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EF/PCS Logo Customized Query Engine

This query engine allows you select any data element in PCS to build a tabular report or a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file for downloading.

There are four steps to using this query engine:

  1. Select one or more of the subjects listed below, one at a time.
  2. Select your tables of interest from the subjects selected.
  3. Select columns (data elements or fields) from the selected tables.
  4. Enter your search criteria to target specific records from the database.

The Customized Query Engine User's Guide will provide you with detailed information on how to use the Query Engine.

WARNING: Many PCS tables contain over 1 million rows. Output results greater than 500K (500 thousand bytes) may cause your browser to fail. Please limit your query through specific selection criteria. Note: Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser handles large (greater than 500K) output results better than Netscape's Navigator browser.

Pending migration to a new system, the data for the Permit Compliance System (PCS) will remain frozen in Envirofacts for the following states and territories as of the below listed dates:
          Frozen as of June 6th, 2006: MA,NH,RI,VI,PR,DC,MD,IN,NM,UT,HI,AK,ID
          Frozen as of August, 2006: AS,AT,CT,CZ,FM,GA,GB,GU,JA,MH,MP,MT,MW,NE,NI,NN,NV,NY,PA,PW,SD,SR,TT,UM
          Frozen as of April 24th, 2008: IL

Please refer to the ECHO Clean Water Act Query Screen to retrieve updated data for the states frozen in Envirofacts.

Step 1: Start by selecting one subject to be the primary focus of your query by clicking on one of the underlined subject names listed below.


Facility Information Address and other location information about the facility.
Single Event Violation A table of violations that are characterized as one-time events that occurred on a fixed date, and are associated with one permitted facility.
Pipe Schedule -- Outfalls Tables of information about particular discharge points at a permit facility that are governed by effluent limitations and monitoring and submission requirements.
Effluent Limits--Allowable Discharges Tables containing restrictions imposed on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of pollutants by the permit.
Effluent Measurements/Violations A table of measurements of effluents reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). The violations are detected by comparing the measurement values against the corresponding effluent limit.
Permit Event A table of events that track the life-cycle of a permit from issuance to expiration.
Evidentiary Hearing Event A table of evidentiary hearing events for a facility with a NPDES permit.
Pretreatment Assessment Summary A table of pretreatment assessment reports for a facility with a NPDES permit.
Compliance Schedules Activities and associated milestones pertaining to the permit.
Compliance Schedule Violation A table of violations that reflect the non-achievement of a given compliance schedule event including the type of violation and type of resolution.
Inspection Tables of recorded official visits to a permit facility.
Reference A table providing text descriptions that explain the code meanings for each type and each possible code value contained on PCS tables.

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