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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Travels With the Secretary > Secretary Rice: 2007 Travel 

Secretary Rice: Travel to Paris and Iraq, December 16-18

Secretary Rice Visits Iraq
(Dec. 18):
"We've been very active in talking about my visit to Kirkuk this morning, which was a very good visit, and I had a chance to meet also with UN Special Representative de Mistura. That speaks to the improved international climate ... because the United Nations mandate under 1770 is an expanded mandate and I think that there is much that the UN can do in areas with technical support for Kirkuk and other issues."

Secretary Rice was in Paris, France, December 16-17 for an international donors’ conference supporting Palestinian reform and institution building. While in Paris, she met with other members of the Quartet, including United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, High Representative for European Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado, European Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner, as well as Quartet Representative Tony Blair. The Secretary also met with Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Stoere, who is serving as Chair of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC). Secretary Rice also met with French leaders to discuss our common efforts to address the full range of global challenges.

This conference was an opportunity for the international community to pledge tangible and generous assistance to the economic development of Palestinian society and to provide maximal resources for the Palestinian Authority's program of institution building in preparation for statehood.

Secretary Rice made an unannounced visit to Kirkuk, Iraq on December 18. The Secretary was to see members of a civilian-military reconstruction unit based in Kirkuk and to meet with about two-dozen provincial politicians. She planned to see Iraq's central leadership later Tuesday in Baghdad.

Remarks made during the trip
--12/18/07 Remarks With Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari
--12/18/07 Remarks With UN Deputy Special Representative for Iraq Staffan de Mistura
--12/17/07 Interview With David Pujadas of France 2 Television
--12/17/07 Interview With Hasan Muawad of BBC Arabic
--12/17/07 Press Availability After Her Meeting With French President Nicolas Sarkozy
--12/17/07 Remarks at the Palestinian Donors Conference
--12/16/07 Briefing En Route Paris, France

Information related to the trip
--12/17/07 Quartet Statement Following December 17, 2007 Quartet Meeting in Paris, France

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