, I think those trials are needed



             20   before we can say anything.


             21             DR. MILLER:  Well, it is possible for us


             22   to say that there is a relationship, we don't











              1   understand it yet, and that once we get the data,


              2   it can be used, and to indicate we don't have the


              3   data yet.  I mean there are a lot of possibilities.


              4             The DRI Committee at the Institute of



              5   Medicine ran into this with the relationship


              6   between saturated fat and cholesterol.  The


              7   American Heart Association published a chart that


              8   showed the relationship between saturated fat in


              9   the diet and cholesterol, serum cholesterol, went



             10   to zero, in other words, you had some increase in


             11   cholesterol even at very low levels of saturated


             12   fat intake.


             13             They came to the conclusion that they had


             14   to make an arbitrary distinction, is it possible



             15   not to have saturated fat in the diet.


             16             Dr. Cush.


             17             DR. CUSH:  I would like to first caution


             18   everybody to stop talking about diseases which you


             19   know too much about, meaning like, you know,



             20   hyperlipidemia and stroke, because we have great


             21   models and, as was stated, many years of history,


             22   and we don't know that the analogy to











              1   osteoarthritis is going to be as clear.


              2             It seems logical, but it may, in fact, not


              3   be, and osteoarthritis may not be one disease, but


              4   may be several.  I mean, for instance, in lupus, a



              5   disease that we know a lot about, that we see a lot


              6   of it, but all of those patients have some degree


              7   of renal damage that one would pick up on biopsy,


              8   but yet there is only a small proportion of them


              9   with certain types of damage that will go to



             10   develop renal failure and outcomes there.


             11             Again, we have to be careful about


             12   extrapolation from other human models, and even


             13   animal models, that there is a gigantic leap of


             14   faith which makes us all the more uncertain.



             15             I think that cartilage and cartilage


             16   deterioration could be a surrogate marker for the


             17   disease, but the problem is that that is not


             18   something that is measure in daily routine


             19   practice.  We don't measure that, we don't examine



             20   that, I don't image that.  As we heard, there are


             21   lots of problems with quantifying and assessing


             22   cartilage damage even in well constructed trials.











              1             But I think we have to move on, because I


              2   think we have said this over and over that as Dr.


              3   Blonz said, if you have cartilage deterioration,


              4   you are in queue.  It is a risk factor for the



              5   development of disease.  I think that that is


              6   something that has been said over and over.  I


              7   don't know there is much disagreement with that at


              8   this point.


              9             So, I mean I think that question has been



             10   answered and we can move on.


             11             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Russell.


             12             DR. RUSSELL:  This is a question for the


             13   rheumatologists.  Is there some point along the


             14   continuum of joint deterioration where it becomes



             15   really much more likely that a person will develop


             16   osteoarthritis?


             17             I mean I realize you can have significant


             18   deterioration without developing the clinical


             19   syndrome, but is there some point along the



             20   continuum to say, well, this person is really


             21   likely to?


             22             DR. CUSH:  No.  You are asking for more











              1   certainty that has already been expressed, so no.


              2             DR. LANE:  Not only no, but what is


              3   surprising is if you take all the data we have, an


              4   x-ray, and everything else, and the people that you



              5   think should have it don't, and the people that


              6   have sometimes a more normal x-ray, when they go to


              7   surgery, et cetera, do.


              8             DR. RUSSELL:  Thank you.


              9             DR. MILLER:  Dr. McBride.



             10             DR. McBRIDE:  I have a little trouble with


             11   the analogy with the cholesterol, because, as a


             12   neurologist, if you have a stroke, it's a big deal,


             13   and it is not the same kind of a continuum as


             14   osteoarthritis.



             15             We are a little bit bogged own here with


             16   semantics, but if you look at the FDA definition of


             17   a modifiable risk factor, which is what we are


             18   being asked, it is a measurement of a variable


             19   related to a disease that may serve as an indicator



             20   or predictor of that disease.


             21             If we all agree that by the time you have


             22   pain and dysfunction that you have the disease, it











              1   is hard not to call cartilage deterioration a risk


              2   factor.  Certainly, it would not be ignored in any


              3   kind of early studies looking at prevention.  I


              4   mean there is a whole other question of whether or



              5   not modifying it during the disease means that you


              6   can modify the risk.  We have to take that up.


              7             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Krinsky.


              8             DR. KRINSKY:  I agree with Dr. McBride,


              9   with her comments, but the thing that concerns me



             10   about the cholesterol/cardiovascular disease


             11   analogy is that I don't see where we have a


             12   cholesterol, and lacking a cholesterol, the analogy


             13   fails, so that unless there is an appropriate


             14   biomarker for determining the moment or, at some



             15   time, the extent of your cartilage deterioration,


             16   how does one evaluate this short of having a


             17   patient wait a week, a month, a year before they


             18   report pain.  I don't see whether you can evaluate


             19   that.



             20             DR. MILLER:  Well, just a matter of


             21   clarification, it would seem to me that there is no


             22   reference to a time scale here, in other words, how











              1   long after you have identified joint degeneration


              2   do you have to develop full-blown osteoarthritis


              3   for that to be a reasonable relationship.  I don't


              4   see that.  All you have to do is be able to



              5   ultimately show that there is some relationship no


              6   matter how slow the rate may be.


              7             Dr. Harris.


              8             DR. HARRIS:  I would like to return to Dr.


              9   Miller's point regarding the possibility that we



             10   may be diagnosing something that is not related to


             11   arthritis or may not have the same outcome.


             12             In preparing for this meeting, I did do


             13   some reviewing of the literature that basically the


             14   question of could there be other factors involved,



             15   and one thing that struck me very unusually was a


             16   condition called Wilson's disease in which there is


             17   actually an accumulation of copper in the joints


             18   that leads to swelling, and so forth.


             19             I was hoping to find papers that would



             20   suggest that Wilson's disease is indeed a very good


             21   predictor or people who suffer that disease are


             22   going to be perhaps coming down early with











              1   arthritis.  I could not find that evidence, but it


              2   does indicate that there could be other mitigating


              3   factors here other than just one case we are


              4   dealing with two different diseases and mixing the



              5   two of them together may be the wrong thing to look


              6   at.


              7             DR. CUSH:  Wilson's disease is just like a


              8   car accident or whatever provokes the cartilage


              9   insult.  The deposition of copper in the cartilage,



             10   it is the first event that leads to its


             11   deterioration.  It is the same as other deposition


             12   diseases or other forms of secondary


             13   osteoarthritis.


             14             DR. HARRIS:  Yes, I think that was the



             15   point I was trying to make, that there could be


             16   other factors.  Perhaps this is addressing the


             17   question of the etiology, but it is also addressing


             18   the question of a misdiagnosis.


             19             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Kale.



             20             DR. KALE:  Yes, I am one of the proponents


             21   of the LDL/osteoarthritis analogy, and I still


             22   think that it holds, and I think it holds to a











              1   reasonable degree of medical certainty, because the


              2   final common pathway, again necessary but not


              3   sufficient, in the development of osteoarthritis


              4   has to be some degeneration of cartilage whether



              5   the degeneration is primary or secondary as in the


              6   case hemochromatosis or Wilson's disease or trauma


              7   or infection or rheumatoid disease, whatever it


              8   happens to be.


              9             if there is a reasonable likelihood that a



             10   product, call it glucosamine or chondroitin


             11   sulfate, can preserve the cartilage and reduce its


             12   likelihood to a reasonable degree from degenerating


             13   and becoming a sufficient, unfortunately, as well


             14   as necessary, cause of the syndrome of



             15   osteoarthritis, if you can prevent that, then, it


             16   strikes me it has the same status, without meaning


             17   to demean it, as walnuts.  It is a modifiable risk.


             18             You modify the risk of osteoarthritis by


             19   providing a dietary product that seems to work



             20   beneficially on cartilage to preserve it.  In that


             21   sense, once again, I would retreat back to the


             22   analogy as being reasonable.  Walnuts is to LDL as











              1   chondroitin or glucosamine is to cartilage.


              2             DR. CUSH:  That latter point, I mean you


              3   now have ventured into the proof of intervention


              4   having an effect on the biomarker and outcome.



              5             DR. KALE:  What I am trying to do is say


              6   that there is a modifiable risk factor, and that is


              7   cartilage, probably, and I agree with what you said


              8   earlier, that if you can make a reasonable


              9   assumption, I think this is still reasonable, based



             10   on clinical data, I mean obviously we haven't got


             11   the sort of data you have for--there is not a


             12   generation of data as there is for cholesterol.


             13   So, the best one can do under the circumstances.


             14             The other point I would make, by the way,



             15   it seems to me, because I am old enough to remember


             16   this, that coumadin and linoxin, these are drugs


             17   that were never tested, we simply believe they


             18   worked in the patient populations for whom we used


             19   them, and we continue to do so, and that is a



             20   reasonable presumption, and it seems to be a


             21   reasonable presumption.


             22             I am making a similar reasonable











              1   presumption about this particular product.


              2             DR. MILLER:  Well, we have to be careful


              3   using drug examples.  The standard for evaluating


              4   drugs is different than the standard for evaluating



              5   foods.


              6             DR. KALE:  Okay.  Vitamin D to rickets.


              7             DR. MILLER:  All right.  I will buy that.


              8             Dr. McBride.


              9             DR. McBRIDE:  I was just going to, in



             10   answer, say that we are not trying to say that this


             11   is the only risk factor, but it is a risk factor.


             12   The question is, is it a risk factor.  We are not


             13   even asked to say is it modifiable, that is a whole


             14   other question, but we are being asked is it a risk



             15   factor.


             16             It seems like to me it would be hard to


             17   say that it is not.


             18             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Archer.


             19             DR. ARCHER:  I just need some



             20   clarification on a point.  I thought I heard Dr.


             21   Cush say that in the diagnosis, he didn't diagnose


             22   it radiologically, in which case, I am now talking











              1   about deterioration of cartilage.


              2             If that is the case, are we talking about


              3   joint space reduction, which is kind of one step


              4   back, so we are looking at a predictor of another



              5   predictor?  So, I am getting a bit confused as to


              6   what it is we are actually talking about here.


              7             If cartilage deterioration is something


              8   that you really don't know about until the patient


              9   presents with symptoms in most cases, is that a



             10   predictor, or is it a reasonable predictor?


             11             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Abramson.


             12             DR. ABRAMSON:  I guess that comes back to


             13   our fundamental discussion, is Alzheimer's disease


             14   a disease before a person is overtly demented, or



             15   is it a pathological event that happens over time,


             16   the signal for which symptomatologywise, we see


             17   towards the end stage of that process.


             18             Again, I think, and we have different


             19   views, I think the LDL may not be a good analogy



             20   because it is truly a surrogate marker of a process


             21   that leads to damaged tissue, and one of the


             22   reasons that there is discrepancies as to whether











              1   lowering or not is helpful, is it may be not even a


              2   true marker of the disease, but a surrogate for


              3   something else that a statin is doing, for example,


              4   whereas, fibrillated cartilage arguably is the



              5   earliest phase of the disease that we call


              6   osteoarthritis, like the first plaque in the brain


              7   of someone who is going to get Alzheimer's disease.


              8             I would be certainly willing to say it is


              9   a necessary event along the pathway that ultimately



             10   leads to clinical symptoms, but kind of the


             11   medieval discussion we are having now is, is this


             12   the disease or is it a marker of the disease.


             13   Perhaps that has some legal ramifications with


             14   regard to the charge to the committee because I



             15   would argue that it is not normal joint, it's the


             16   first event in a very protracted process, and that


             17   process where we are struggling in the field is to


             18   figure out, even if we jump beyond the histology


             19   and we jump to the imaging and biomarkers, trying



             20   to predict who is going to get the disease, knowing


             21   the earliest markers, has led to a lot of


             22   surprises.  Things that we think are going to











              1   predict bad outcome tend not necessarily to be the


              2   case.


