Your business strategy was a success in your home country, and now you'd like to try your hand in Asia.
What do you need to know to avoid the pitfalls on the way to big profits?

Your company plans to operate in an area of an Asian country where the community may not support what you do.
How do you develop strong relationships with them and incorporate their best interests into your plan for maximum returns?

You are selecting a new vendor/business partner, and you need to know whether their impressive credentials are too good to be true.
How do you find out the truth, and how do you select the best candidate?

You manage the branch of a successful multinational in a volatile, profitable Asian country. The country you operate in is frequently in the news, and unfortunately the news is negative.
What do you need to communicate to head office to reassure them that business can be profitable?

You are hiring new staff to handle sensitive information on your finances and your customers.
Who can you trust?

The government in an Asian country where you hope to operate is having a hard time understanding your product, your company, your industry.
How do you get them on board?

Pacific Strategies & Assessments has the skills and the experience to help you navigate the high-risk, high-return Asian business landscape.

Find out more

I do business mostly in the Philippines I do business mostly in China I do business across Asia

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