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Continuing Education
24 Hours Every Two Years
Pre-Approval of Courses
Self-Attestation, Audits
More Information
Approved Courses
24 Hours Every Two Years
Approved continuing education includes, at the discretion of the Oregon Health Licensing Agency (OHLA) and as specified in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 331-630-0000:
(a) Participation or attendance at an instructional program presented, recognized, or under the auspices of any institution, agency, professional organization or association, or licensees or hearing aid manufacturers and approved by the agency.
(b) Education in subject matter related specifically to hearing or hearing aid technology, related health care, or laws and rules governing hearing aid dispensing. Approved subject matter may include but not be limited to the following: anatomy and physiology, disorders of hearing, audiology, habilitation and counseling, physics of sound, safety and sanitation, practice management, ethics, first aid, CPR, and AIDS training for health care workers.
(c) Education in subject matter that advances the licensee's knowledge and skills to benefit the hearing impaired public.
(d) Credit will be limited to three hours collectively per year for subjects relating to practice management, ethics, sales, first aid, CPR and AIDS training. Licensees may not receive credit for repeat of courses taken within the same continuing education reporting period.

Pre-Approval of Courses
To receive prior approval of a continuing education program, an individual or group sponsor must submit a written request to the agency, at least 30 days prior to the first scheduled presentation. The documentation required for agency review includes:
(a) An outline of the subject matter to be covered
(b) Method of presentation
(c) Qualifications of person or persons presenting instruction
(d) Estimated duration
(e) Criteria for positive achievement, e.g., examination, attendance, participation by written or oral report; and
(f) Statement of how the program relates to a licensee's knowledge and skills and how it benefits the hearing impaired public
OHLA, in consultation with the Advisory Council on Hearing Aids or a standing subcommittee of the Council, will determine if the continued education program meets criteria for approval. The agency will establish the number of hours it will recognize or accept for programs obtaining prior approval of the agency.
The agency will notify the program or course sponsor in writing of its determination regarding continuing education including, as applicable, acceptable credit or contact hours and explain any denial of the program or adjustment to creditable hours.
Approval of a continuing education program may be retained for a maximum of two years, at which time the sponsor will be required to resubmit the documentation.  The agency may withdraw approval of a continuing education program if it is determined that:
(a) The program teaching method or content has changed significantly without notice to the agency
(b) A certificate of participation was not issued to an individual who completed the program in accordance with the standards provided to the agency, or
(c) A certificate of participation was issued to an individual who did not complete the program in accordance with the standards provided to the agency.

Self-Attestation, Audits
Licensees must report compliance with continuing education requirements through attestation on the license renewal document. OHLA will audit a select percentage of licenses determined by the Council to verify compliance with continuing education requirements.
Licensees notified of selection for audit of continuing education attestation shall submit to the agency, within 30 calendar days from the date of notification, satisfactory evidence of participation in required continuing education.
Documentation of a certificate of completion of attendance at a program or course provided by the sponsor must include:
(a) Name of sponsoring institution/association or organization
(b) Title of presentation and description of content
(c) Name of instructor or presenter
(d) Date of attendance and duration in hours
(e) Course agenda
(f) Official transcript, diploma, certificate, statement or affidavit from the sponsor, attesting to attendance
If documentation of continuing education is invalid or incomplete, the licensee must correct the deficiency within 30 calendar days from the date of notice. Failure to correct the deficiency within the prescribed time shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action.
Misrepresentation of continuing education, or failing to meet continuing education requirements or documentation may result in disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to assessment of a civil fine and suspension or revocation of the license.

More Information
  • For each college credit hour, 12 continuing education contact hours will be recognized.

  • Evidence of participation in required continuing education is the responsibility of the hearing aid specialist. Evidence of participation must include the documentation listed in OAR 331-630-0010.

  • Hours obtained in excess of the 24 contact hours required every two year will not be carried forward as continuing education credit for the succeeding reporting period.

  • Continuing education requirements apply whether the renewal applicant is living or working within Oregon or outside of the state, if Oregon licensure is maintained.

Approved Courses
First Aid, Infection Control and CPR courses (PDF)
First Aid, Infection Control and CPR course providers (PDF)
Features a course library of over 500 continuing education courses spanning roughly two dozen topics related to hearing healthcare. There are three types of courses:  live eSeminars, self-study recorded courses, and self-study text courses.
Individual courses must be approved prior to submitting for continuing education credit.  Please see requirements above for information on the pre-approval process.
Hearing Aid Specialist
Update Septebmer 18, 2008

Hearing Aid Specialist
Updated January 14, 2008
Hearing Aid Specialist
Updated July 24, 2006
Hearing Aid Specialist
Updated November 17, 2006

Page updated: October 03, 2008

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