JFK Assassination Records

Assassination Records Review Board: Files of Laura Denk

Folder Title List
Volume: 6.4 feet
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190, or e-mail: specialaccess_foia@nara.gov.
Box 1:
  • Media
  • Budget
  • 8/6/98 Board Meeting
  • 8/25-26/98 Board Meeting
  • Board Meeting-September 8-9, 1998
  • 9/14/98 Board Meeting
  • Conference Calls
  • Board Meeting September 23, 1998
  • Disposition of Review Board Records
  • Ballistics
  • Medical Evidence/ Depositions
  • Manchester Interviews
  • Cuban Records
  • Russian Records
  • Transition
  • Kodak
  • Civil Service Commission
  • Congressional Records
  • Ford Library
  • JFK Library
  • LBJ Library
  • Military
  • NSA
  • Secret Service
  • CIA
Box 2:
  • Final Report General LD Files
  • Final Report Transmittal Letters
  • Final Report Board/Staff News
  • Final Report Executive Summary
  • Final Report Preface/Introduction
  • Final Report Table of Contents
  • Final Report Chapter 1: The Problem of Secrecy and the Solution of the JFK Act
  • Final Report Chapter 1: The Problem of Secrecy and the Solution of the JFK Act
  • Final Report Chapter 1: The Problem of Secrecy and the Solution of the JFK Act (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 1: The Problem of Secrecy and the Solution of the JFK Act (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 2: Establishment of the Review Board and Definition of "Assassination Record"
  • Final Report Chapter 2: Start-Up and Definition of "Assassination Record"
  • Final Report Chapter 2: Start-Up and Definition of "Assassination Record" (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 2: Start-Up and Definition of "Assassination Record" (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 3: Public Activities of the Review Board
  • Final Report Chapter 3: Public Activities of the Review Board (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 3: Public Activities of the Review Board (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 3: Public Activities of the Review Board (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 4: Developing the Review Process
  • Final Report Chapter 4: Developing the Review Process (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 4: Developing the Review Process (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 4: Developing the Review Process (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 5: The Standards for Review: Review Board "Common Law"
Box 3:
  • No Title
  • Chapter 5 Final Report Drafts #2
  • Chapter 5 Final Report Drafts #3
  • Final Report Chapter 5: The Standards for Review: Board "Common Law"
  • Final Report Chapter 5: The Standards for Review: Board "Common Law" (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 5: The Standards for Review: Board "Common Law" (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 6: The Quest for Additional Information and Records in Federal Government Agencies
  • Final Report Chapter 6: The Quest for Additional Information and Records
  • Final Report Chapter 6: The Quest for Additional Information and Records
Box 4:
  • Final Report Chapter 6: The Quest for Additional Information and Records
  • Final Report Chapter 6, Part II: Medical, Zapruder, Ballistics
  • Final Report Chapter 6, Part II: Medical, Zapruder, Ballistics (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 7: Records from Non-Federal Sources (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 7: Records from Non-Federal Sources (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 7: Pursuit of Records and Information from Non-Federal Sources
  • Final Report Chapter 8: Federal Government Office Compliance with JFK Act
  • Final Report Chapter 8: Compliance
  • Final Report Chapter 8: Compliance (Empty)
  • Final Report Chapter 8: Compliance (Empty)
  • Final Report Recommendations
  • Final Report Appendix A
  • Final Report Appendix A (Empty)
  • Final Report Appendix B
  • Final Report Appendix B (Empty)
  • Final Report Appendix C
  • Final Report Appendix C (Empty)
Box 5:
  • Final Report Appendix D (Empty)
  • Final Report Appendix D (Empty)
  • Final Report Appendix E
  • Final Report Appendix E (Empty)
  • Final Report Appendix (Empty)
  • Final Report Appendix (Empty)
  • Final Report Acknowledgements
  • Draft Final Report of the ARRB 9/14/98
  • Draft Final Report of the ARRB 9/8/98
  • FBI Records at NARA
  • List of Classifications
  • Conducting Research in FBI Records
  • RIF Abbreviations
  • Thanks and Misc.
  • List of Updated Disks from FBI
  • Monthly Reports
  • FBI Misc.
  • FBI Misc. from Phil's Computer Files
  • FBI Admin.
  • FBI Position Papers
  • FBI Requests for Evidence on "Core"

