
Assassination Records Review Board, Series 3: General Counsel

Folder Title List
Volume: 7 feet
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, or call (301) 837-3190, or e-mail: specialaccess_foia@nara.gov.
Box 1:
  • 3.1 Ethics
  • 3.1.1 Ethics training material
    • Training booklets
    • Video tapes (withdrawn)
Box 2:
  • 3.1.1 Ethics training material (continued)
Box 3:
  • 3.1.2 Confidential Financial Disclosure Information
    • Financial Disclosure Instructions
    • Financial Disclosure Reports
    • Public Financial Disclosure
  • 3.1.3 Ethics Training
    • May 22, 1995
    • Ethics Training Material
  • 3.1.4 ARRB correspondence with
    • Financial Disclosure Forms
    • General
Box 4:
  • 3.1.5 OGE correspondence with
    • Financial Disclosure Forms
    • Training
  • 3.1.6 Ethics Correspondence
    • Financial Disclosure Forms
    • To ARRB Staff
    • To File
  • 3.1.7 Standards of Ethical Conduct Booklet Order
Box 5:
  • 3.2 FOIA
  • 3.2.1 FOIA Research
    • General
Box 5a:
  • 3.2.1 FOIA Research: General (continued)
  • FOIA Compliance
  • FOIA Exemptions
    • Exemption 1:FOIA National Security
    • Exemption 3: FOIA CIA Exemptions
    • Exemption 5: Deliberative Process
    • Exemption 7: Law Enforcement; FOIA Exemption 7(e)
  • Report to Congress
  • 3.2.2 FOIA Contacts
    • General
    • Justice Department
  • 3.2.3 FOIA Form letters
  • 3.2.4 FOIA Regs. - Drafts
  • 3.2.5 Public Filing with Federal Register
  • 3.2.6 Comments on NPRM--FOIA
  • 3.2.7 FOIA Requests (No folder in box)
    • Adams, Bill
    • Experts Conference
    • Lesar, James
    • Garrison Investigation Materials
    • Ravnitzsky, Michael
    • Scott, Tim
Box 6:
  • 3.3 Sunshine Act
  • 3.3.1 Govt. in the Sunshine Act
  • 3.3.2 Public Filing with Federal Register
  • Requirements Imposed by Executive Order 12866
  • 3.3.3 Closed Meetings Filing
  • 3.3.6 Comments on NPRM--Sunshine Act
  • 3.4 Federal Records Management
  • 3.4.1 Briefing Material
  • 3.4.2 Correspondence
    • To Staff
  • 3.4.3 E-Mail guidance
  • 3.4.4 E-Mail audit
Box 7:
  • 3.5 Legal Research, General
  • 3.5.1 Presidential Release of Documents
  • 3.5.2 Archives and Manuscripts: Law
  • 3.5.3 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
  • 3.5.4 Assassination Archives and Research Ctr. v. DOJ
  • 3.5.5 Katz v. NARA
  • 3.5.6 Richard Angelico
Box 8:
  • 3.6 Legal Issues Regarding Particular Collections
  • 3.6.1 Zapruder Film (Withheld pending resolution of current litigation)
  • General
  • Memoranda
  • Correspondence
    • Board and Staff
    • NARA
    • Perle, E. Gabriel
    • Time Warner, Inc./Harry Jo
Box 9:
  • Press clippings - Zapruder
    • AP/UPI wires
    • Life Magazine
  • Receipt for Zapruder film
  • Reagan Library assassination materials
  • Nixon Presidential Materials
  • Authorization to inspect Zapruder film
  • Storage of Zapruder film of assassination
  • Preservation suggestions for film
  • Assignment of copyright for Zapruder film
  • JFK Library assassination materials
  • Johnson Library assassination materials
  • Assassination materials at Carter Library
  • Deposit Agreements for Collection in Custody of NL
  • Custody of copies of Zapruder Film
  • LMH Co./Kaufman & Silverberg Correspondence
  • 3.6.2 Whelan
Box 10:
  • 3.6.3 Connick, Harry F.
