Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Hurricane Quick Finder
- Advisories
- Air sampling data
- AL: EPA response
- Asbestos
- Boil water
- Children's health
- Debris
- Español
- FL: EPA response
- Frequent questions
- Fuel waivers
- Health issues
- Hurricane prep
- LA: EPA response
- MS: EPA response
- Mold
- Oil spills
- Playground sampling
- Sediment sampling data
- Superfund issues
- Water issues
- Water sampling data
- West Nile virus
EPA emergency response personnel worked with FEMA and state and local agencies to respond to the hurricanes in 2005. In emergency situations, EPA serves as the lead Agency for the cleanup of hazardous materials. We no longer update this Web site; we provide the information for reference purposes only.
- Anniversary Reports
- Where you live: information by region and by Louisiana parish
- Frequent questions: commonly asked questions and answers
- Health issues: children's health, mold, West Nile, and more
- Potential hazards when returning to homes and businesses
- Dealing with debris and damaged buildings
- Precautions when exposed to flood water
- Environmental
testing results
- Summary Results Of Sediment Sampling Conducted By The Environmental Protection Agency In Response To Hurricanes Katrina And Rita (August 17, 2006)
- Summary Assessment of the Results of Sampling of Localized Areas Identified For Focused Investigations Following Hurricane Katrina (March 2006)
- Environmental Assessment Summary for Areas of Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard, and Plaquemines Parishes Flooded as a Result of Hurricane Katrina (December 6, 2005)
- Summary of Sediment Testing from September 10 – November 27, 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (November 2005)
- Public outreach materials
- handouts: English | en Español | Tiếng Việt
- public service announcements: English | en Español | Tiếng Việt
- Superfund site assessments: sites in the path of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
- Murphy Oil spill: EPA's response, data evaluation, and recommendations
- General information about preparation for and recovery from hurricanes
Other highlights and general information
Funding Brochures on Water Infrastructure Damage in Louisiana and Mississippi
Newsroom: news releases, press conference materials, and testimony
Fuel waivers: temporary waivers have been necessary to help ensure that an adequate supply of fuel is available, particularly for emergency vehicle needs
Vendor inquiry list: vendors who've expressed interest in working on recovery efforts
Related links: links to information at other federal and state agencies