              3             So, I think, you know, just to come back,


              4   I think it is how we define earliest phase of



              5   disease versus a marker of that disease when we are


              6   in the tissue itself that we are kind of having a


              7   debate over.


              8             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Dwyer.


              9             DR. DWYER:  I just wanted to make sure I



             10   had understood what particularly the


             11   rheumatologists had said.


             12             Are you saying that cartilage


             13   deterioration and joint degeneration are risk


             14   factors of disease, the first step in a protracted



             15   process that may or may not be modifiable?  In


             16   other words, is the argument really over whether


             17   there is modification, everybody agrees that there


             18   is a risk factor?


             19             DR. ABRAMSON:  I guess what I am saying is



             20   that the earliest phase of a disease--the disease


             21   has a set of histological changes that a


             22   pathologist will differentiate, hemochromatosis,











              1   you know, OA from RA, from earliest phases of these


              2   diseases, you can determine by pathological


              3   criteria.


              4             Just having that earliest phase of



              5   fibrillation or fissuring, which is what they early


              6   see, the deterioration, it doesn't predict that


              7   that patient is going to develop clinical symptoms,


              8   and people follow different courses. Understanding


              9   why some people follow different courses, I think



             10   is the challenge in this particular field, but the


             11   disease arguably starts with these earliest


             12   classical changes of osteoarthritis.


             13             DR. DWYER:  So, it goes back that it is


             14   necessary, but not sufficient.



             15             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Blonz.


             16             DR. BLONZ:  So, I am looking at the


             17   semantics of the Question No. 1.  If this were


             18   worded is a degenerated joint a state of health,


             19   that is very different than joint degeneration.



             20             Similarly, is a deteriorated cartilage,


             21   then it is a fait accompli, so we know there is a


             22   homeostasis going on within the joint milieu where











              1   you end up getting synthesis and degradation


              2   hopefully in balance, but as soon as that turns


              3   into a negative where you have more degeneration


              4   than resynthesis, you have the process of



              5   degeneration or deterioration in the joint and in


              6   the cartilage.


              7             When this progresses to the point where


              8   you have a change that could be identified


              9   histologically or symptomatically, then, you would



             10   end up getting this diagnosis.


             11             So, if we can look at the process and then


             12   take the step forward, is this a process that once


             13   it begins, once you have got that negative going


             14   on, can this be modified prior to the diagnosis of



             15   osteoarthritis, then, we may be able to step


             16   forward and to answering 1(a) and 1(b).


             17             DR. MILLER:  Dr. McBride.


             18             DR. McBRIDE:  I again just keep coming


             19   back to the issue, the semantics of the earliest



             20   joint degeneration or cartilage deterioration,


             21   whether or not that is a disease, I don't think we


             22   are going to be able to answer, but the question is











              1   can you imagine that if you have 100 people


              2   with--and you name the measurement, however it can


              3   be measured--that show cartilage degeneration and


              4   100 who do not, is it too big a leap in faith to



              5   say that the 100 who have it are at higher risk for


              6   osteoarthritis?  That is what a risk factor is.


              7             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Nelson.


              8             DR. NELSON:  A question for the


              9   rheumatologists.  Is an individual with clear



             10   anatomic signs of deterioration and change, but


             11   expresses no pain or says he or she has no pain, is


             12   that person in a healthy state?


             13             DR. CUSH:  Go ahead.


             14             DR. ABRAMSON:  Well, yes, they can



             15   certainly be in a healthy, functional,


             16   non-disease--that is a difficult issue.  That


             17   depends on how you define health.  That is why I


             18   would argue that joint degeneration is not normal


             19   age matched, in other words, you may have the



             20   disease, but not have symptoms of the disease.  It


             21   is not a normal state for your cartilage.


             22             Now, whether you are a normal person, to











              1   the extent that most of us may have some OA and


              2   like to think ourselves as normal healthy


              3   individuals, I mean is another kind of discussion.


              4             DR. CUSH:  So, to answer your question, in



              5   Dr. Abramson's lab, he can have a age matched


              6   individual who has no symptoms, but may have some


              7   joint degeneration or may have none at all.


              8             But you can also have someone who has


              9   joint degeneration, whatever that may be, and no



             10   symptoms, and that person can have what we call a


             11   neuropathic joint or Charcot joint due to syphilis.


             12   Obviously, that is not a good state of health.


             13             I strongly dislike the term joint


             14   degeneration because of the vagueness of it and the



             15   multitude of inputs that may lead to it, you know,


             16   land mine gout, rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis,


             17   whatever, all lead to joint degeneration.  I would


             18   not want the FDA to be joined to that term for


             19   these proceedings, but that is my impression.  I



             20   would ask the chairman to address these points


             21   maybe directly at each of the rheumatologists, and


             22   then see if we can move on or not.











              1             DR. ESPINOZA:  Just to confuse you some


              2   more, you know, we made the diagnosis routinely of


              3   osteoarthritis in individuals, they are totally


              4   asymptomatic now.  That is routinely.



              5             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Cush, would you argue


              6   that cartilage deterioration has the same problem?


              7             DR. CUSH:  No, because as Dr. Abramson


              8   pointed out, cartilage deterioration is the


              9   pathognomonic finding, maybe the earliest finding



             10   that sets off the cascade that leads to


             11   osteoarthritis.  I think it has a specificity


             12   attached to it that is appropriate to these


             13   proceedings.


             14             DR. MILLER:  So, for Question 1, would you



             15   agree--I will just lay this on the table--that


             16   there is a consensus that joint degeneration is not


             17   a state of health leading to the disease,


             18   modifiable risk factors, and cartilage


             19   deterioration is?



             20             DR. CUSH:  That is how I would


             21   characterize it.  As I stated earlier, I think that


             22   if one has evidence of cartilage deterioration, as











              1   Dr. Blonz said, you are in queue and you are at


              2   risk although it is not certain that you will get


              3   there, at least you are at risk.


              4             It appears that it may be modifiable, yes.



              5             DR. MILLER:  I am just probing the depths


              6   of your belief.


              7             Ms. Halloran.


              8             MS. HALLORAN:  It sounds like--so we do


              9   have consensus that joint degeneration is not a



             10   state of health, et cetera, and that cartilage


             11   deterioration is, and we can perhaps go on to what


             12   are the strengths and limitations of the evidence.


             13             We, I think have consensus that cartilage


             14   is necessary, but not sufficient, that there may be



             15   other factors, precipitating factors that lead to


             16   disease, which are as yet unidentified and that the


             17   entire population actually falls over a certain


             18   age, falls into the people, the group at risk, so


             19   that identifying this risk pool, there may be



             20   limitations on its usefulness.  At least that is


             21   what I would say.


             22             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Lane.











              1             DR. LANE:  I just wanted to clarify


              2   something for the record.  I actually think, you


              3   know, I agree with cartilage deterioration, that is


              4   probably the best we can do, but we have to be very



              5   careful because you would think that we would have


              6   clear evidence that slow cartilage degeneration


              7   would modify the disease and both, for the most


              8   part, in clinical trials and otherwise, we don't


              9   have that, but  I believe that I have faith in



             10   that, but that is what it is, it's faith because


             11   our multiple examples came up yesterday, and will


             12   continue to, that by slowing it, we haven't changed


             13   things.


             14             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Mehendale.



             15             DR. MEHENDALE:  I wanted to reinforce the


             16   same concept that Dr. Lane just said, and that is


             17   the implication of disease if we accept that


             18   cartilage deterioration is pathognomonic.  What I


             19   heard was to about a third of the patients.



             20             We could also say it is not pathognomonic


             21   for two-thirds of the people.  So, we are still


             22   trying to protect the one third where it could be











              1   pathognomonic.  The other side of this is we make


              2   an assumption that there is something we could


              3   overcome by supplementing with these substances in


              4   the third where it is pathognomonic.  I think the



              5   concept that Dr. Lane just said.  I just wanted to


              6   reinforce.


              7             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Abramson/


              8             DR. ABRAMSON:  We are making some


              9   progress, but I would like Dr. Rowlands now,



             10   because we are not coming down to the language, I


             11   am not fully sure I understand.


             12             How do we define, what is meant by


             13   cartilage deterioration and what is the distinction


             14   between that and cartilage degeneration?



             15             DR. ROWLANDS:  These were specifically


             16   worded by the petitioners.  That is how we chose


             17   these terms.  FDA did not come up with these terms,


             18   but they have been used in the literature, and this


             19   is the language that they wanted in the claims, so



             20   that is why they were actually worded this way.


             21             DR. ABRAMSON:  I hate to beat a dead horse


             22   here, but I don't understand--maybe Dr. Cush who











              1   did make a differentiation--I am not sure that I


              2   understand if we agree to one and not the other,


              3   what is the distinction that we are being asked to


              4   make by the petitioner.



              5             DR. ROWLANDS:  These are specifically


              6   written as separate questions, so that if you can


              7   agree to one and not the other, that is fine.  You


              8   don't have to link them together.  They are written


              9   specifically to be separate, so that you can



             10   actually conceptually deal with them separately if


             11   you wish, that's fine.


             12             DR. CUSH:  I would respond by saying that


             13   it was written, in 1(a), the more pedestrian sort


             14   of terminology that, you know, something may be



             15   good for joint health and protecting its joint


             16   degeneration, and whatever, and that is again a


             17   very lay person's view of what is obviously a much


             18   more complex issue, as I indicated with may


             19   analogies and why I wouldn't want that.



             20             I think that nonetheless, the lay public


             21   has some knowledge of cartilage as being involved


             22   here, and that may be the target of therapies and











              1   interventions, so to use that also.


              2             I think it would obviously be much more


              3   advantageous to any product out in the public


              4   domain to have the more generally accepted, more



              5   widely recognized terminology albeit misleading.


              6             DR. MILLER:  Does that clarify the


              7   situation for you as much as it is going to?


              8             Dr. Blonz.


              9             DR. BLONZ:  Let me pose the question then.



             10   If you have cartilage deterioration, do you not


             11   also have degeneration of the joint?


             12             DR. CUSH:  Yes, and the converse, no.


             13             So, my statements go to is it a modifiable


             14   risk factor or surrogate endpoint of OA risk



             15   reduction.


             16             What we learned yesterday and what we know


             17   from the literature is that weight reduction is a


             18   modifiable risk factor for osteoarthritis, certain


             19   occupational adjustments are modifiable risk



             20   factors.  What wasn't stated, but probably is true


             21   from other lines of evidence, is that control of


             22   inflammation would be a modifiable risk factor for











              1   OA progression.


              2             What we don't know is changes in this


              3   parameter as modifiable risk factor for OA


              4   reduction.



              5             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Lane.


              6             DR. LANE:  I want to just make a point for


              7   the record.  A modifiable risk factor is actually


              8   one that you have tested and the evidence is


              9   strong, evidence meaning a randomized controlled



             10   trial or a couple population studies.


             11             Weight loss has never--there is one


             12   epidemiologic study in OA from Framingham that


             13   shows that people who lost 12 pounds over five


             14   years had less knee pain.  There has never been a



             15   randomized controlled trial showing that weight


             16   reduction change joint degeneration, i.e.,


             17   cartilage narrowing or pain.


             18             So, we use modified risk factor, that


             19   would assume that there is some very strong



             20   evidence behind it.  We all believe that weight


             21   loss is going to help, but it has never been shown,


             22   so careful, careful.











              1             DR. MILLER:  I think if you read the


              2   question, there is a way of dealing with that.


              3   There is really two questions that are being asked.


              4   One, are they modifiable risk factors, and, two,



              5   what is the evidence to support it.


              6             I think it is perfectly possible to say


              7   that yes, it's a modifiable risk factor, but the


              8   evidence isn't strong or whatever.


              9             DR. LANE:  I agree.



             10             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Zeisel.


             11             DR. ZEISEL:  Why don't we just try to move


             12   forward and say that we have some consensus that


             13   cartilage deterioration is a modifiable risk


             14   factor, but the evidence for it is not particular



             15   strong.


