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Press Statement
Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 22, 2005

Unrest in Kyrgyzstan

The United States is concerned about the unrest in southern Kyrgyzstan, including in the cities of Osh and Jalalabad. We continue to urge the government to practice restraint. We condemn the use of force by any side and the seizure and destruction of government property.

Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns met on March 22 with Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev's foreign policy advisor, Alikbek Djekshenkulov. Under Secretary Burns urged the Kyrgyz government to open a dialogue without preconditions with the opposition to chart a course toward long-term stability by addressing irregularities in the recent parliamentary elections and laying the groundwork for free and fair presidential elections this fall. The United States urges opposition leaders to join in this dialogue without preconditions.

U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Steve Young will continue efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution. The United States is pleased that President Akayev has agreed to receive OSCE Representative for Central Asia Lojze Peterle in Bishkek. We fully support Mr. Peterle's efforts to facilitate a dialogue and work toward a resolution.


Released on March 22, 2005

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