BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Philippines Local time: 05:44 PM

Platinum Key Service (PKS)

Develop and execute your sustained market entry strategy with the Platinum Key Service. Our commercial specialists plan and carry out with you any series of strategic events to extend your presence in the Philippine marketplace. Activities can range from product launches, market research and partner searches to help in resolving commercial disputes or providing assistance on regulatory or standards requirements. This service is available for six months, one year, or a specified time-frame based on a mutually agreed upon scope of work. Our trade specialists work closely with you to identify and outline specific business needs, provide progress reports and ensure timely delivery of service.

Among the types of services that Platinum Key Clients may elect are:

  • Consultations: Comprehensive advice dedicated to specific client products/services and focused on specific client goals/objectives.
  • Early Alerts: Early business or project information on emerging business opportunities and major projects.
  • RFPs: Tender abstracts on published government projects.
  • Dispatches: Focused bimonthly intelligence, analysis, and commentary on emerging opportunities, market trends, key players, government projects and policies specific to the client's needs. As appropriate, we will provide abstracts on relevant articles from major newspapers.
  • Dialogue: E-mail, fax or telephone inquiries will be responded to on an expedited basis, usually within 24 hours.
  • Special Events: Advance notice on U.S. Commercial Service sponsored special events: roundtables, briefings, trade events, and meetings with industry/government.
  • Access to Services: Immediate access to U.S. Embassy market information and services.
  • Tele- and Videoconferences: Customized Tele- and Videoconferences.
  • Cost: US$4,000.00 for 12 months of support