             16             DR. MILLER:  We are coming to that.  I


             17   just want to make sure that everybody feels that


             18   they have had a chance to express their views.


             19             Dr. McBride.



             20             DR. McBRIDE:  It sounds like part of the


             21   difficulty we are having is with the word


             22   "modifiable."  Actually, in the definition of risk











              1   factor or at least in the first part of that


              2   definition, that word "modifiable" doesn't appear.


              3             I am sure we are probably not allowed to


              4   change the question, but if we put the word



              5   "potentially," would that help?


              6             DR. LANE:  I would say yes because, you


              7   see, where we are at here is pathologically, and I


              8   don't even know if Steve and I know the answer to


              9   this, if you have a little bit of cartilage



             10   narrowing, that may mean already that your


             11   cartilage is going, and even though you might lose


             12   50 pounds, your cartilage is still going to go.


             13             So, it is potential.


             14             DR. MILLER:  I think one point that would



             15   be worthwhile re-emphasizing again is that this,


             16   like most biological processes, are multifactorial,


             17   there are a number of factors that are certainly


             18   going to affect the outcome.


             19             From what I understand, and naively



             20   listening to the discussion over the last two days,


             21   that there isn't enough data to be able to really


             22   define what these multiple factors, how they











              1   interact, et cetera.


              2             I think as far as being able to say


              3   potentially, we could say whatever we want.  We


              4   don't have to modify the questions.  We just have



              5   to say yes, cartilage deterioration is a state of


              6   health leading to disease or is a potential


              7   modifiable risk factor, so we can just lay that out


              8   any way we see fit.


              9             Dr. Zeisel.



             10             DR. ZEISEL:  So, the argument is not that


             11   it's modifiable, we clearly saw evidence that you


             12   can modify cartilage deterioration, make it go up


             13   or down, what the argument is, is whether that


             14   modification has anything to do with delay of the



             15   onset of OA.


             16             DR. MILLER:  Right.


             17             DR. ZEISEL:  So, it is a modifiable risk


             18   factor, and the strength of evidence that it


             19   modifies OA is weak, but there is no question that



             20   you could modify cartilage because we have seen


             21   that you can have more or less.  It may not be


             22   perfect cartilage, but that is for an argument.  It











              1   certainly is a modifiable factor just like taking


              2   cholesterol down or up can be done, or taking


              3   atheromas up or down can occur.


              4             So, I think it has to be a modifiable risk



              5   factor, it just may not modify the risk for


              6   osteoarthritis, which is a different question,


              7   which is where the scientific evidence comes in.


              8             DR. MILLER:  Right.


              9             Dr. McBride.



             10             DR. McBRIDE:  Well, I don't think we heard


             11   very much evidence that it is modifiable in the


             12   pre-disease state with disease defined as symptoms.


             13             DR. MILLER:  Again, I think the issue is


             14   we can agree that cartilage deterioration is a



             15   modifiable risk factor or potentially a modifiable


             16   risk factor, modifiable potential risk factor, but


             17   we don't necessarily have to say that there is any


             18   evidence that there is anything that does that.


             19   That is a different question.



             20             So, can we agree that a distinction can be


             21   made between joint degeneration and cartilage


             22   deterioration in the context of this question, and











              1   that we can argue that joint degeneration is not a


              2   modifiable risk factor, and cartilage deterioration


              3   is a modifiable risk factor?


              4             DR. CUSH:  Only in terms of OA risk



              5   reduction, because again, joint deterioration is a


              6   modifiable risk factor for a lot of different


              7   things, and this is what my career is based on.


              8   You know, I am trying to modify joint deterioration


              9   through things that we do to treat, but I treat



             10   over 100 different types of arthritis, so here


             11   today we are talking about osteoarthritis.


             12             DR. MILLER:  Okay.  By the way, just to


             13   make sure everybody understands, these discussions


             14   will be reflected in the report, in the transcript



             15   of the report.


             16             DR. CUSH:  Oops.


             17             [Laughter.]


             18             DR. MILLER:  Just trying to help you out.


             19             I think we have discussed the strengths



             20   and limitations of the scientific evidence on this


             21   issue to some extent.  Does anybody want to add any


             22   comment to that?











              1             So, we have a consensus on Question 1?


              2   Okay.


              3             Question 2.  I have to admit that I have


              4   trouble trying to make a distinction between



              5   Question 1 and Question 2 here.


              6             DR. CUSH:  Mr. Chairman, I would like to


              7   suggest that Dr. Zeisel's sort of summary comment


              8   is probably the most accurate.


              9             DR. MILLER:  Fine.



             10             DR. CUSH:  That again, that it is a


             11   potentially modifiable risk factor, but that the


             12   association with--that it may alter OA risk


             13   reduction is questionable.


             14             DR. MILLER:  We will take your comment



             15   from the transcript, and we will take it verbatim.


             16             DR. ROWLANDS:  Take away my translation,


             17   so now you only have the question.


             18             DR. MILLER:  This again comes to the


             19   question of how to define a generally healthy



             20   population.  I think we have discussed that at


             21   great length.


             22             Do anybody else have any further comments











              1   to make on this issue?


              2             DR. ZEISEL:  So, here, the only issue that


              3   came up yesterday is are there normal joints in


              4   patients with OA, that the study of which would



              5   give you data that has to do with deterioration in


              6   "normal" individuals, or is having OA in one joint


              7   enough to indicate that all the other joints are OA


              8   joints, because I think we all agree that studies


              9   in an OA patient do not accurately predict in their



             10   OA knee, for instance, that a treatment that might


             11   mitigate the already osteoarthritic knee's


             12   progression might have nothing to do with the


             13   incipient disease's progression earlier.


             14             But the question is are in their otherwise



             15   not diagnosed joints, do they have OA or are they


             16   incipient OA, and therefore, you could use data in


             17   a study that used OA patients, but you could not


             18   use the OA knee, but rather the control knee.


             19             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Lane.



             20             DR. LANE:  Unfortunately, the studies that


             21   are there, and one of them was actually just


             22   NIH-funded and completed rather recently, the data,











              1   the answer is we don't have that data, and probably


              2   that data will take another five to seven years at


              3   best to accumulate.


              4             A very large study was done, I mentioned



              5   yesterday, where people who seemingly had a normal


              6   knee were treated with an agent that was to prevent


              7   OA, but they didn't get OA, the controls didn't get


              8   OA, so we don't have that data, unless you guys


              9   know that.



             10             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Cush.


             11             DR. CUSH:  No, I think that again we are


             12   talking about the development of OA in the


             13   contralateral meaning of the person who has an


             14   index OA, let's say, on the right side, but not on



             15   the left, and then would some intervention prevent


             16   the normal knee from developing disease, and that


             17   is the kind of research we need to look at, and


             18   that is very important research.


             19             I think getting to this question, the



             20   language of a dietary substance treating,


             21   mitigating, or slowing joint degeneration again


             22   does sound like that used for a drug, and not for a











              1   dietary supplement, but nonetheless, the question


              2   is, is it valid to use such research to suggest a


              3   risk of OA in the general population being reduced


              4   if that dietary substance is applied, I think only



              5   if there is research to that effect, because we


              6   learned yesterday that, you know, that the


              7   chondrocyte is different at different stage of the


              8   disease, and how it functions, and most of these


              9   trials about changing joint deterioration of



             10   cartilage deterioration thus far have been focused


             11   not on people at risk, or on normal people, but


             12   instead, have been focused on people who have the


             13   disease, well-established disease.


             14             And to say that the cartilage would behave



             15   the same in a normal person, or a person who has


             16   risk factors, whether that be a genetic risk


             17   factor, or a traumatic risk factor, or a copper


             18   deposition risk factor is really unknown, and I


             19   think that is again a gigantic leap of faith for



             20   which I can't connect the dots.


             21             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Blonz.


             22             DR. BLONZ:  So, you if we read Question 2,











              1   there is an assumption that that data is in hand.


              2   If we assume that research demonstrates that this


              3   has this effect, granted we don't have that data


              4   right now, but if that research existed, would show



              5   that the substances at question could produce this


              6   desired effect, would we run with it, and that is


              7   really what we are being asked to by this question.


              8             DR. CUSH:  The question states, Dr. Blonz,


              9   in OA patients, if it produced that desired effect



             10   in OA patients, would it then be reasonable to


             11   extrapolate that to a normal healthy population.


             12             DR. MILLER:  If we could define what that


             13   normal healthy population is.


             14             DR. CUSH:  All of us, for instance.



             15             DR. MILLER:  That's pushing it.


             16             Dr. Abramson.


             17             DR. ABRAMSON:  I think just to pick up on


             18   those two points, I mean we do have data that was


             19   presented by the applicants yesterday that in real



             20   disease, in OA, there may be some slowing of


             21   progression using these compounds, but I think that


             22   is based on data and the notion of what is going on











              1   in the diseased tissue, that, as Dr. Cush says,


              2   might not be applicable to very different


              3   circumstances in normal tissue.


              4             I think that we have some little evidence,



              5   and Dr. Lane referred to one of the NIH studies was


              6   a study looking at doxycycline where it was looking


              7   for the development of OA in the contralateral


              8   knee, beginning with an index knee which was


              9   diseased, in patients who were likely to progress,



             10   and the unexpected outcome was that the


             11   doxycycline, which its mechanism of action is based


             12   on many of these events that we were talking about


             13   yesterday, protected the knees from progressing


             14   where those events were occurring in the signal



             15   knee, but the primary outcome was that it might


             16   also prevent progression in the high-risk,


             17   relatively normal knee on the opposite side, and it


             18   had no effect on the osteoarthritis in the


             19   contralateral knee.



             20             If the data are correct, it tells us that


             21   interfering with processes in the disease doesn't


             22   affect normal chondrocytes from developing











              1   osteoarthritis, and I think that is a very


              2   important study in that regard.


              3             DR. MILLER:  That is an important study.


              4             Dr. Nelson.



              5             DR. NELSON:  Dr. Abramson basically


              6   addressed my question, which was about the


              7   contralateral knee that didn't show any anatomical


              8   indication, or even if it did show anatomical


              9   indication, would these agents slow or retard the



             10   issue.


             11             In the study you cited, did the


             12   contralateral knee have anatomical indication, or


             13   were they clean knees, so to speak?


             14             DR. ABRAMSON:  It's a good question.  With



             15   doxycycline, as I recall the study, it had either


             16   no evidence or early evidence.  They were not


             17   clearly clean knees, though, but they were


             18   significantly better and sometimes had minimal


             19   signs of osteoarthritis.



             20             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Downer.


             21             DR. DOWNER:  I would like to go back.  We


             22   are being asked to use the data, use it as











              1   implications for the general healthy population,


              2   and I guess we really still do need to define what


              3   that is.


              4             You say that it is probably all of us



              5   perhaps, and the question really is at what point


              6   or how do we actually diagnose or say this is a


              7   healthy population, is it a population of


              8   absolutely free from OA, from the signs of it, from


              9   the precursors of it, at what age or to what stage



             10   do we really define that, since the implications


             11   here are for the healthy population in fact?


             12             DR. MILLER:  Jean.


             13             MS. HALLORAN:  To respond to that point,


             14   it seems like we are talking about healthy



             15   population could refer to two kinds of healthy


             16   population, the younger one that has no signs of


             17   cartilage deterioration, or the older ones that


             18   have signs, but yet no pain or symptoms of disease,


             19   but it seems pretty clear from our experts that you



             20   can't extrapolate to either of these healthy


             21   populations from the population with disease.  So,


             22   it sounds like the answer to this question is no.











              1             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Russell.


              2             DR. RUSSELL:  Going back to the question


              3   about whether a normal population would respond the


              4   same way in a disease population, there was a



              5   misstatement yesterday actually by one of the


              6   presenters on the finger joint osteoarthritis


              7   issue, because I looked at that trial last night.


              8   It was a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial


              9   using chondroitin sulfate, looking at the



             10   progression of finger joint arthritis, as well as


             11   new joints that would be involved.


