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 You are in: Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs: Press Relations Office > Press Releases (Other) > 2008 > February 
Press Statement
Tom Casey, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
February 29, 2008

Extension of the Andean Trade Preference Act

Today the President signed an extension of the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA), continuing our efforts to assist the people of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia in combating drug production, creating economic opportunity, and alleviating poverty. Almost two million people in these four countries have jobs today as a result of ATPA. The bill’s passage by voice vote in the House Representatives and by unanimous consent in the Senate reflects strong bipartisan support for this program. ATPA contributes directly to the development of a stable and prosperous region, and is in the national security interest of the United States.

The extension of these unilateral trade preferences provides a bridge to implement the U.S-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement. We also look forward to using this extension to work with Congress and secure prompt approval of the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement. This agreement will help the people of Colombia consolidate their considerable progress and ensure the potential for future economic growth and stability. The Colombia agreement, when implemented, will also replace Colombia’s one-way access to American markets with permanent, two-way free trade that benefits U.S. businesses, workers, and farmers.

We encourage Congress to build on the benefits of ATPA and expand the economic benefits to American workers by approving the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement.


Released on February 29, 2008

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