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Promoting Energy Efficiency at HUD in a Time of Change
Report to Congress
(August 2006, 54 pages)

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This report outlines an integrated Energy Strategy for public and assisted housing, as required under Section 154 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Section 154 of the Act requires that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) develop an "integrated Energy Strategy," as follows:

The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall develop and implement an integrated strategy to reduce utility expenses through cost-effective energy conservation and efficiency measures and energy-efficient design and construction of public and assisted housing. The Energy Strategy shall include the development of energy reduction goals and incentives for public housing agencies. The Secretary shall submit a report to Congress, not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, on the Energy Strategy and the actions taken by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to monitor the energy usage of public housing agencies and shall submit an update every 2 years thereafter on progress in implementing the strategy.

The report outlines a number of steps that HUD is already taking and is proposing to take to address rising energy costs through increased energy efficiency in public and assisted housing (as well as in housing financed through its formula and competitive grant programs).


Content updated on 08/24/07   Back to Top Back to Top
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