Box 11:
  • 3.6.4 Alyea
  • 3.6.5 Gaylord Broadcasting/Cooper/Sturges/Veazey
  • 3.6.6 Angelico, Richard
  • 3.6.7 Springer, Lindsey
Box 12:
  • 3.6.8 Sheridan, Nancy (NBC) (Withheld pending resolution of current litigation)
  • 3.6.9 Pike, LCDR Terri
Box 13:
  • 3.7 House Govt. Reform & Oversight Commission
  • 3.7.1 Correspondence
  • 3.8 Federal Judges ability to serve on Exec. Boards
  • 3.8.1 Research
  • 3.8.2 Correspondence
  • 3.9 Public Correspondence/Contacts
    • Godfrey, Jane E.(no folder)
    • Johnston, James (no folder)
    • Posner, Gerald
    • Smith, Wayne (no folder)
Box 14:
  • 3.10 JFK Act
  • 3.10.1 Analysis of JFK Statute
  • 3.10.2 White House
  • 3.10.3 Legislative History
  • 3.11 Office of Mgmt and Budget
  • 3.11.1 Correspondence
  • 3.12 Classification/Declassification
  • 3.13 Deeds of Gift
  • 3.13.2 Manchester-Kennedy
  • 3.13.3 Negotiations with NARA
Box 15:
  • 3.13.4 Deed of Gift - Donor
    • Alyea, Tom
    • Barnes, Richard
    • Bronson, Charles
    • CBS News
    • Doyle, James
    • Garrison, Lyon
    • Georgetown University Library
    • Hosty, James
    • Kay, Everett
    • Lifton, David
    • Marrs, James F., Jr.
    • Myers, Dale
    • Oakes, Mark
    • Palamara, Vince
    • Rankin, James
    • Sawyer, Jack M.
    • Schiller, Lawrence
    • The Sixth Floor Museum
    • Snyder, David
    • Taplin, David
    • Tyler, Steve
    • Veazey, Janet
    • Wegmann, Cynthia
  • 3.14 Personnel Matters
  • 3.14.1 Child Support
  • 3.14.2 Legal staffing service
    • Attorneys Per Diem
  • 3.14.3 General Counsel applicants - response ltr.
  • 3.15 The Board
  • 3.15.1 Meeting Procedures
  • 3.16 Privacy Act
  • 3.16.1 Public Filing with Federal Register
  • 3.16.2 ARRB Correspondence
Box 16:
  • 3.17 Grand Jury Records
  • 3.17.1 Legal Research (misc.)
  • 3.17.2 Issuance of Subpoena by New Orleans Court
  • 3.18 Witness Immunity
  • 3.19 Training Programs
  • 3.20 Issuance of Subpoenas
    • ARRB-1 Southern Research
    • ARRB-2 Hagan, Joseph
    • 1 Boswell & Humes
    • 2 Executrix, R. Case Nagell
    • 3 Hopper, Delores, Nagell,
    • 4 Connick, Harry
    • 5 Finck, Pierre A.
    • 6 Groden, Robert
Box 17:
  • Issuance of Subpoenas (continued)
    • 7 Belcher, Carl W.
    • 8 Sheridan, Nancy
    • 9a Ragano, Frank
    • 9b Cusack, Lawrence
    • 10 Miller, Herbert J.
    • 11 Mohr, Stella
    • 12 Mohr, Richard J., Dr.
    • 13 Scott, Joseph H.
    • 14 Underwood, Martin L.
    • 15 Custer, Jerrol F.
    • 16 Reed, Edward F., Jr.
    • 17 White, Robert
    • 18 Sixth Floor Museum
    • 19 Schiller, Lawrence
  • 3.21 Agency Appeals of Record (SCIF)
  • 3.21.1 FBI Appeal Aug. 1995
  • 3.21.2 CIA Appeal Feb. 1996
  • 3.21.3 FBI Appeal May 10, 1996 (SCIF)
  • 3.21.4 FBI Appeal May 28, 1996 (SCIF)
  • 3.21.4 FBI Appeal June 20, 1996
  • 3.22 Federal Records Act & Presidential Library Law
  • 3.23 Drug-Free Workplace Task
  • 3.23.1 Correspondence (no folder)
Box 18:
  • 3.24 Taking - Legal Research
  • 3.25 Close Down

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