             12             When compared with the placebo controls,


             13   none of the chondroitin sulfates prevented OA from


             14   occurring in previously normal finger joints, that



             15   is, they progressed in other finger joints whether


             16   or not the person was on placebo or not.


             17             However, the classic OA associated


             18   anatomical lesions, when they were considered, OA


             19   was less progressive in the treatment group, so



             20   there was a response, in other words, or a


             21   treatment effect in the people who had established


             22   OA, but not in formerly normal joints, there











              1   weren't.


              2             DR. LANE:  Thank you for that


              3   clarification.


              4             DR. MILLER:  Dr. McBride.



              5             DR. McBRIDE:  I was just going to say that


              6   I think the issue of semantics of when the disease


              7   starts is less important here, partially for the


              8   reasons that you stated, but we are asked to


              9   assume, in a sense, this question creates the



             10   assumption that we are talking about


             11   pre-symptomatic joint, but that already have


             12   cartilage degeneration, and the issue is we haven't


             13   heard any evidence that that is modifiable by these


             14   substances.



             15             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Zeisel.


             16             DR. ZEISEL:  So, let's be careful.  We are


             17   not being asked here to decide whether glucosamine


             18   or chondroitin sulfate has anything to do with


             19   this.  We are just being asked can you design a



             20   study in patients who have osteoarthritis, that


             21   could shed light on the question about joint


             22   development in normal people.











              1             We heard really two types of answers, Dr.


              2   Cush saying no, they are never normal, and right


              3   after that, Dr. Abramson saying, well, in the


              4   doxycycline study it didn't work, showing that



              5   normal joints or relatively normal joints don't


              6   respond the same as diseased joints, and in that


              7   case, I would interpret that as saying that you can


              8   use the contralateral knee or another joint in that


              9   person to draw some inference about what would



             10   happen in the less developed or relatively normal


             11   joint.


             12             I think we can't have it both ways, and we


             13   don't have to get into whether anybody presented us


             14   any data that has to do with chondroitin or



             15   glucosamine in normal joints or in osteoarthritic


             16   contralateral knees.  We just have to ask


             17   ourselves, for any treatment whatsoever, would we


             18   use other joints in people who have a single joint


             19   involved.



             20             It seems to me we are hearing several


             21   answers, and we should resolve that.


             22             DR. MILLER:  That is a very important











              1   point.  We are not evaluating the petitions or any


              2   other data that suggested any one particular


              3   compound, whether it is the two that happened to be


              4   the focus of the petitions here, or any other that



              5   might come up in the future.


              6             We are just trying to give the agency some


              7   advice, so they can develop standards that could be


              8   used for any material for which such claims are


              9   going to be made.  Good point.



             10             Dr. Kale.


             11             DR. KALE:  No.


             12             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Lane.


             13             DR. LANE:  Yes.  I think in the spirit of


             14   giving advice, where I feel that we have come to a



             15   stop sign or a stoplight, and we haven't gotten the


             16   green light yet, and that is, that the reason that


             17   I have a level of discomfort saying if you have OA


             18   in one knee, if the other knee is normal, follow


             19   that for the development of disease is because



             20   probably the other knee isn't normal, but that is


             21   because when I take an x-ray, it looks normal, but


             22   when I use a better technology, which the field as











              1   you heard yesterday is starting to embrace, and


              2   that is MRI, and some fancy aspects of the MRI


              3   where you can use gadolinium and sodium, and get


              4   information about the chondrocyte metabolism and



              5   the inflammation, and how much proteoglycan there


              6   is, when we start to use those imaging modalities,


              7   we will probably be better able to say what is


              8   normal and what is a little diseased or a lot


              9   diseased, but we can't do that with x-rays.



             10             Does that make some sense to everybody


             11   right now?  So, the state of the art running a


             12   clinical trial doesn't give us the information we


             13   need to say what is normal or abnormal.  Hopefully,


             14   in terms of advice to the agency, that these



             15   initiatives, that they are really driving it, using


             16   MRI to try to distinguish what is disease and what


             17   isn't disease, we will be able hopefully to do


             18   that.


             19             That's my comment.



             20             DR. MILLER:  Is it fair to say--I am just


             21   trying to clarify this in my own mind--is it fair


             22   to say that in studies that looked at purportedly











              1   normal tissue and diseased tissue, that the


              2   response to the test materials was different?


              3             DR. LANE:  Yes, with the caveat that using


              4   an x-ray outcome, that's right, using the x-ray



              5   outcome.


              6             DR. MILLER:  Using the tools that we have


              7   available.


              8             DR. LANE:  That's right.


              9             DR. MILLER:  Because that is a distinction



             10   because we could say, for example, and I don't know


             11   if we would get a consensus on this, that the


             12   answer to this question is no, that based on


             13   currently available data, there is no evidence to


             14   suggest that one could be used to extrapolate to



             15   the other.


             16             DR. LANE:  Yes, I agree.


             17             DR. MILLER:  I am just laying this out for


             18   everybody, because consensus means everybody.


             19             Dr. McBride.



             20             DR. McBRIDE:  Yes, I would agree with


             21   that.  I mean we are being asked is it


             22   scientifically valid to use the results of











              1   treatment trials to suggest that you can prevent,


              2   even in some earlier stage of the illness, and no


              3   matter how you define that, and I think that is


              4   invalid.



              5             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Abramson.


              6             DR. ABRAMSON:  Just one or two points.


              7   Dr. Cush has the data on the doxycycline, and just


              8   to be more specific, the diseased knees were


              9   protected by 33 percent and progression in



             10   doxycycline, but the primary endpoint was to look


             11   at the opposite knee, which had zero or 1-plus


             12   calgrin [ph], so maybe not normal, as Nancy says,


             13   but certainly a different stage of the disease, and


             14   there was no effect.



             15             So, at least that informs us that at


             16   different stages of the disease, a cartilage may be


             17   more or less sensitive to an intervention.  Most of


             18   the studies that we have seen from the sponsor, and


             19   we all engage in, is in the more advanced disease



             20   where there IL-1 being added to the cartilage, so


             21   it more mimics the responsive side.


             22             I just wanted to go back to Dr. Zeisel's











              1   comment, though, because I read this as a negative


              2   answer, because it says that the data in the


              3   diseased cartilage allows us to suggest a reduced


              4   risk of OA in the generally healthy population.



              5             It basically allows us, in my view, to ask


              6   the question in a healthy population, but not to


              7   make any statements about healthy population.


              8             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Zeisel.


              9             DR. ZEISEL:  Again, what this question to



             10   me is trying to get at is how would you design the


             11   experiment to do the experiment right.  One way


             12   would be to take randomly selected people with no


             13   disease, follow them for 50 years, and ask do they


             14   develop osteoarthritis.  That is an impractical



             15   experiment to do.


             16             So, the question is, is it ever acceptable


             17   to take individuals who have a joint involved with


             18   osteoarthritis and follow their other joints, and


             19   argue that that is a surrogate for the longer study



             20   because these people are at higher risk for


             21   developing other joint disease for whatever reason,


             22   and that they have properties that are similar











              1   enough to the general population that you could


              2   then extrapolate the data from that population to


              3   make conclusions about the general.


              4             What I am hearing is that in a way they



              5   behave differently in their non-involved joints,


              6   that that behavior is what you, as experts, would


              7   predict for the normal population to some extent


              8   behaving differently than the actively involved


              9   inflamed joint, and that it is a reasonable



             10   surrogate, although not perfect surrogate, but in


             11   any experiment, we can't be perfect unless we are


             12   willing to wait several generations to figure this


             13   out.


             14             Am I right that use of another knee could



             15   be designed in a study, not that it hasn't been


             16   done well by the people presenting to us today on


             17   these treatments, but that could you design a study


             18   in which you used other joints to draw data that we


             19   would then feel was reasonable to extrapolate with



             20   reasonable certainty, although not absolute


             21   certainty, and I think that is the question.


             22             DR. MILLER:  That is part of the question.











              1   I think the other part of the question is, is there


              2   data available today that will allow extrapolation


              3   from experiments with OA patients to patients who


              4   are reportedly without OA.



              5             DR. ZEISEL:  I think that doesn't ever say


              6   anything that there is data already.  It just says


              7   is it scientifically valid to design an experiment


              8   that would use that.


              9             DR. MILLER:  To use such research.  I mean



             10   the question the agency faces is how to deal with


             11   claims that say that there is a risk reduction for


             12   the use of any material for OA.


             13             DR. ZEISEL:  So, I think what we can reach


             14   consensus, it is not valid to use data in the



             15   involved joint because we have said that that can


             16   be very different, and I think we can all agree


             17   with that.


             18             So, now we are getting to the second


             19   point, is there any data from an OA patient that



             20   you could use in a study, so could you go back and


             21   re-analyze if those normal joint x-rays were


             22   available and come back to this FDA with a











              1   presentation saying that we saw something and we


              2   met some criteria, and now--


              3             DR. MILLER:  I think you can say both.


              4   There are two separate issues.



              5             DR. ZEISEL:  Yes.


              6             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Dwyer.


              7             DR. DWYER:  So, is it the opinion of the


              8   rest of the group that very high risk people may


              9   be, in their non-involved joints, may or may not be



             10   reasonable surrogates, and we really don't know.


             11   It seems to me that it is a good bet, but we really


             12   don't know.


             13             DR. LANE:  That's right.  That's the


             14   biggest issue, why we are doing the osteoarthritis



             15   initiative, because we don't yet know in those


             16   high-risk individuals exactly what is going to


             17   trigger the onset of the disease, and to say we


             18   know otherwise is really a bit unfounded at this


             19   time.



             20             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Kale.


             21             DR. KALE:  I have two questions.  First of


             22   all, in the case of the doxycycline study, how long











              1   was that study conducted for before it was


              2   determined that the--just 30 months.


              3             And the second issue is looking back at


              4   the target tissue here, which is cartilage, I think



              5   I am embarrassingly confused about the answer to


              6   this question, which is that if you give


              7   chondroitin or glucosamine to a diseased


              8   chondrocyte, say, one involved in the process of


              9   demonstrating osteoarthritis, does it, in fact,



             10   make different endproducts than normal cartilage


             11   does when you give chondroitin sulfate or


             12   glucosamine to that cartilage.


             13             DR. ABRAMSON:  My understanding of the


             14   data is that glucosamine and chondroitin



             15   beneficially influence the cytokines, the abnormal


             16   metabolism of chondrocytes, particularly if you add


             17   IL-1, so it is very good for reasons that were well


             18   demonstrated yesterday in blocking these


             19   inflammatory processes and the metalloproteinase



             20   production.


             21             What I heard yesterday is that since those


             22   features are not typical of normal chondrocytes,











              1   and NF-kappa B is not activated, you know, IL-1 is


              2   not being produced, nitric oxide is not being


              3   produced, that therefore when you give glucosamine


              4   or chondroitin sulfate to a normal chondrocyte, not



              5   making those things and it works, let's say, by


              6   inhibiting NF kappa B, it has no significant effect


              7   on the normal chondrocyte with regard to these


              8   catabolic events.


              9             Therefore, while I think the data is



             10   increasingly very interesting, that it does have


             11   beneficial effects on this inflamed catabolic


             12   chondrocyte, it is not clear to anyone I think what


             13   effect it has on a normal cartilage and whether it


             14   will prevent anything.



             15             I think that is why when I read this


             16   statement, it says to me based on those studies of


             17   deteriorative cartilage and some interesting


             18   studies from Ajinsta and Pervelka [ph] in patients,


             19   that we can use to extrapolate what looks to be



             20   increasingly interesting evidence that the drug


             21   does work in the degenerated state, that we can


             22   then use it to say that it is going to help healthy











              1   people, and that is the dilemma.


