Detroit MSA Detroit MSA
Black/White Rental Black/White Sales
Consistent adverse treatment against black renters: Consistent adverse treatment against black homebuyers:
13.6 percent 16.9 percent
(+/- 6.9; N=66) (+/- 7.2; N=72)
Primary types of adverse treatment against prospective black renters relative to whites: Primary types of adverse treatment against prospective black homebuyers relative to whites:
No individual measure was statistically significant. Inspection: Blacks were less likely to be able to inspect the advertised unit compared to white homebuyers. 
  Inspection: Blacks were more likely to be shown less number of units than similarly qualified whites.
Primary types of adverse treatment against prospective white renters relative to blacks: Primary types of adverse treatment against prospective white homebuyers relative to blacks:
No individual measure was statistically significant. No individual measure was statistically significant.