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Heat Island Reduction Initiative (HIRI) Graphic Depicting Heat Island Curve and HIRI Logo

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Upcoming Urban Heat Island Webcast:
April 29, 2008, 2:00-3:30 Eastern Time

The Excessive Heat Events Guidebook

MIST tool launched

Community actions database

EPA and Arizona State University announce National Center of Excellence

For millions of Americans living in and around cities, heat islands are of growing concern. This phenomenon describes urban and suburban temperatures that are 2 to 10°F (1 to 6°C) hotter than nearby rural areas. Elevated temperatures can impact communities by increasing peak energy demand, air conditioning costs, air pollution levels, and heat-related illness and mortality.

Fortunately, there are common-sense measures that communities can
take to reduce the negative effects of heat islands.

Basic Information
Measuring Heat Islands

Energy Savings
Reducing Energy Use

Heat, Health & Environment
Ozone Impacts
Excessive Heat Impacts
Heat & Health Programs

Heat Island Reduction Initiative (HIRI)-
Supported Research
Turning Research into Action

What Can Be Done
Community Actions
Cool Roofs
Green Roofs
Trees & Vegetation
Cool Pavements

Pilot Project (UHIPP)
Baton Rouge
Salt Lake City

Information Resources
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Frequent Questions

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