              2             DR. KALE:  That's my understanding, too.


              3   So, the question I had is sort of more Walt


              4   Disneyfied, which is what if the chondroitin



              5   sulfate or the glucosamine is present, because you


              6   have taken it prophylactically, in the case of


              7   somebody who would, because they are alive,


              8   ultimately develop osteoarthritis, what effect does


              9   that have on the final common pathway of IL-1, and



             10   so on, might it not modify the outcome?


             11             DR. ABRAMSON:  We don't know until the


             12   studies are done, and the tetracycline, doxycycline


             13   study is very preliminary, so one doesn't want to


             14   overstate its validity, but the tetracycline seems



             15   to work on these IL-1 mediated processes.  It


             16   inhibits nitric oxide and some other things, and


             17   what Ken Brandt is beginning to think, that maybe


             18   those processes are more important in the late


             19   stage of disease, and therefore, we can't be sure



             20   that blocking those same processes in early disease


             21   will block those events in early disease that may


             22   be mediated by different growth factors that set











              1   the thing forward.  That is the dilemma.


              2             DR. LANE:  I want to reiterate that,


              3   because that is the experiment that was done.  You


              4   took a relatively normal cartilage, gave it



              5   something, if it started to degenerate, you would


              6   prevent.  It didn't, so that is the beginnings of--


              7             DR. KALE:  But it didn't in 30 months.


              8   The question is what is the proper geologic time


              9   frame.  Thirty months can't be. I mean this a



             10   glacial disease, it may be a glacial disease.


             11             DR. CUSH:  Those people are also selected


             12   to be at higher risk because they were obese, so


             13   they had other risk factors to possibly progress.


             14             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Nelson.



             15             DR. NELSON:  Also, isn't doxycycline just


             16   one agent?  I mean we aren't generalizing the issue


             17   to--


             18             DR. LANE:  No, no, we are not


             19   generalizing, but I mean, come on, this is a field



             20   without data, let's at least enjoy this data.


             21             [Laughter.]


             22             DR. MILLER:  It is much more fun to argue











              1   without data.


              2             DR. LANE:  We said that here is a set of


              3   chondrocytes that were all prepped, so that when


              4   they started to make a bad enzyme, if they started



              5   to make it, you were going to inhibit it.  You


              6   know, this was the perfect situation.


              7             DR. NELSON:  My other question again was


              8   to I guess the rheumatologists in this, is we have


              9   abnormal chondrocytes, we have evidence, but no



             10   symptomatology no pain, are those people still part


             11   of the general healthy population that we could use


             12   data from the contralateral knee or the


             13   contralateral hip to provide for the general


             14   healthy population whether they had--well, you



             15   would have to qualify that, I guess, whether they


             16   had some symptoms, some existence of a risk factor


             17   or not.


             18             DR. ABRAMSON:  Even if they are generally


             19   healthy and have subclinical or pre-disease, the



             20   argument could still be made that modifying end


             21   disease processes is not going to affect their


             22   progression into disease.  That is the unknown,











              1   because they are different processes that happen


              2   early on OA.


              3             DR. LANE:  And these natural history


              4   studies that are just starting up now, when we have



              5   some of that data, we will be able to comfortably


              6   begin to answer that question.


              7             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Blonz.


              8             DR. BLONZ:  So, what I am hearing is that


              9   the contralateral knee data is informative, but not



             10   sufficient to serve as a surrogate, and that seeing


             11   as we don't have information at present that can


             12   segregate those individuals in queue for imminent


             13   osteoarthritis, that to talk about the general


             14   population and applying the data we learned about,



             15   treating people with the active disease does not


             16   seem to be a connect for us at present.


             17             DR. MILLER:  I think that is a good sum.


             18             Dr. Zeisel.


             19             DR. ZEISEL:  Again, I think it would be



             20   much more constructive for us not to get into the


             21   specific data like we have been doing.  I don't


             22   agree with Steve that we are being asked to say











              1   from this that there is an effect of chondroitin or


              2   anything.


              3             All we are being asked here is, is it


              4   possible to design an experiment that would



              5   convince this panel that any agent can reduce the


              6   risk of osteoarthritis, and using osteoarthritic


              7   patients, and if the answer is no, then, we have to


              8   say no.


              9             If the answer is it is informative and we



             10   would like to see that data, but it would not be


             11   sufficient to convince us, that is what we should


             12   say, but I don't think we need to get into the


             13   specifics of whether doxycycline or chondroitin or


             14   anything else made any difference, because it's



             15   immaterial.  We are talking about agent X and agent


             16   Y for this type of question.


             17             DR. MILLER:  I agree, but actually, they


             18   are really two questions.  One is there is no data


             19   to suggest that current available data can be used



             20   for this purpose, and that second, it simply says


             21   that it may be possible to design an experiment,


             22   but we don't know yet how to do that.











              1             Dr. Krinsky.


              2             DR. KRINSKY:  To me, the operative terms


              3   in this question is scientifically valid, and it


              4   seems to me that what I have heard from the



              5   rheumatologists, and scientifically valid to use


              6   such research, so to me, we are not talking about


              7   the future, we are talking about the past and the


              8   present, and it would seem to me that based on what


              9   we have heard of research in the past and the



             10   present research that we do not have scientifically


             11   valid evidence for proposing that this be used for


             12   a general healthy population.


             13             We may in the future and that would be


             14   wonderful, but we can't deal with maybes, we have



             15   to deal with science. This is why we are here, we


             16   are looking at scientifically based evidence, and


             17   not hopeful evidence.


             18             DR. MILLER:  I agree, in fact, I think


             19   there is a consensus to that fact, but what I am



             20   saying is that it may be useful to indicate that we


             21   haven't closed the door implying that there is no


             22   way of doing it.











              1             I think that part of the problem is the


              2   lack of data in what I hear in the field.


              3             DR. LANE:  Yes, lack of data and not


              4   really having really utilized the technologies



              5   available, you know, they are in development that


              6   we could actually--


              7             DR. MILLER:  We don't have to say anything


              8   more than as I indicated, that it may be possible


              9   sometime in the future to do this, and close that



             10   door.


             11             DR. ZEISEL:  I think we have agreed that


             12   any data generated in the osteoarthritic knee


             13   itself, or joint itself, we would find difficult to


             14   accept even in the future no matter how the



             15   experiment is done as indicative of what a normal


             16   joint might do.


             17             DR. MILLER:  Right.


             18             Jean.


             19             MS. HALLORAN:  I think we seemed to agree



             20   that the next step would be looking at what the


             21   normal joint would do under treatment, but that I


             22   at least would want to then see maybe a five-year











              1   study of people over 50 or something like that to


              2   see how it would affect a somewhat at risk, but


              3   still asymptomatic population, that that would be


              4   data that would also be desirable.



              5             DR. MILLER:  We can get into a long


              6   discussion about what such experiments ought to


              7   contain, and I think my own feeling is that we can


              8   make some comment, but I am not sure that really


              9   that helps to answer the questions that we are



             10   being asked to deal with.


             11             I would love to be able to get into a


             12   discussion about how to design experiments like


             13   this, particularly as a non-expert.


             14             Well, I guess we have reached a consensus



             15   on this one, as well.  Again, the nature of the


             16   discussion will be reflected in the report, and, of


             17   course, we will have a complete transcript of the


             18   discussion.


             19             We will use certain summary statements



             20   that some of you have made in the report verbatim


             21   from the record.


             22             It is now about 10 minutes of 10:00.  I











              1   propose we take a break now before we come back to


              2   look at Question 3. Come back in 15 minutes,


              3   please.


              4             [Break.]



              5             DR. MILLER:  Can we reconvene.


              6             We have discussed the first two questions.


              7   We have come to the third question, which has to do


              8   with the issue of whether animal studies can be


              9   used in place of human information in order to deal



             10   with the issue of risk reduction of OA in humans.


             11             The first question to be addressed is to


             12   what extent animal or in vitro models of OA may be


             13   useful, what animal models or types of endpoints


             14   should be used to assess risk reduction of OA in



             15   humans.


             16             Does anybody have any views on that


             17   subject?  Johanna.


             18             DR. DWYER:  Could we hear from the


             19   rheumatologists on their views?



             20             DR. MILLER:  That is what I am waiting


             21   for, to see someone raise their hand.


             22             DR. LANE:  We were electing Dr. Abramson











              1   who has still I think some non-human models in his


              2   laboratory.


              3             DR. ABRAMSON:  Do you want the long answer


              4   or the short answer?



              5             DR. MILLER:  Let's take something medium


              6   size and we will decide.


              7             DR. ABRAMSON:  This is a very difficult


              8   field because there is not a great consensus on


              9   what a good animal model is for OA, and usually, if



             10   you are developing drugs, you need to have a couple


             11   of different kinds.


             12             There are genetic guinea pig models, there


             13   are anterior cruciate models that Dr. Altman


             14   referred to, and they become pieces of the puzzle



             15   as you are trying to think about intervention, you


             16   know, proof of concept, they are useful in that


             17   regard, but I think the general consensus in the


             18   community is that they provide you some information


             19   that a drug may be important in osteoarthritis,



             20   they give you some information about the


             21   pathogenesis of the disease, but the models are


             22   very divergent.











              1             Some involve acute trauma, some injections


              2   of chemicals, and so the answer is that they are


              3   informative, but they are not predictive, and there


              4   are some drugs that may work in animals that don't



              5   work in people, at least in the rheumatoid side of


              6   the equation.


              7             So, the answer really is that they are not


              8   applicable, they have those limitations, so it


              9   would be very hard even for more of the reasons



             10   than we talked about if you were looking at human


             11   studies that were presented, which have more


             12   interest to them in terms of prediction.


             13             These would be very difficult, in my view,


             14   to use as predictors in humans, especially with



             15   regard to prevention.


             16             DR. MILLER:  So, the short answer is no,


             17   animal models, at least available animal models I


             18   think is the way to put it, should not be used if


             19   human data are absent.



             20             DR. ABRAMSON:  That is what I believe,


             21   yes.


             22             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Zeisel.











              1             DR. ZEISEL:  The secondary piece there,


              2   could they be used in support of human data, so


              3   that if you had human data, does it become more


              4   believable if you have supporting animal models



              5   looking at mechanism and others, so that you need


              6   fewer human studies to become convinced would be


              7   the next corollary.


              8             DR. ABRAMSON:  I believe that where the


              9   field is moving is away from animal models to test



             10   these kinds of things.  I mean the Holy Grail in


             11   osteoarthritis is to find the proper imaging, the


             12   sensitive enough imaging, and the patient group


             13   that are going to progress this whole biomarker's


             14   notion.



             15             So, increasingly, I think these questions


             16   need to get answered in the human arena.  These


             17   animal models are mostly of value in drug


             18   development at this point and looking for new genes


             19   that are expressed that you can corroborate gene



             20   discovery programs, but I think everyone is biting


             21   the bullet now, both the industry and the NIH, to


             22   do imaging and biomarker studies.











              1             DR. MILLER:  I want to be sure I


              2   understand.  Are you arguing that they cannot be


              3   used to support for human studies?


              4             DR. ABRAMSON:  No, I think they are a part



              5   of a body of information that are supportive, but


              6   for questions of human treatments or prevention, I


              7   think the evidence that we all need now are human


              8   studies.  They help direct the animal studies, but


              9   they are not definitive enough to draw conclusions



             10   on for humans.


             11             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Harris.


             12             DR. HARRIS:  As a biochemist, I certainly


             13   would concur with the observation that we can only


             14   get limited information from animal models, and our



             15   ability to go ahead and try to extract that to


             16   humans, I think is a little risky.


             17             On the other hand, animal models, as Dr.


             18   Abramson pointed out, are very good pointers of


             19   things to look for. Animal models and in vitro



             20   models allow us to do manipulations that we cannot


             21   otherwise do in humans.  We can control the


             22   environment, we can get more insight into











              1   individual reactions taking place, mechanistic


              2   events, and so forth, and eventually, an


              3   understanding of just how a process is taking place


              4   at the molecular level.



