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Control and Containment Initiatives

As identified by the Brown Treesnake Working Group, which was created in 1993, the objectives of the Brown Treesnake Control and Research Program are to:

  1. To reduce existing BTS population levels over large geographic areas on Guam.
  2. To prevent the spread of BTS to other Pacific islands and mainland areas.
  3. To eradicate or contain new populations as soon as detected.
  4. To develop more effective and environmentally sound control and/or eradication strategies and methods.
  5. To protect endangered species and other wildlife from BTS predation.
  6. To assist organizations and individuals on Guam to manage and control BTS infestations, and especially to reduce disruptions of electrical supplies and human-snake encounters resulting in emotional trauma and bites.
  7. To develop adequate information on the biology, dispersal dynamics, and control of the BTS to support Federal, State, Territorial, and Commonwealth needs.
A Brown Treesnake is entering a trap set up by the USDA.

A Brown Treesnake is entering a trap set up by the USDA.

In order to carry out these goals of the BTS Control and Research Program, many different strategies have been put in place.  These strategies include reproduction inhibitor research, bait and trapping, barriers, detection by humans in cargo/landscape, chemicals/toxicants and detector dogs.  Click here for more information on various trapping strategies.

Trapping strategies and results:

Barrier strategies:

Small plot strategies:

Chemical strategies:

Detector dog strategies:


U.S. Department of the Interior • Office of Insular Affairs
1849 C Street, N.W. • Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-6816 • FAX: (202) 219-1989
Last Updated on 07/10/07