Top of Page

Box 6:
  • "Gore and Related" Files Guidelines
  • Informants
  • FBI Informant and FCI Postponement Evid. Forms
  • FBI Team Leader Transition
  • "Core and Related" Grid
  • Segregated Collections Guidelines
  • FBI Foreign Counterintelligence guidelines
  • FBI: Foreign Government Information
  • "NBR" Guidelines
  • Substitute Language Codes
  • Grand Jury Info. in FBI Files
  • Priority List for HSCA Subjects
  • Joan Z's Description of HSCA Subjects
  • FBI "HSCA Subjects" that: had a "No Records" Response or Subject to "MOU"
  • FBI Timetable for Completion
  • FBI "HSCA Subjects": Progress Charts
  • Gibson "NBR" Memo
  • Disposition of FBI Church Cmte. Records
  • FBI: Nosenko "NBR" Memo
  • FBI: King "NBR" Memo
  • FBI: Shimon "NBR" Memo
  • Peasner "NBR" Memo
  • FBI: Request for Addl. Info.: Orest Pena
Box 7:
  • FBI: Requests for Additional Information
  • FBI: Cartha DeLoach
  • FBI: Gus Russo/Cal-Neva Lodge Documents
  • Seymour Hersh Docs. from FBI JFK 94 File
  • FBI: Misc. and Informal Requests
  • FBI: Congressional
  • FBI: Ron's Compliance Materials
  • Sources & Methods Research
  • 8.5.2 Sources and Methods Research
  • 8.5.1 Sources and Methods General/ Legislative History
Box 8:
  • BriLab (four folders)
  • Air Force
  • Army
  • ATF
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Church Committee
  • Customs
  • DEA
  • DOD
  • DOJ/Bureau of Prisons
  • DOJ/Civil Division
  • DOJ/Pardon Attorney
  • DOJ/Tax
  • Energy
  • FAA
  • FCC
  • FDIC
  • HHS
  • ICC
Box 9:
  • INS
  • IRS
  • Labor
  • LBJ Library
  • US Marshal
  • NARA
  • National Guard
  • Nationall Science Foundation
  • Navy
  • NLRB
  • NSA
  • NSC
  • OPM
  • Parole Commission
  • Postal Inspection
  • SBA
  • SEC
  • Secret Service
  • State
  • Treasury
  • USIA
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Debbie/Lists
  • DOJ/Civil RTS
  • Coast Guard
  • DOJ/CRIM Division
  • IRS: Correspondence
  • IRS: WC Records
  • IRS: Chronology
  • IRS: Marina Oswald Portent Consent
  • IRS: Records at FRC in Suitland
  • IRS: HSCA Correspondence
  • IRS: 6103 Confidentiality
  • IRS: Internal Notes/Memos
  • IRS: Referrals
Box 10:
  • IRS: Draft Correspondence
  • IRS: Church Cmte. Report
  • IRS: Misc.
  • MCC: Notes from our review
  • MCC: Internal Notes & Memos
  • HSCA Interest in MCC Records
  • MCC: Correspondence
  • Social Security Administration
  • Copies of Buttimer Investig. File
  • Oswald Witness
  • Joseph Oster
  • New Orleans Project Folder #1
  • New Orleans: Rightwing Extremists
  • Open Source Research
  • Miscellaneous Leads
  • New Orleans Project Folder #3: Research & Misc. Leads
  • New Orleans Trip-Admin.
  • BriLab
  • BriLab
  • New Orleans Project Folder #2: Organized Crime
  • INCA
  • New Orleans Leander Perez
  • Adele E.U. Edison
Box 11:
  • Archives II: Misc. Material
  • ARRB General
  • CIA/Denk analyst File 1995
  • Notes on Organized Crime
  • Experts Conference 5/16/95
  • Experts Conference II: 4/14/98
  • Files of Dr. John Nichols
  • Staff Information
  • Resumes
  • Treasury
  • JFK Act
  • Independent Agency Nature & Scope
  • Congress
  • JFK Act Overview
  • JFK Act Power to Compel Info. from Private Persons
  • JFK Act 5
  • Authority to Issue Interpretive Regulations
  • JFK Act 11a
  • JFK Collection: Scope
  • Foreign Liaison
  • Definition of "Assassination Record"
  • Deeds of Gift General
  • Alyea, Tom Deed of Gift
  • Barnes Deed of Gift
  • Betzner, Hugh Wm. Deed of Gift
  • Bronson, Charles
  • CBS Deed of Gift
  • Cohen Deed of Gift
  • Doyle Deed of Gift
  • Fritz Deed of Gift

Top of Page

Box 12:
  • Transmittal Letters #1
  • Board & Staff Names #2
  • Preface #3
  • Executive Summary #4
  • Chapter 1 #5
  • Chapter 2 #6
  • Chapter 3 #7
  • Chapter 4 #8
  • Chapter 5 #9
  • Chapter 6 #10
  • 6a Illus.
  • 6a Illus.
  • 6a Illus.
  • Chapter 6A #11
  • Chapter 7 #12
  • Chapter 8 #13
  • Recommendations #14
  • Appendix A #15
  • Appendix B #16
  • Appendix C #17
  • Appendix D #18
  • Appendix E #19
  • Appendix F #20
  • Acknowledgements #21
  • ARRB Analysis and Review Handbook
Box 13:
  • Laura's New Orleans Notebook 1995/1996
Box 14:
  • Subpoenas Requests to DOJ
  • Administrative Subpoena Enforcement
  • Belcher Subpoena
  • Cusack Subpoena
  • Custer & Reed Subpoenas
  • Hagan Subpoena
  • Miller Subpoena
  • Mohr Subpoena
  • Ragano Subpoena
  • Schiller Deed of Gift
  • Sheridan Subpoena
  • Underwood Subpoena
  • Robert White Subpoena
  • Inspector General Act & Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act
  • Inspector General Act
  • Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act
  • OMB Circulars on Management Controls
  • Government Performance and Results Act
  • OMB Circulars: Legislation & Budget
  • Presidential Records Act Regulations and Misc.
  • Presidential Records Act
  • Presidential Records Act Legislative History
  • Presidential Papers/Libraries Articles (Empty)
  • Chevron Doctrine: Law Reviews & Cases
Box 15:
  • Chevron Doctrine: DC Circuit Cases
  • Chevron Doctrine:Misc. Cases & Adams
  • Chevron Doctrine: LD Notes
  • Takings JFK Act/Memo
  • Employment at ARRB
  • Ethics Issue
  • Clinton Executive Order 12958 Classified National Security Information
  • Federal Register Document Drafting Notes
  • Grand Jury Records & Connick Matters
  • Immunity
Box 16:
  • Shaw Diaries
  • Suitland -- Forms
  • Sunshine Act
  • Tunheim Federal Judge Issue
  • Travel Regulations
  • Warren Commission Artifacts Public Law 89.318
  • WETA
  • Zapruder Film
  • Intrabranch Litigation
  • Intern Research
  • Medical Evidence Depositions
  • OMB Certification Forms
  • Regulatory Flexibility Act

Top of Page

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