              5             I would be a little bit concerned if I saw


              6   something in an animal model, and I did not see it


              7   in a human.  I think that would certainly alert me


              8   to the fact that there I might be dealing with


              9   something very individualistic here, and something



             10   very unique, and the converse is also true.


             11             If I saw it in a human and I could not


             12   reproduce it in an animal model, I would be a


             13   little bit concerned. But as far as taking the data


             14   and making definitive conclusions that this is what



             15   is taking place in a human based on what happened


             16   in a little mouse that we genetically modified, I


             17   think that is very risky to take.


             18             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Callery.


             19             DR. CALLERY:  One of the items where an



             20   animal model might be useful is dealing with an


             21   issue that I haven't heard anyone discuss, is the


             22   safety of a potential new agent and the











              1   toxicological consequences of modifying the


              2   biochemistry is a good place to start is in


              3   animals, and I think it is useful information, but


              4   it doesn't address, that is slightly off the topic



              5   of the exact question, but there is some potential


              6   toxicology that could be unveiled by using animal


              7   models.


              8             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Dwyer.


              9             DR. DWYER:  I wondered if everybody more



             10   or less agreed with the statement in one of the


             11   articles we were given in advance of this meeting,


             12   which I enjoyed reading enormously.


             13             It said that the utility of animal models


             14   in predicting the response to an intervention with



             15   a drug or biologic agent in humans can be


             16   established only after evidence is obtained of a


             17   positive effect of the agent in humans, which I


             18   think is what Dr. Abramson said, but I wondered if


             19   everybody else read and understood the evidence



             20   that same way.


             21             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Mehendale.


             22             DR. MEHENDALE:  I agree.  It looks like we











              1   are reaching a consensus.  I just want to make a


              2   point.  Yesterday, in the presentation, one of two


              3   presentations maybe, we also heard that some of


              4   these drugs are effective in animals, horses,



              5   perhaps some other animals were mentioned.


              6             I just wanted to hear maybe someone else


              7   comment on what sort of overlap might exist in


              8   treatments used in veterinary practice versus human


              9   medicine with OA.



             10             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Cush.


             11             DR. CUSH:  Well, there certainly are


             12   similarities with regard to degenerative joint


             13   disease in animals and humans.  Certainly, the


             14   analgesics are applied to both. There are



             15   differences in the tolerability of nonsteroidal


             16   anti-inflammatory drugs in dogs, such they are


             17   often not used, because they are unable to tolerate


             18   them with severe GI toxicity.  Hence, they tend to


             19   use either non-acetylated salicylates or they are I



             20   think toying with the use of COX-2s.


             21             Even though a lot of the data for some of


             22   the drug development has been generated in animals,











              1   there are problems with again extrapolation.  For


              2   instance, glucosamine is I think widely applied in


              3   the veterinary field with great acceptance because


              4   some of the studies that have been done in animal



              5   models, but again its acceptance in humans is quite


              6   variable.  It may be based on European versus U.S.


              7   differences as far as the interpretation of the


              8   data.


              9             I don't know that any of these views are



             10   wrong.  I think it just shows that there are


             11   differences there.


             12             DR. LANE:  I would like to make another


             13   comment on that.  We walk on two legs and most


             14   animals walk on four, and I am not saying that to



             15   be funny really, it is just that there is a


             16   biomechanical aspect of osteoarthritis that you are


             17   weighting your joint at the same time, which can


             18   set off inflammation and a lot of reactions that,


             19   in humans, tends to be more intense than when you



             20   distribute the loads onto four legs.


             21             So, sometimes things that work in small


             22   animals and we take from the laboratory to the











              1   clinic, just, you know, you see no effect because


              2   there is such a strong biomechanical component to


              3   our disease.


              4             Does that make any sense?



              5             DR. DWYER:  So, we should study kangaroos?


              6             DR. LANE:  That's not a bad idea.  I mean


              7   that's a good point, that's along the same lines.


              8   The loads that our joints see are frequently very


              9   different than in these lighter, small animals, and



             10   that is why so many compounds tend to not be


             11   extrapolated or chemical reactions seen in either


             12   way.


             13             DR. MILLER:  Given what the next question


             14   we are going to deal with is, would that make the



             15   subhuman primate a better model, say, than the dog?


             16             Is there any evidence to support that


             17   idea?  Dr. Lane.


             18             DR. LANE:  I am not real familiar with all


             19   the animal models of OA, but the larger animal you



             20   get, the closer, the heavier the bone structure,


             21   the weight of the animal, the more it is similar to


             22   human OA.











              1             However, if you are looking at it


              2   spontaneously, just like in humans, things don't go


              3   quickly.  So, yes, primate would be the better


              4   animal, dog or goat second, but those are expensive



              5   studies to do if you are looking at the primary


              6   disease.


              7             Any other comments?  If not, it seems to


              8   me that we have a consensus on this statement that


              9   you can't use animal and in vitro models--we didn't



             10   talk about those--to demonstrate risk reduction of


             11   OA in humans.


             12             The consensus of the committee is you


             13   can't do that, you need human data.  Agree?


             14   Johanna.



             15             DR. DWYER:  Just back to Steve's point,


             16   maybe it's covered, but it seems to me it is


             17   supportive.  We need human data, but the totality


             18   of the evidence is what we want to look at.


             19             DR. MILLER:  I agree.  I think the



             20   consensus ought to have a second part saying that


             21   it is supportive and useful in determining


             22   potential toxicological hazard, et cetera, et











              1   cetera.


              2             DR. LANE:  I just want to say where I


              3   think the animal and the in vitro data is important


              4   is hypothesis generation that we then need to



              5   translate.


              6             DR. MILLER:  That is a good point.


              7             DR. LANE:  It is more the hypothesis idea.


              8             DR. MILLER:  That brings us to Question


              9   3(a).  What animal models, what types of evidence



             10   endpoints should be used to assess risk reduction?


             11             I think this question is a market basket.


             12   I am not sure we have the time in the next several


             13   days to discuss this issue, but are there some


             14   general statements that we can make that would



             15   suggest to the FDA what types of models?  We have


             16   already discussed that, Dr. Lane has already


             17   indicated perhaps a conceptual idea of what might


             18   constitute a good animal model, and we haven't said


             19   anything about in vitro models.



             20             DR. LANE:  In terms of a guidance, one


             21   might say, you know, large animals, but also


             22   utilization of techniques, such as MRI, to monitor











              1   the course of the disease in these animal models,


              2   that might have some relevance to human disease.  I


              3   think sort of the next thing, the MRI needs to go


              4   to the primates.  Sorry.



              5             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Russell.


              6             DR. RUSSELL:  Another point with regard to


              7   food components is that animal models vary


              8   tremendously in their bioavailability for food


              9   substances and for their kinetics at disposal, so



             10   that the animal model, as just a generalization,


             11   should be similar, should handle the compound or


             12   the agent of interest similarly to humans.


             13             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Callery.


             14             DR. CALLERY:  I am wondering where the



             15   biomarker data is going to come from, and the


             16   surrogate endpoints, not only clinical.  I am


             17   wondering if studying the biochemistry in animal


             18   models is the place to find a biomarker, and that


             19   is really a research opportunity that could provide



             20   the biomarker that we have all been looking for.


             21             DR. MILLER:  I agree.  Actually, I have


             22   always thought that that was the value of the











              1   animal model, it told you where to look in human.


              2   I just think that an important point that needed to


              3   be made, which as I recall, wasn't really made


              4   directly in discussions these days, is that



              5   metabolic pathways that we are looking at are both


              6   kinetically, as well as qualitatively, the same in


              7   humans as in the animal model.


              8             I didn't see any evidence to support that,


              9   maybe I missed it, but in the discussions that we



             10   have had.


             11             DR. LANE:  You are right, the metabolic


             12   pathways, such as you give bovine cartilage


             13   explants, interleukin-1, they are going to generate


             14   to the same enzyme processes that human cartilage



             15   explants will.


             16             From that perspective metabolically,


             17   metabolic pathways, yes, they are similar.


             18             DR. MILLER:  But are the kinetics the


             19   same?



             20             DR. LANE:  That, I don't know, I doubt it,


             21   but I don't know.


             22             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Harris.











              1             DR. HARRIS:  I think in answering the


              2   question regarding the overlap here, I think one of


              3   the most remarkable findings when the human genome


              4   project was completed, and the rat or mouse genome



              5   project, was the similarity of the gene structures


              6   that were observed.


              7             That seems to suggest that there are a


              8   great deal of genes that are expressed in all


              9   animal species including humans.



             10             The point I wanted to address, though, was


             11   the other part of the question that we are being


             12   asked to address, that is, what is the advantage of


             13   in vitro models. Just to remind the panel that when


             14   we are dealing with the in vitro models, we not



             15   necessarily confine ourselves only to animals.  We


             16   could be dealing with human cells.


             17             Currently, we do have available through a


             18   number of agencies, access to human cells that can


             19   be grown in laboratories, and chondrocytes and



             20   whatever, and perform some very close, careful


             21   analyses.


             22             Again, I will also reiterate a point I











              1   made, and that is there are certain things that we


              2   can do in cell model cultures that we cannot do in


              3   humans, and as I look at the list of the effects of


              4   cytokines and the identity of the different factors



              5   that have somehow been associated with the onset of


              6   disease conditions, I can safely say that I believe


              7   all of these have been identified through in vitro


              8   models.


              9             That is not to say that we have exhausted



             10   our total spectrum of components that have been


             11   identified, that are important, in fact, there is


             12   probably a great deal of additional components that


             13   are remaining to be identified, and I think only


             14   through in vitro studies are we going to be able to



             15   achieve that.


             16             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Zeisel.


             17             DR. ZEISEL:  But again, to assess risk


             18   reduction, what I think our consensus is, is that


             19   all of these models are supportive, but not



             20   sufficient for drawing a conclusion as to risk


             21   reduction, so that we encourage scientists to use


             22   techniques to generate hypotheses and then go test











              1   them in humans, but until there has been at a test


              2   in humans, a panel like this, I think we are saying


              3   we would be hesitant to accept animal data in the


              4   absence of human confirmation.



              5             DR. MILLER:  I agree.  That is a good


              6   summary of what I think is the consensus of the


              7   committee.  But the question is even in a


              8   supportive sense, are there specific in vitro


              9   models that would be helpful in attempting to make



             10   a determination of whether or not a particular


             11   material has a risk reductive capability in a


             12   supportive sense.


             13             DR. LANE:  I would again state that it is


             14   hypothesis generating only, because the mechanical



             15   aspects of the disease are such that a few cells in


             16   vitro might show you something unique and


             17   interesting, but again, because the biomechanical


             18   component of the disease, it would only be


             19   hypothesis generating.



             20             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Callery.


             21             DR. CALLERY:  This is going back to your


             22   question about the kinetic differences.  The enzyme











              1   kinetics, at least the way I read it, was that the


              2   glucosamine comes in after the rate-determining


              3   step in the process, and that this is apparently


              4   the kinetics control probably the enzyme



              5   synthesizing the glucosamine is rate-determining in


              6   this process, and that probably, and I am not sure


              7   of this, but I think that that is the same in


              8   humans and in the animals. That is just back to


              9   your question.



             10             DR. MILLER:  Anybody else?


             11             DR. WASLIEN:  Mostly because the


             12   committee's role here is to look at dietary


             13   supplements, the animal models permit so much


             14   variation in dietary intake that if we want to



             15   consider that kind of feature of any kind of


             16   supplement, I think animal models at least permit


             17   that first look at potential role, and even to


             18   identify the phase within the disease process, it


             19   might be that the animal model at least identifies



             20   some processes or some bone changes or whatever


             21   that might then lead you into what you are going to


             22   look at in the actual disease process in humans.











              1             DR. MILLER:  Good.  I think we have


              2   reached--unless there are any further


              3   comments--Johanna?


              4             DR. DWYER:  Just to follow up on Dr.



              5   Russell's point, we know there are some animals


              6   that are not suitable for dietary-related factors,


              7   and could those be specified more precisely as one


              8   of the criteria for what models?


              9             In other words, if we are talking about



             10   dietary supplements, we want to make sure that the


             11   animal is similar in terms of its metabolism, and


             12   so forth.  I don't know if some of those animal


             13   models that are mentioned in the Biorheology or


             14   other articles would be inappropriate.



             15             DR. MILLER:  Any response to that?  Are


             16   there any animal models that should not be used, or


             17   have, let's say, less credibility?


             18             DR. ZEISEL:  From the nutritional point of


             19   view, ruminants are going to be very different in



             20   their absorption metabolism from the gut of dietary


             21   substances, so it would be very hard to imagine you


             22   would want to use a model of osteoarthritis in a











              1   ruminant and then ask whether an oral manipulation


              2   makes a difference to them.


              3             DR. MILLER:  That is a good point.  A lot


              4   of these comments that you are making won't



              5   necessarily show up in the conclusions of the


              6   committee's reports, but they will be in part of


              7   the record, and they will be available to the FDA


              8   for them to use as they put together their


              9   paradigms for evaluating these things.



             10             I just tell you this ahead of time, so


             11   that if you don't see them in the conclusions, they


             12   are in the report.


             13             Dr. Downer.


             14             DR. DOWNER:  So then maybe from Johanna's



             15   question, we should include those animals that


             16   should be included rather than looking for that


             17   exhaustive list of those who ought not to be


             18   included in the studies.


             19             DR. MILLER:  I think the important point



             20   is that there are some animal models that have less


             21   credibility than other animal models.  I don't know


             22   that we can sit and make a list of these things











              1   here.  We have an example of a ruminant, I think,


              2   and that is good enough to give the people what we


              3   are trying to do.


              4             Question 3(a).  Again, to the extent that



              5   animal or in vitro models of OA may be useful, what


              6   animal models, types of evidence and endpoints


              7   should be used to assess risk reduction of OA in


              8   humans?


              9             DR. ARCHER:  I think I heard Dr. Lane



             10   answer that question before in terms of coupling,


             11   if possible, animal studies with better imaging or


             12   looking for the magic biomarker, if that is the


             13   kind of speculative answer that is of any kind of


             14   use to the agency.



             15             I mean the way I read the question, we can


             16   answer it several different ways, but I think that


             17   is it, what is desirable, what would be good.


             18             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Harris.


             19             DR. HARRIS:  To the extent that one reads



             20   the literature, and it seems to be impressed with


             21   the fact that a necessary condition that will


             22   develop into eventual cartilage deterioration, and











              1   so forth, is the death of the chondrocyte.


              2             So, that would be my suggestion, that an


              3   animal model or actually an in vitro model, forget


              4   the animal for a moment, would study the programmed



              5   cell death and factors that would cause it, and


              6   somehow correlate these factors that could be


              7   present in the joint.


              8             I think this would be highly beneficial in


              9   deciding an initial course in the progression, or



             10   even the progression of the disease.  Apoptosis, I


             11   think you know is what we are referring to here,


             12   and that is programmed cell dying, and this is now


             13   very clearly defined and how it correlates with


             14   this condition we are talking about, that I think



             15   would be very interesting to find out.


             16             DR. MILLER:  Yes, Dr. McBride.


             17             DR. McBRIDE:  I think if the question is


             18   what animal endpoints or what in vitro endpoints


             19   should be used to assess risk reduction, that we



             20   are really saying there aren't any.


             21             DR. MILLER:  Well, that is a good point.


             22   The issue is do the same caveats apply to the











              1   animals models that are based on experience with


              2   them, that are those that we have identified for


              3   looking at risk reduction in humans.


              4             Is there any data to suggest that there is



              5   a point when there is no joint degeneration or


              6   cartilage?  Nobody?


              7             DR. LANE:  I am sorry, I didn't hear the


              8   question.


              9             DR. MILLER:  The question is does the same



             10   caveat apply to the animal models that applies to


             11   humans in terms of not being able to really look at


             12   risk reduction because we can't define a point at


             13   which there is no disease or precursor of disease?


             14             DR. McBRIDE:  I think that is true, we



             15   have to study, you know, a careful study of an


             16   animal model must be done, at which point we might


             17   be able to assess where we go from health to


             18   disease, where that critical point is, that hasn't


             19   been done.



             20             DR. MILLER:  I think the point really is,


             21   though, in thinking about this, that the value of


             22   the animal model is, as you say, it's hypothesis











              1   development, that is where its real value is, and I


              2   think we have already said that the animal model


              3   can't replace human data in looking at this whole


              4   problem, and I think that is specifically true more



              5   so for the question of risk reduction.


              6             DR. LANE:  I agree.


              7             DR. McBRIDE:  I agree with that.  I mean


              8   actually, I don't think we really even need to have


              9   the definition of when does the disease begin if we



             10   are talking about risk reduction at any point


             11   before the development of symptoms of


             12   osteoarthritis in human, can we jump from animal


             13   data or in vitro data?  No.


             14             Very important data in helping our



             15   understanding and in designing studies, but we


             16   can't then use that data to suggest that we have


             17   evidence of risk reduction in humans at any point


             18   in the pre-symptomatic phase.


             19             DR. MILLER:  I think we have got agreement



             20   on that.


             21             Jack.


             22             DR. CUSH:  We heard yesterday from the











              1   petitioners and from the public hearing, from Dr.


              2   Arnot and Dr. Theo, you know, what sounded like a


              3   wealth of evidence that made this sort of a slam


              4   dunk.



              5             I would say that the wealth of evidence in


              6   the animal field, as has been suggested, is useful


              7   and interesting, and tells us about maybe some of


              8   the mechanisms by which this works, and the


              9   possibility that it works, but this in no way



             10   implies that it would work in this instance when


             11   applied to a normal population.


             12             Hence, it is deficient in that


             13   requirement, and that if we are looking to make


             14   that connection, we require better data.  I think



             15   that a lot of the data presented by the petitioners


             16   were compilations of studies that were more likely


             17   to be sponsored.  Positive reports are more likely


             18   to--you know, whenever you do research, if it's a


             19   negative report, it doesn't get published.



             20             Whenever a company sponsors a line of


             21   research that has a positive outcome, it always


             22   gets reported, so there is a bias in the











              1   literature, and then when one goes to do


              2   meta-analyses of small, uncontrolled trials, it


              3   makes it look even better, and then we do


              4   meta-analyses and meta-analyses, it looks even



              5   better.


              6             So, it is an amplification of the same


              7   simple suggestion that it might work, or in Texas,


              8   we say might could work.  So, I think it is all


              9   well and fine, but again the standard that we



             10   should demand is much higher, and while such in


             11   vitro and animal data is useful, it is not the end


             12   answer that we need to apply this to a general well


             13   population.


             14             DR. MILLER:  Good.  Any other comments?



             15             DR. DWYER:  It is slightly off topic, but


             16   I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed those


             17   presentations yesterday, I thought they were


             18   fascinating, and for what they did, which I agree


             19   was not exactly what we need, still the petitioners



             20   should be commended for the kind of work that they


             21   were doing with respect to the disease models.  I


             22   thought they were very good.











              1             DR. MILLER:  I guess what we are saying is


              2   that exceptions of general rules, that two-legged


              3   animals are better than four-legged animals, and


              4   that animals that have metabolism more similar to



              5   humans, other than the example of ruminants being


              6   an example of an animal that is not a


              7   good--otherwise, the elephant would be big, has a


              8   lot of--but it is a ruminant.


              9             We didn't deal with endpoints, but I think



             10   that the basic issue is the same as we dealt with


             11   No. 3, that animal studies can't replace human


             12   studies, that the gold standard are the human


             13   studies, and that animal studies alone are not


             14   useful in attempting to determine whether a



             15   substance has risk reduction capabilities.


             16             Okay.  We go to the last question, I am


             17   not sure how to approach.  But if limited human


             18   data are available, what data should be based on


             19   human studies and what data should be based on



             20   animal and in vitro studies to determine whether


             21   the overall data are useful in assessing reduced


             22   risk of OA in humans?











              1             I guess this is a question of trying to


              2   determine how much power the data package has in


              3   supporting a conclusion that the substance has risk


              4   reductive capabilities.



              5             DR. ZEISEL:  I think this question is


              6   trying to ask us that given that you have some


              7   human data, how much can animal and in vitro data


              8   be used to supplement and strengthen that


              9   conclusion in lieu of multiple replications of



             10   human data.


             11             So, you could argue that one human


             12   experiment is never enough.  Two could be enough if


             13   there were a big supporting base of data that


             14   showed in other model systems that it worked, you



             15   wouldn't need a third replication to believe it.  I


             16   think that is sort of the issue we are dealing with


             17   here.


             18             I think to put something on the table,


             19   that strong animal and in vitro data can indeed



             20   help to augment and supplement existing human data


             21   to reach a level of certainty that is greater than


             22   the human data alone might generate.











              1             DR. MILLER:  How would you define strong


              2   animal data?


              3             DR. ZEISEL:  Well, I think that, as said


              4   and I think quoted by Johanna, that if you have



              5   evidence of an effect in humans, and you then have


              6   a body of data, either that preceded or came after,


              7   that supports that approach and delves into


              8   manipulations of dose and mechanism that you can't


              9   do in the human, that it would be strong supporting



             10   data, that in the absence of the human data, the


             11   animal data in itself could not be used to reach a


             12   conclusion.


             13             But if it is a model that corroborates and


             14   extends our understanding of the human study as



             15   presented, it could give it enough strength that


             16   you would move forward with it when, on the human


             17   data alone, you might feel hesitant to believe that


             18   you have reached the closest to the truth that you


             19   might have reached.



             20             DR. MILLER:  Are you saying that you would


             21   have to demonstrate that the animal model--


             22             DR. ZEISEL:  Is valid.











              1             DR. MILLER:  --metabolically and


              2   mechanically the same as in the human model?


              3             DR. ZEISEL:  No.  What I was saying is


              4   that suppose we find an effect in humans, we then



              5   can replicate that effect in animal models, and


              6   that that animal model can be argued to be valid,


              7   that it becomes a support that allows you to have


              8   greater belief in the human study without multiple


              9   replications.



             10             I still think you would want to see a


             11   replication in another human study before really


             12   believing it, but you might not need three or four


             13   or five replications if you have a very strong


             14   panel of in vitro and human that go with it, while



             15   you may need more than one replication if it didn't


             16   have that panel of supporting information.


             17             DR. MILLER:  Does everyone agree with


             18   that?  Dr. Nelson.


             19             DR. NELSON:  I guess I have a question,



             20   Steve, about the strength of the human data.  I


             21   mean if we have 1,000 anecdotal comments that I


             22   have taken this substance for 10 years and I don't











              1   have any symptoms, what amount of animal data would


              2   make us all satisfied that we have got a preventive


              3   effect here?


              4             DR. ZEISEL:  I think that we all agree



              5   that a randomized, controlled trial is the


              6   information needed. Perhaps very strong


              7   population-based data could act as a replication


              8   for a randomized, controlled trial, but that what


              9   the animal data might let you do is say, well, I



             10   have evidence in a prospective nurses health study,


             11   let's say, that people taking chondroitin sulfate


             12   have half the risk of osteoarthritis, and then I


             13   have a randomized, controlled trial where we did


             14   that, and indeed, in 300 patients I could show the



             15   effect.


             16             That, in addition to a animal base of


             17   understanding of the mechanism and the properties


             18   involved might lead you to make a recommendation


             19   for a health claim that you wouldn't make without



             20   that supporting information. You might ask for the


             21   second randomized, controlled trial.


             22             DR. MILLER:  Just to make sure we don't











              1   forget we are dealing with risk reduction issues


              2   now.


              3             DR. ZEISEL:  Right.


              4             DR. MILLER:  And we first have to figure



              5   out how to do a risk reduction study in the first


              6   place.


              7             DR. ZEISEL:  Right.


              8             DR. MILLER:  Before we did the animal


              9   study.



             10             Dr. Krinsky.


             11             DR. KRINSKY:  It would seem to me that all


             12   of the animal and in vitro studies in the world,


             13   regardless of how positive they are, would not be


             14   adequate to come up with an assessment of a reduced



             15   risk of OA in humans.


             16             DR. LANE:  I agree.


             17             DR. KRINSKY:  That the studies that you


             18   described, Steve, you know, RCT, and a population


             19   study, which could be very powerful studies, if, in



             20   fact, they were sufficiently powerful to convince


             21   us, we wouldn't need the animal data.


             22             The animal data is wonderful, and the in











              1   vitro data, in terms of understanding the


              2   mechanisms, and in terms, as Dr. Lane said, of


              3   hypothesis generation, but for assessing a reduced


              4   risk of humans, we have got to use the human data.



              5             DR. LANE:  In fact, just to echo that,


              6   observational data in humans doesn't hold up to the


              7   RCTs either, Women's Health Initiative, as prima


              8   facie evidence, so we have to be ever so careful.


              9             DR. MILLER:  Steve.



             10             DR. ZEISEL:  Again, let me take the


             11   converse, let's try to get away from the concrete


             12   to the more abstract to help us think a little.


             13   Magnetism, a randomized, clinical-controlled trial


             14   comes out, one of them, reporting that applying



             15   magnets to a joint makes osteoarthritis better.


             16             I would put it to you that in the absence


             17   of a compelling animal base, an in vitro base for a


             18   mechanism and understanding, a committee like this


             19   would be loathe to accept one randomized clinical



             20   trial, and would ask to see a repetition,


             21   replication of that as normal size.


             22             On the other hand, with a large number of











              1   rat or horse or guinea pig study showing that they


              2   can identify a mechanism, they can apply the


              3   treatment and get the effect, we might accept a


              4   randomized clinical-controlled trial that is well



              5   done in humans to say okay, we have reached a level


              6   of certainty that we are willing to make a


              7   recommendation.


              8             So, I see the animal as never being


              9   sufficient, but that sometimes giving you the base



             10   and the kind of structure and mechanistic


             11   understanding that we need to feel comfortable with


             12   a single or a double trial, and that is my only


             13   point.


             14             I don't think you can ever substitute, but



             15   I think there is a legitimate use for mechanism in


             16   helping make us feel more secure in acting with


             17   limited data because, as scientists, we would


             18   always like another experiment and we can always


             19   find a flaw in any randomized, controlled trial



             20   that says maybe it isn't true, let's do it again.


             21             So, I think that base is where the animal


             22   and in vitro studies can be useful, and should not











              1   be abandoned in any big study, because I think they


              2   can supply support.


              3             DR. KRINSKY:  I didn't mean to suggest


              4   that the animal and in vitro studies should be



              5   abandoned.  I think that they contribute to the


              6   totality of the evidence.


              7             But the example that you gave and of RCT


              8   of using magnets, I can't conceive of that taking


              9   place without a series of preliminary experiments



             10   that were not RCTs, but there was some indication


             11   that magnetic treatment could, in fact, be a


             12   modality for improving OA, and that that led


             13   ultimately to an RCT.


             14             So, the RCT doesn't exist in isolation, it



             15   has a foundation beneath it that permit it


             16   to--because who is going to fund it if it doesn't


             17   have a background?


             18             DR. LANE:  And frequently in medicine,


             19   there are anecdotal reports, and there may be some



             20   in vitro and small animal data supported, then the


             21   RCT is from that point on.


             22             DR. MILLER:  It's a question of the











              1   strength and credibility of the data you are


              2   dealing with.  I don't think we can or should get


              3   into the question of how much human studies are


              4   sufficient to enable some animal and in vitro



              5   studies to carry on, we can't quantitate that.


              6             Jack.


              7             DR. CUSH:  The analogy in drug development


              8   would be, of course, that in vitro and animal


              9   studies are done prior to randomized, controlled



             10   trials and those confirmed, and often one needs


             11   large numbers of appropriately powered trials, and


             12   several of them, to get a drug approved for use in


             13   a disease population.


             14             Instances where you can get one



             15   clinical-controlled trial is when  you basically


             16   take the same compound which has been approved for


             17   another indication, now apply it to a new but


             18   similar disease state, and now just one


             19   appropriately controlled trial, for instance, going



             20   from rheumatoid arthritis to ankylosing


             21   spondylitis, the same kind of drug.  If it is a


             22   well done trial and we have prior evidence of











              1   safety and efficacy, then, it is all well and fine.


              2             I don't think we should hold these


              3   standards or minimize these standards when applying


              4   natural products to a healthy population.  I think



              5   the same sort of demands for safety and efficacy


              6   should be there for these claims to be allowed, and


              7   I think that your analogy of one trial being alone


              8   sufficient, I think would be poor and I would not


              9   accept that, but if there were several well done



             10   controlled trials, that were appropriately powered,


             11   then, to go further may not be necessary if there


             12   was a totality of evidence in the animal or in


             13   vitro world to support that.


             14             But again, it needs to be done in the



             15   right target population.


             16             DR. MILLER:  Dr. Waslien.


             17             DR. WASLIEN:  As my colleague next to me


             18   said, unfortunately, we have a law that says we


             19   can't enforce the same requirements for a dietary



             20   supplement that we do for drugs.


             21             So, I think we might look, though, at a


             22   different model, and that is the RDA requirement of











              1   kinds of support that you need for setting nutrient


              2   requirements, and that wording and that kind of


              3   support statement that comes out particularly for


              4   some of the newer nutrients might be something that



              5   we can look at instead of a drug model.


              6             DR. LANE:  A point of clarification on


              7   that.  In some ways the RDAs have a pretty high


              8   bar, too, don't they?


              9             DR. WASLIEN:  For some of the newer, you



             10   know, the chromium, the cobalt, and some of


             11   micronutrients that are being looked at.


             12             DR. MILLER:  I can tell you that the


             13   standard is very high.  It is very difficult to


             14   increase the list of nutrients, et cetera, I can



             15   tell you from experience.


             16             It's not to say that the dietary


             17   supplement issue that is being discussed here it


             18   shouldn't have the same standard.  Irrespective of


             19   whether we are dealing with a food or a drug, the



             20   major standard has to be safety and efficacy.  It


             21   has nothing to do with what we are discussing here


             22   per se, it is not being asked to make that











              1   judgment.


              2             Steve.


              3             DR. ZEISEL:  Again, I think we have some


              4   consensus that human data is absolutely essential



              5   and that there is some utility and use of animal


              6   data as supporting framework for the understanding


              7   of that human data and our utilization of it to


              8   make a decision about a health claim, that right


              9   now we are not presented with adequate human or



             10   animal data to reach conclusions about any compound


             11   that has been presented to us, and we are not


             12   required to, but that there is a role for animal


             13   data as a supporting framework for the human data,


             14   but not to substitute for it.



             15             I think that is what we have been saying


             16   and gives the answer to be.


             17             DR. MILLER:  I would agree that is the


             18   point.  I think one of the things that we don't


             19   have to do or shouldn't be doing is putting



             20   together a matrix how much animal studies will


             21   replace how much human studies.  I mean I would


             22   object violently to any attempt to do that.











              1             Johanna.


              2             DR. DWYER:  Just back to Dr. Kale's point.


              3   I think he pointed out that those animal data might


              4   be very useful in terms of safety.



              5             DR. MILLER:  Yes, and we noted that.  It


              6   is certainly one of the essential components of the


              7   thing, and you can get a substantial amount of


              8   safety information based upon experience, but I


              9   think with a dietary supplement, it seems to me



             10   that you have to be even more careful in that it is


             11   conceivable it could be used throughout the entire


             12   population, and not limit it to a specifically


             13   identifiable patient population.


             14             That is the difference between dietary



             15   supplements and drugs.


             16             I think we have come to a consensus here


             17   that in vitro studies and animal studies are


             18   useful, again as we said earlier, in a supportive


             19   sense, that the basic credibility of the



             20   relationship must be based on human studies, but


             21   animal studies could be used to further strengthen


             22   the relationship between them.











              1             I think that is the last issue, am I


              2   right?  Let me see if I can very quickly and very


              3   shortly--I am not going to try to summarize the


              4   discussions.



              5                       Concluding Comments


              6             They were interesting and wide ranging,


              7   and all of these discussions, there will be a


              8   verbatim transcript that will be available on the


              9   internet, and a summary report will be put



             10   together, which will be shared on the internet, but


             11   also will be shared directly with the members of


             12   the committee.


             13             In terms of Question 1, which was


             14   concerning the question whether joint degeneration



             15   or cartilage deterioration are modifiable risk


             16   factors for OA risk reduction, I think the


             17   committee reached a consensus in saying that joint


             18   degeneration is too nonspecific and cartilage


             19   deterioration is and could be used as a modifiable



             20   risk factor.


             21             Nevertheless, we had a broad and I think


             22   important discussion concerning how one defines a











              1   non-affected population, and I think we all agreed


              2   that that is possible to do, but we don't have the


              3   data at the moment to be able to define people that


              4   are not subject to OA from those that are.



              5             The next one.


              6             I think we all agree that the data doesn't


              7   support the idea of using information gathered in


              8   experiments on OA patients to interpolate the


              9   effect of these materials in a healthy population



             10   as individuals without OA, again, not that you


             11   can't do it, we just can't do it now.


             12             Next question.


             13             The third question, I think we answered


             14   that in general, that animal studies and in vitro



             15   studies cannot replace human studies and that the


             16   value of animal studies is in hypothesis generation


             17   and in getting a better understanding of the


             18   mechanisms that might be involved in interaction


             19   between various materials and the processing of OA.



             20             I think, unless there are any further


             21   comments--yes, Dr. Blonz.


             22             DR. BLONZ:  Would it be possible to make











              1   some sort of a statement that the safety and


              2   efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate for


              3   the treatment of osteoarthritis was not the issue


              4   here, and that is not being debated at this point?



              5             DR. MILLER:  We have made that point


              6   several times, but you can make it also.


              7             DR. BLONZ:  Thank you.


              8             DR. MILLER:  Well, you already made it,


              9   it's in the record.



             10             Dr. Krinsky.


             11             DR. KRINSKY:  As a member of the Food


             12   Advisory Committee, I just appreciate the fact that


             13   the FDA has had the wisdom to bring the collection


             14   of rheumatologists to this meeting, because I think



             15   in their absence, we would have floundered


             16   helplessly, so this has been an immense help to me.


             17             DR. MILLER:  Thank you.  I agree and you


             18   have anticipated my final comments.


             19             DR. LANE:  We appreciate your kind



             20   comment.


             21             DR. MILLER:  If everyone is anticipating


             22   my final remarks, I am not going to recognize you.











              1             DR. DWYER:  Can we get free consults after


              2   the meeting?


              3             DR. MILLER:  I want to thank the


              4   committee.  I especially want to thank the



              5   temporary voting members and rheumatologists.  They


              6   really made this I think an informative, as


              7   important, advisory activity.


              8             I also want to thank the entire committee


              9   for their discipline and for their being able to



             10   maintain their focus when it was really a complex


             11   study.  Complexity, I always felt is a fact made up


             12   of 90 parts, ignorance and only 10 parts knowledge.


             13             I think that the main part coming out of


             14   this is how much more research is really needed in



             15   order to begin to understand and to begin to come


             16   to some predictive conclusions for these


             17   activities.


             18             With that, in the absence of hearing any


             19   objection, I am going to close this part of the



             20   meeting having to do with glucosamine and


             21   chondroitin, and adjourn until we meet later on.


             22   The temporary voting members and the members of the











              1   Supplement Subcommittee are excused, and you can go


              2   home.  The rest of us will have to stay to deal


              3   with the furans this afternoon.


              4             We are scheduled to start at 2 o'clock on



              5   furans, if we can get people together, we may start


              6   a little earlier.


              7             [Whereupon, at 11:12 a.m., the meeting was


              8   adjourned.]


              9                              - - -